
Kidnapping, Caucasian Style

Kidnapping, Caucasian Style

Shura journalist comes to the Caucasus to shoot a report about the local beauty and tradition, and into Gorski, fiefdom of the local city mayor George Gadzhievich Saahova. Those supporting fashion, given the governor planned to marry a young beauty, athlete, and even ekstremalka Nina, who was so pleased with Shurik. Using the hapless journalist CAA..

Nataly Fish



A fortnight before her eighteenth birthday, Sonia goes missing. Her family receives a call informing them that she has been kidnapped and her estranged father, a US-based businessman, must now follow the kidnapper’s instructions to the letter if he is to entertain any hopes of seeing her alive again. Is this a mere kidnapping or is there more to ..

Nataly Fish

Mission Possible : Kidnapping Granny K

Mission Possible : Kidnapping Granny K

Madame Kwon est à la tête d'un empire alimentaire, construit de ses propres mains à partir du petit resto où elle cuisinait. Toutes ses parts ont maintenant été distribuées à ses enfants. Mais un jour, des kidnappeurs l'emmènent en espérant toucher le pactole. Mais les enfants, contre toute attente, n'ont pas la moindre envie de payer la ..

Nataly Fish

Express Kidnapping

Express Kidnapping

Sao Paulo, Brazil. Isabel, a 25-year-old girl, is kidnapped. The first ATM the criminals try to withdraw money from is broken. It's almost 10:00pm. The kidnappers realize they will not be able to get to the next one on time. What was meant to be an express kidnapping becomes an all-night imprisonment.

Nataly Fish

The Black Battlefront Kidnappers

The Black Battlefront Kidnappers

A taut, economical policier-cum-gang-hostage thriller.

Nataly Fish

Kidnapping Miyabi

Kidnapping Miyabi

Three guys head to the airport to see their favourite Japanese star, Maria Ozawa, when she visits Jakarta. However, chaos in the airport resulting in them kidnapping their idol.

Nataly Fish



Ka-Ming, fils agé de 7 ans du magnat Sam, a été kidnappé. L'inspecteur Jenny s'occupe de l'affaire. Le cerveau du kidnapping s'appelle Hilary. Elle souhaite obtenir de l'argent pour les soins de son mari malade. Elle semble prete à tout pour cela...

Nataly Fish

The Kidnapper

The Kidnapper

A group of poor people living on the bare minimum in a slum, trying to survive in a world that seems to have no place for them. With a tone raw and realistic story portrays their daily tragedies, and their struggle to survive.

Nataly Fish

Kidnapped - 14 Days of Survival

Kidnapped - 14 Days of Survival

In 1981, all of Germany fears for the life of Johannes Erlemann, the eleven-year-old son of entrepreneur Jochem Erlemann, who was in custody on suspicion of fraud at the time of his son's abduction. The boy was snatched off his bicycle by his kidnappers, put into a van and then spend two terrible weeks in a shed in the forest fighting for his life ..

Nataly Fish

Santo vs. the Kidnappers

Santo vs. the Kidnappers

Santo goes to Ecuador to sit in nightclubs and watch stage shows, also to crack a counterfeiting ring.

Nataly Fish

Space Sheriff Shaider: Pursuit! The Strange Kidnappers!

Space Sheriff Shaider: Pursuit! The Strange Kidnappers!

Fûma enlève des enfants surdoués pour les former à l’éducation Fûma et conquérir la galaxie. Après s’être fait passer pour mort suite à un combat, Shaider, accompagné d’Annie, va œuvrer pour déjouer ces plans maléfiques…

Nataly Fish

Un bus en otage

Un bus en otage

A Chowchilla, une petite bourgade tranquille de Californie, les vacances d'été approchent et Edward Ray le chauffeur du bus scolaire, s'apprête à prendre une retraite méritée... A quelques kilomètres de là, Fred, Jim et Eric, trois jeunes hommes issus de familles plutôt aisées, cherchent désespérément une combine pour gagner beaucoup d..

Nataly Fish

Kidnap Tour

Kidnap Tour

Haru is a rather cool fifth-grade elementary school student who shares the same tastes as her mother’s younger sister Yuko (Kaho) and can tell Yuko what she really feels. On the first day of the summer vacation, Haru is kidnapped. The culprit is her free-spirited father Takashi who disappeared from home two months ago.

Nataly Fish

Rainbow Kids

Rainbow Kids

A wealthy matriarch is kidnapped by a gang of three. She is insulted by the amount of money they propose to demand as ransom, and a strange interchange of roles takes place.

Nataly Fish

Comment j'ai kidnappé mon boss

Comment j'ai kidnappé mon boss

Anna est une femme active et mère célibataire de jumeaux d'un an. Engagée par Max, un designer arrogant qui ne supporte pas les enfants ni les mères qui travaillent, Anna prétend être libre comme l'air et compte sur son amie Molly pour faire la nounou. Néanmoins, elle craque en conduisant son patron à l'aéroport et se fait virer. Lorsque M..

Nataly Fish

Kidnap Ding Ding Don

Kidnap Ding Ding Don

Don wakes up to find a kidnapped girl, Ding Ding, who claims Don is her kidnapper, except Don has no memory of the kidnapping.

Nataly Fish

Kidnap - Bo's Most Exciting Holiday Ever

Kidnap - Bo's Most Exciting Holiday Ever

À 10 ans, la richesse ne remplace pas le manque d'attention. Lorsqu'il se fait enlever, Bo se rapproche de son kidnappeur, qui va combler malgré lui son manque d'affection.

Nataly Fish

Kidnapping Blues

Kidnapping Blues

A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.

Nataly Fish

Sunday Kidnap

Sunday Kidnap

A journalist takes a drone footage of a castle, which is under construction, when something unexpected happens.

Nataly Fish

The Abduction of the Sun and the Moon

The Abduction of the Sun and the Moon

The Sun and the Moon are stolen by a vicious creature.

Nataly Fish

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