


Rocky est employé dans un laboratoire pharmaceutique. Il n’existe dans le regard de personne. Un jour il décide de se rendre au bureau affublé d’un costume de hibou, personne ne réagit. Mais un jour, Rocky le hibou rencontre une Panda dans la rue. Ce sera pour lui le début d’un temps nouveau.

Nataly Fish

Why Doesn't The Owl Sleep At Night?
Bibi Blocksberg et le Secret des chouettes bleues

Bibi Blocksberg et le Secret des chouettes bleues

Bibi Blocksberg doit passer ses vacances au pensionnat du château Altenburg. C'est là qu'elle se lie d'amitié avec Elea qui est dans un fauteuil roulant à la suite d'un accident. Bravant le code des sorcières qui interdit formellement de se mêler à la destinée des humains, Bibi va tout faire pour aider sa nouvelle amie à retrouver l'usage ..

Nataly Fish

Owls' Castle

Owls' Castle

Alors que le grand commandant militaire Nobunaga Oda consolidait son pouvoir à travers le Japon, l'une de ses actions consistait à anéantir un clan d'assassins, tuant chaque homme, femme et enfant qu'il trouvait dans le village. Des années plus tard, l'un des survivants a engagé un jeune mais habile assassin pour venger la mort de ses amis et ..

Nataly Fish

La Rivière du hibou

La Rivière du hibou

A southerner in the American Civil War is about to be hanged from a bridge for sabotage when the noose suddenly breaks. After he plunges into the water below, he must find a way to free himself, evade enemy forces and flee to safety.

Nataly Fish



A mother and daughter are stranded in small, isolated cabin, and are starving to death. In order to survive, they plan to entice men that happen to stray to their cabin with sex, and kill them. All goes well until a local cop shows up and, then, an old relation.

Nataly Fish

Owl's Shadow

Owl's Shadow

Pavel Vladimirovich Savin (nickname Sova — the Owl) has long wanted to leave his business. To this end he advances Denis for the post of city head. Things are going smoothly, but suddenly Denis is kidnapped by his own employees. As he is taken away in an unknown direction, Denis tries to remember what it is that he has done to draw all these trou..

Nataly Fish

Aventures en pleine nature

Aventures en pleine nature

Meral, 8 ans, vient juste d'emménager dans une nouvelle ville. Elle se rend vite compte qu'il est difficile de se faire des amis dans sa nouvelle école. Cependant, à la maison, elle découvre une petite souris, qu'elle apprivoise et baptise Pipip. De crainte que ses parents ne s'en débarrassent en son absence, Meral emporte en secret le rongeur..

Nataly Fish



The owl has not seen the glass.

Nataly Fish

Castle of Owls

Castle of Owls

Fin de l'ère Sengoku. Alors qu'une guerre contre la Corée se profile, Totoyomi Hideyoshi, le taiko, est la cible d'un complot. Tsuzura Juzo, membre du clan Iga, veut exécuter ce dernier pour venger la mort de ses parents et de sa sœur.

Nataly Fish

Tender Owls

Tender Owls

A music video made collaboratively for the strange 1994 song by French band Les Pirez, which had become a hit at one of the main Russian domestic animation festivals.

Nataly Fish



Ever since Páll’s wife and daughter passed away, he has lived alone and isolated from society. His world is unexpectedly turned upside down when he befriends Elísabet, a victim of domestic abuse who takes refuge in his house. Elísabet is fascinated by Páll’s way of life and is eager to learn from him. However, when her abusive boyfriend tur..

Nataly Fish



An owl must help an ungrateful old man take back his livelihood from an army of greedy mice.

Nataly Fish

Owl Mountain

Owl Mountain

Radio Free Europe, BBC, and Voice of America can only rarely get through the Iron Curtain and Soviet mufflers to Lithuania, a country torn by a war between the local resistance movement and the Soviet regime that is forced onto Lithuanian people by bayonets of the Russian army. Everybody who tries to resist the Soviet rule is either terrorized or e..

Nataly Fish

Noël dans la forêt de la chouette

Noël dans la forêt de la chouette

Suite à un concours de circonstances, Eia, 10 ans, doit passer les fêtes de Noël dans la ferme de la chouette fantôme, au sud de l'Estonie. La petite fille est loin de se douter qu'elle va sauver la forêt primitive près de la demeure, aider deux personnes à trouver l'amour et découvrir un secret de famille bien gardé.

Nataly Fish

Night Owls

Night Owls

In the middle of the night, a group of teenagers practice skateboarding without notice that somebody is watching them from the shadows. One of the girls separates from the group to return home through the lonely streets of the city and someone follows her.

Nataly Fish

White Owl

White Owl

Tylluan Wen is a Welsh language film produced in Wales in 1997 by Ffilmiau'r Nant and directed by Angharad Jones. It an adaptation of Angharad Jones' novel Y Dylluan Wen (The White Owl) and follows the story of a woman returning to her home town after many years away, determined to avenge her father's death.

Nataly Fish

Ominous Owl

Ominous Owl

Animation made from more than a thousand drawings in stop motion, inspired by the owl “Suindara” – a well-known folktale in Northern Brazil – to address the socio-political urgencies of the country.

Nataly Fish

Ninja Owl

Ninja Owl

A vigilante called Ninja Owl fights evil.

Nataly Fish

Kilikis: The Town of Owls

Kilikis: The Town of Owls

The Town of Owls is an isolated residential community situated in the High Atlas Mountains. It is inhabited by families and guards of a secret political prison camp, which remained out of history for a long time until the early 1990s. Guards spend their long days back and forth between the secret prison and the village, through a suspension bridge ..

Nataly Fish

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