
Pendez-le par les pieds

Pendez-le par les pieds

Un as de la gâchette cynique et solitaire accepter d'escorter une princesse espagnole vers sa terre natale, envahie par les barbares. Une menace n'arrivant jamais seule, il va également croiser la route d'esprits démoniaques, d'un taureau enragé et d'un bossu hystérique qui idolâtre Shakespeare. Une seule solution pour s'en sortir : être imp..

Nataly Fish

Barbarian Queen

Barbarian Queen

Au cours de l'une de leurs expéditions, des soldats romains rasent le village de la belle Amethea. La plupart des habitants sont tués ou emmenés en esclavage, parmi eux, le fiancé d'Amethea. Celle-ci survit et décide alors d'organiser une expédition punitive en compagnie de deux autres amies guerrières...

Nataly Fish

Les Amazones font l'amour et la guerre

Les Amazones font l'amour et la guerre

Une tribu de guerrières vicieuses terrorise la campagne, et en particulier les hommes, jusqu'au jour où les hommes et certains villageois locaux décident de se défendre.

Nataly Fish

Mondo cannibale

Mondo cannibale

Une équipe de TV font un reportage sur les tribus des cannibales.

Nataly Fish

The Rebel Son

The Rebel Son

During the 16th century the Cossacks and their Ukraine homeland is ruled by Poland. This is the story of the leader of the Cossacks and how his son was sent to study under the Poles to learn how to defeat them in battle. However, the son falls in love with the daughter of a Polish nobleman.

Nataly Fish

Barbarian Invasion

Barbarian Invasion

Moon Lee, a celebrated award-winning actress, has become a full-time mom and divorcée since retiring. Desperate to regain her sense of self, she jumps at the chance to work with her long-time collaborator, director Roger Woo, again. Only this time, he casts her as the lead in a do-your-own stunts martial arts film. The role requires extensive tra..

Nataly Fish



En 568, Kovo, le chef de la tribu des Rutards en Italie du Nord viole et assassine l'épouse de Toryok, le chef d'une autre tribu...

Nataly Fish

Nous les barbares

Nous les barbares

A l'intérieur d'un casque VR, vous vous retrouvez sur le plateau sombre et abandonné de CONANN. Quatre personnages se présentent comme les actrices du film et vous proposent de vous guider à travers les décors fantomatiques et les créatures infernales qui peuplent le plateau.

Nataly Fish

Shura's Barbarian King

Shura's Barbarian King

Fumihiko Saizonoji , a man who lost everything in the plot of a bank and a general contractor when he was a child . Now , as Fumihiko Kanzaki , a man with two faces , a bank clerk and a fraudster , he goes on a revenge path for Shura alone against a huge organization !

Nataly Fish



"Barbarians" is a teenage drama about coming of age in a world where there is no opportunity. A portrait of a young generation growing up in a society of lost values.

Nataly Fish

Barbarian Blood

Barbarian Blood

Barbarian blood is the story of the struggles, aspirations and dreams of a Nahua community in the mountains of the Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico. Through a choral narrative, we'll hear the voices of each of the characters as we follow them in their daily lives.

Nataly Fish



A mixture of popular stories are reversed and adapted to the Barbie universe. Queen Tiina (that's what these Barbies are called) asks who is the most beautiful in the city of Las Tiinas and someone dares to say that there is someone more beautiful than her. Immediately afterwards, Queen Tiina decides to kill the beautiful doll, who ends up in the s..

Nataly Fish

Ellipsis, or Waiting for Barbarians

Ellipsis, or Waiting for Barbarians

M., a right wing priest, discovers through three key meetings - with the army, a bourgeois family and a "third-worldist" priest - that your ideology is out of time.

Nataly Fish

SF Lolita Fantasy Ome-1

SF Lolita Fantasy Ome-1

As Gonad the Barbarian plans to rule the galaxy, the Sex Wars saga continues in full animation as Princess Orgasma, the great Princess Layme and Pussy La'Mour search out new sexual adventures in the far-flung erotic regions of outer space.

Nataly Fish

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