
Baka: The People of the Rainforest

Baka: The People of the Rainforest

Intimate story of a Baka family living a traditional life in the rainforests of Cameroun.

Nataly Fish

The People Next Door

The People Next Door

A married couple struggle with the realities of their imperfect marriage as they fight to save and rehabilitate their teenage daughter from a life of drug addiction and ultimate committal to a mental ward.

Nataly Fish

Servir le peuple

Servir le peuple

Mu-kwang se porte volontaire pour devenir policier de cuisine de Sa-taek, le commandant de division, rêvant de succès. Un jour, Mu-kwang rencontre par hasard Su-ryeon, qui est la jeune et belle épouse du commandant. Bientôt, il ressent une forte attirance pour elle.

Nataly Fish

The People Garden

The People Garden

Sweetpea arrive au Japon pour se séparer avec son rockeur de petit ami. Quand elle arrive, son petit ami a disparu. Il a été vu pour la dernière fois pour filmer un vidéo clip avec un mannequin de longerie dans une forêt japonaise qui détient un sombre secret...

Nataly Fish

In the Name of the People

In the Name of the People

John Burke is on death row for the murder of a young girl. He is worried about what will happen to his own young daughter after his execution. He asks the parents of the girl he killed to look after his daughter which, he claims, would also help fill the void left in their lives by the death of their own daughter.

Nataly Fish

Vaxxed II: The People's Truth

Vaxxed II: The People's Truth

An exploration into a possible link between various vaccinations and illness, injury, and death.

Nataly Fish

The People I've Slept With

The People I've Slept With

The People I've Slept With - a promiscuous woman who finds herself with an unplanned pregnancy and needs to figure out who the baby daddy is...NOW. Angela Yang loves sex. She loves it so much she needs to make baseball cards of her lovers to help her remember where she's been. She doesn't think twice about her lifestyle until she finds out that she..

Nataly Fish

I Am the People_I

I Am the People_I

Within this community, where life goes on as usual, through these ordinary, common and sincere individual experiences and phases of life, how can we build a society of the self, to examine the current singular and enduring modes of thinking? How to influence the space of people’s existence and communication in a long-term way within the sociopo..

Nataly Fish

Guardian of the People's Happiness

Guardian of the People's Happiness

A propaganda film dealing with the training and purpose of the Sandinista police force. Dramatized cases of crimes and their solutions serve to illustrate its crime-solving capabilities.

Nataly Fish

The Lounge People

The Lounge People

Louis and Cynthia Lewis are an insanely rich couple suffering from an acute case of boredom on their private island estate. Louis produces his own version of "Moby Dick" to end the tedium and to get his mind off his recently-discovered ill health; meanwhile, his wife and the three-person staff engage in several sexual escapades with each other.

Nataly Fish

Diana: The People's Princess

Diana: The People's Princess

A princess so tragically taken in the prime of her life. Follow the fascinated tale of Princess Diana… The peoples Princess.

Nataly Fish

The Goodbye People

The Goodbye People

An elderly man is determined to reopen the Coney Island boardwalk hot dog stand he closed twenty-two years earlier for renovation, despite the fact he's recovering from a severe heart attack and it's the middle of February.

Nataly Fish

The People's Fighters: Teofilo Stevenson and the Legend of Cuban Boxing

The People's Fighters: Teofilo Stevenson and the Legend of Cuban Boxing

Cuba has produced the most Olympic boxing medalists of any country in the world. Explore the powerful story of how a revolutionary Cuban boxing experiment produced a generation of Olympic champions.

Nataly Fish

Pandemic: The People, The Conspiracy, The Journey
The People of the Kattawapiskak River

The People of the Kattawapiskak River

Alanis Obomsawin’s documentary The People of the Kattawapiskak River exposes the housing crisis faced by 1,700 Cree in Northern Ontario, a situation that led Attawapiskat’s band chief, Theresa Spence, to ask the Canadian Red Cross for help. With the Idle No More movement making front page headlines, this film provides background and context for..

Nataly Fish

The Barge People

The Barge People

Set on the canals amid the glorious British countryside, two sisters and their boyfriends head off for a relaxing weekend away on a barge, unaware of the flesh-eating fish mutants lurking in the water, ready and waiting to feed.

Nataly Fish

Ready for the People

Ready for the People

In a barroom fight over Connie Zelenko, Eddie Dickinson is badly wounded and Connie's boyfriend is killed. Witnesses claim Dickinson is the killer, but he maintains his innocence despite public prosecutor Murray Brock's advice that he plead guilty and take a life-imprisonment sentence rather than risk capital punishment. When Connie comes out of hi..

Nataly Fish

Real Cases of Shadow People: The Sarah McCormick Story

Real Cases of Shadow People: The Sarah McCormick Story

Three students went missing in October 2018. Sarah McCormick, Kyle Miller, Joseph Moore. Authorities have now come forward with the information that video surveillance was found inside of the abandoned Yost home that shows the crews last few moments documenting the Shadow People before their mysterious disappearance.

Nataly Fish

Inside Out: The People’s Art Project

Inside Out: The People’s Art Project

JR voyage à travers le monde pour inviter différentes communautés à partager les causes qui leur sont chères au travers d’affichages de portraits géants en noir et blanc dans la rue. Nous voyons alors des jeunes, mais aussi des personnes plus âgées, prendre possession de murs qui étaient auparavant interdits à la libre expression. Ils d..

Nataly Fish

The Fable of the 'People's Choice Who Answered the Call of Duty and Took Seltzer'

The Fable of the 'People's Choice Who Answered the Call of Duty and Took Seltzer'

The political bosses knew it was an off year and they needed a Goat to run for City Clerk. They didn't want a regular guy to get "stepped on," so they started out to find a Fish. They found a nice man who ran a feed store and had lots of coin, so they pounced on him. Mr. Bolivar was his name and he drank malted milk and said "whom" and did everythi..

Nataly Fish

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