
L'Ami y'a bon

L'Ami y'a bon

La France déclare la guerre à l'Allemagne en 1939. Les colonies françaises sont un important réservoir d'hommes. Aby est mobilisé pour voler au secours de la mère Patrie. Il quittera le Sénégal pour la France. La débâcle de l'armée française conduit Aby dans un camp de prisonniers en Allemagne. Libéré en 1944, il rentre au pays. Il me..

Nataly Fish

L'Algérie sous Vichy

L'Algérie sous Vichy

Seconde Guerre mondiale, juin 1940. La France est tombée et subit la botte implacable de l'Allemagne nazie. Mais l'Algérie, la précieuse colonie française d'Afrique du Nord, fait toujours partie du territoire contrôlé par le régime de Vichy du maréchal Pétain, traître à son pays et complice des crimes nazis. Un ordre colonial strict est ..

Nataly Fish

Angel Colony

Angel Colony

In a shady restaurant, the waiters are selected based on the incurable disease that each has. They server an affluent clientele. A young woman shows up that changes everything.

Nataly Fish

Sarita Colonia, the Moral Truce

Sarita Colonia, the Moral Truce

The film is set in the celebration of Sarita Colonia in the Baquíjano y Carrillo cemetery. During this celebration of the saint rejected by the Catholic Church for welcoming delinquents, prostitutes, transvestites and homosexuals among her many devotees, there is a truce where all the followers, despite their differences, feel like brothers and si..

Nataly Fish

Sarkar Colony

Sarkar Colony

Shivaramakrishnan is a government employee who struggles to make ends meet. In order to earn some quick money, he and his friends start a daycare center!

Nataly Fish

Colonial Action of the Portuguese

Colonial Action of the Portuguese

The aim of this documentary – especially in the subtitles – is to promote the benefits of civilization. The buildings and roads, built by Africans, commanded by settlers. The agricultural facilities, the hospital. Then the camera lingers with a certain fascination on dances – including warriors – and topless women. This curious documentary ..

Nataly Fish

Le malentendu colonial

Le malentendu colonial

In The Colonial Misunderstanding Jean-Marie Teno sheds light on the complex and problematic relationship between colonization and European missionaries on the African continent. The film looks at Christian evangelism as the forerunner of European colonialism in Africa, indeed, as the ideological model for the relationship between North and South ev..

Nataly Fish

Colonial Times

Colonial Times

Three centuries of Venezuela's history as a Spanish colony are considered from economic, political and social standpoints; evocations of the past are compared to the present. Based on the ideas and research of Federico Brito Figueroa, Alfredo A. Alfonso, Miguel A. Saignes, Josefina Jordan, and Thaelman Urgelles among others.

Nataly Fish

Love with a Colonial Scent

Love with a Colonial Scent

Love with a Colonial Scent uses Puerto Rico's colonial situation with the USA, the island's bankruptcy, and breath taking vistas as a backdrop to focus on the debate over gay marriage on the island. Another, in a series of documentaries that details what it is to be part of the LGBTQ community that is outside the continental United States.

Nataly Fish



Colony is a film about psychogeography, the memory of landscape, trauma and remembrance.

Nataly Fish

Colony Collapse Disorder

Colony Collapse Disorder

Between the forest and the city, the journey of two ambiguous lovers seeking to preserve their togetherness.

Nataly Fish

The Colonial Institute

The Colonial Institute

When Hamburg University was founded in 1919, it was proud to be the first university of a new, democratic Germany. But the university didn't come from nothing.

Nataly Fish

Down with Colonialism!

Down with Colonialism!

Professor Fahmi, a history teacher, went out to get a doctor for his wife, and he was martyred in a demonstration in support of Saad Zaghloul. The son, Mujahid, was born and his mother raised him to hate the English. He was expelled from school, but the school principal took care of him because of his connection to his family and his father. He rai..

Nataly Fish

Selling a Colonial War

Selling a Colonial War

In the Netherlands, colonial history is slowly but surely being rewritten. It has long been clear that what the Dutch government at the time described as “police actions”—the deployment of the army in response to Indonesia’s declaration of independence in 1945—was in fact an unlawful war. Nonetheless, the use of the term “war crimes”..

Nataly Fish

Gus Arnheim and His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra

Gus Arnheim and His Cocoanut Grove Orchestra

"Gus Arnhein and His Coconut Grove Orchestra" is an agreeable short--and one of the earlier Vitaphone released. While the band is just about totally forgotten today, they had a nice sound and are a nice representative of the era. And, like most Vitaphone films of the day, the camera is mostly stationary and there are no fancy effects--just a straig..

Nataly Fish

Vers les Colonies

Vers les Colonies

A young girl is found dead off the Venezuelan coast. A medical examiner tries to determine the cause of death before the body is repatriated.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Colony in Kazakhstan

Colony in Kazakhstan

Ex-prisoners of Kazakhstani women's colonies spoke about the conditions of detention in prisons. Former convicts complained of poor medical care, lack of hygiene products and lack of rehabilitation after leaving the state house.

Nataly Fish

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