
Vierges pour le bourreau

Vierges pour le bourreau

Daniel Parks, un éditeur de romans photos, organise des séances photos dans un vieux château, pour les illustrations des couvertures de ses prochaines publications. Ce qu’il ignore, c’est qu’autrefois, ce lieu a été le théâtre de la mort sanglante de l’exécuteur public, le bourreau rouge. Et l’on dit que souvent, la nuit, le bourr..

Nataly Fish

Bamboo Brotherhood

Bamboo Brotherhood

Yu Tien Lung returns to his hometown to avenge the murder of his parents, a task in which he is prepared himself for by studying martial arts for twenty years. His resolution wavers when, after successfully killing the lesser villains, he falls in love with the daughter of the enemy. Will he now be able to take revenge for his parents’ murder?

Nataly Fish

L'Exécuteur défie l'empire du Kung Fu

L'Exécuteur défie l'empire du Kung Fu

Un justicier recherche une jeune fille kidnappée dans une ville où règne la guerre des gangs.

Nataly Fish

Le Boucanier des îles

Le Boucanier des îles

1790. Un commandant de la Marine britannique ne recule devant rien pour assouvir sa soif de pouvoir et d'argent. Mais ses projets vont être contrés par son second, qui va s'opposer à lui après avoir été trahi.

Nataly Fish

La larme du bourreau

La larme du bourreau

The death penalty still exists in some countries. Ashmawi, the executioner of Egypt believes to be "the hand of God on earth" and a thorough professional of legal murder. On their side, convicts express their unbearable sufferings and waiting for death.

Nataly Fish

Kung Fu Executioner

Kung Fu Executioner

Li, a martial artist, returns home to find out that his father is being harassed by a crime syndicate. Together with an American kung fu champion he vows revenge when the syndicate kills his father.

Nataly Fish

Female Prisoner Executioner Maria

Female Prisoner Executioner Maria

Not to be confused with the 1995 theatrical film directed by Shûji Kataoka.

Nataly Fish

Les Bourreaux de Staline : Katyn, 1940

Les Bourreaux de Staline : Katyn, 1940

Le massacre de Katyn, perpétré par le NKVD soviétique en 1940, n'était qu'un des nombreux crimes innommables commis par les bourreaux de Staline pendant trois décennies. En fait, le meurtre en masse de 4 400 officiers polonais s'inscrivait dans le cadre d'une purge implacable dont les secrets n'ont été que récemment partiellement dévoilés..

Nataly Fish

Dearest Executioners

Dearest Executioners

This documentary, filmed clandestinely, is based on several interviews with the executioners who worked in Spain during the early 1970s, as well as families of people executed by them.

Nataly Fish

Executioner's Fresco

Executioner's Fresco

In a small seaside town, a group of people discover their dark past and repeat their bad habits, even those from the time of inquisition and persecutions of witches. They're ought to repeat these actions as long as they start to experience love and forgiveness in some of the following stages of reincarnation.

Nataly Fish

Married Executioner R Mission 1: Bloody Mischief

Married Executioner R Mission 1: Bloody Mischief

Akikawa Reiko has been married for three years, has a banker husband and a seemingly happy married life, but has a secret side: she is a state secret agent. One day, newlywed Kaori, who lives next door, commits suicide by jumping from her flat. Reiko sets out to investigate and discovers that boys have been attacking women every day as if it were a..

Nataly Fish

Black Executioner 2

Black Executioner 2

Nataly Fish

Executioner of Angels

Executioner of Angels

Filipino horror movie from 1951.

Nataly Fish

Comrade Duch: The Bookkeeper of Death

Comrade Duch: The Bookkeeper of Death

On 28 February 2009 Kaing Guek Eav, alias Duch, appeared in the ECCC courtroom and made a two-hour speech where he asked for forgiveness for the appalling torture and execution of at least 13,000 prisoners at Tuol Sleng and probably more in the security camps of M-13 and M-99. Until this date, with the exception of a handful of judges, lawyers and ..

Nataly Fish

Executioner's sword

Executioner's sword

Khaled, a doctor in chemistry, kills his brother-in-law in order to steal a sum of money. He opens a pharmacy and succeeds in the field of drug trade, earning a lot from it. He becomes wealthy and ends up being sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit intentionally, which is killing his wife.

Nataly Fish

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