
Padre Pio: Between Heaven and Earth
The Priest and the Girl

The Priest and the Girl

In a small town in Minas Gerais, the arrival of a young priest causes a commotion in the conservative atmosphere of the place, aggravated by the sudden attraction this priest feels for a beautiful girl. This forbidden love affair soon turns into an unbridled passion.

Nataly Fish

Drôle de missionnaire

Drôle de missionnaire

Après avoir passé 10 ans en Afrique comme missionnaire, Fortescue regagne l’Angleterre. Son évêque, homme féru de sports et grand amateur de garçons musclés, lui confie la charge de réunir les fonds nécessaires à la création d’une « Mission des Filles Perdues », située dans le quartier « chaud » de Londres…

Nataly Fish

The Midnight Story

The Midnight Story

Beloved priest Father Thomasino is murdered in a San Francisco alley, and the police have few clues. But traffic cop Joe Martini becomes obsessed with finding the killer; he suspects Sylvio Malatesta. Ordered off the case, Joe turns in his badge and investigates alone. Soon he is a close friend of the Malatesta family, all delightful people, especi..

Nataly Fish

The Silly Old Legend of a Dead Father

The Silly Old Legend of a Dead Father

After the death of a ‘90s’ soap opera supporting actor, a witch announces an inheritance to his daughter. Soap operas and real life intertwine in the search for an enigmatic letter that will tell great truths.

Nataly Fish

L'Homme aux nerfs d'acier

L'Homme aux nerfs d'acier

Le parrain de mafia italo-américain Frank Diomede, dit « Dieu », revient après 25 ans en Italie, alors qu'à Gènes, base de son autorisation, son rival Luis Annunziata décime ses hommes. Quand même son lieutenant est de mèche avec Luis, Frank est incarcéré. Il en sort avec la complicité d'un garde juste pendant le temps nécessaire pour ..

Nataly Fish

The Priest's Wife

The Priest's Wife

Discovering her boyfriend is married, a young lady attempts to take her life, pausing only to phone a Help Line. Finding herself very much alive in hospital she meets the priest who took the call and, much taken with him, she starts trying to date him. He in turn succumbs to her charms and they soon realise their major problem is his Holy vow of ce..

Nataly Fish

The Words of My Father

The Words of My Father

At 30, Zeno's father dies, and he realizes that his youth is almost over. Meeting Giovanni Malfenti, a succesful gallery owner with four daughters, he's impressed by Malfenti's energy, and falls in love with one of his daughters. This relationship helps Zeno find peace and direction.

Nataly Fish

Le Père de mes enfants

Le Père de mes enfants

Grégoire Canvel a tout pour lui. Une femme qu'il aime, 3 enfants délicieuses, un métier qui le passionne. Il est producteur de films. Révéler des cinéastes, accompagner les films qui correspondent à son idée du cinéma, libre et proche de la vie, voilà justement sa raison de vivre. Sa vocation. Grégoire y trouve sa plénitude, il y consac..

Nataly Fish

Angels in the Infield

Angels in the Infield

Bob "Bungler" Bugler is the celestial coach called in to assist struggling pitcher Eddie Everett. Laurel finds her prayers answered when a flock of outrageous angelic teammates crash her father's roster for what may be their best season yet.

Nataly Fish

Damien de Molokai

Damien de Molokai

En 1872, un jeune religieux belge, le père Damien, se rend volontaire pour partir assister les lépreux qu’on a parqué sur une île près de Hawaï, l’île de Molokaï, afin d’éviter la contagion. Découvrez l’histoire authentique et édifiante de l’apôtre des lépreux, saint Damien de Molokaï.

Nataly Fish

Nalu on the Border

Nalu on the Border

Nalu lives with Ruben, her father, in a small country town near the Brazilian border with Uruguay. When Ruben realizes that his daughter is becoming a woman, an ambiguous closeness begins to develop between them.

Nataly Fish

Where the Bullets Fly

Where the Bullets Fly

Young adventurer Gipo owns one fifth of a rock illustrating the location of a rich gold mine. Risking his life more than once and with the help of the beautiful hooker, Lulu Belle, our hero sets out to recover the missing pieces.

Nataly Fish

Auguste Escoffier ou la naissance de la gastronomie moderne

Auguste Escoffier ou la naissance de la gastronomie moderne

Des fourneaux français à la mondialisation de la gastronomie, un succulent portrait d’Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935), chef visionnaire qui a révolutionné l’art culinaire au tournant du XXe siècle.

Nataly Fish

L'Année où mes parents sont partis en vacances

L'Année où mes parents sont partis en vacances

En 1970 au Brésil alors que la Coupe du Monde de football fait succès le régime politique se durcit. C'est à cause de ce contexte chaotique que les parents du jeune Mauro âgé de 12 ans décident de "partir en vacances". Mais en réalité ils fuient cette dictature tout en confient leur enfant à son grand-père. Malheureusement celui-ci n'..

Nataly Fish

The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit

The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit

In Colombia, Demetrio and his father of the same name live a history of political struggle and violence in relations with a group of priests. During 40 years they'll live and act in the armed conflict between the conservative and the liberals; and pass down the acts of violence through the generations.

Nataly Fish

The Night My Mother Killed My Father

The Night My Mother Killed My Father

Isabel is torn between the need to feel valued as an actress and her insecurities and contradictions. One night, she hosts a very special dinner: her husband Ángel, who is a scriptwriter, and Susana, Ángel's ex-wife and film director, want to convince Argentinian actor Diego Peretti to star in a movie. But at some point something unexpected happe..

Nataly Fish

The Ronda Rousey Story: Through My Father's Eyes

The Ronda Rousey Story: Through My Father's Eyes

Ce documentaire raconte comment l'ancienne championne olympique et star de l'UFC Ronda Rousey est devenue une légende des arts martiaux mixtes.

Nataly Fish

Détective du bon Dieu

Détective du bon Dieu

Des œuvres d'art disparaissent, volées par un maître voleur, un maître du déguisement. Le père Brown a deux objectifs : attraper le voleur et sauver son âme.

Nataly Fish

The Curse of Father Cardona

The Curse of Father Cardona

A Catholic priest goes to a small town to solve some strange things that are happening there, things that come from the unknown, and gets involved in a romantic relationship with a young woman of the village.

Nataly Fish

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