
Rush to Our Sweetheart

Rush to Our Sweetheart

Japanese comedy film.

Nataly Fish

Mon amoureux

Mon amoureux

Laurie loves Romain and thinks they should have sex with each other. It is not allowed on their group accommodation, but Laurie has a plan for the weekend.

Nataly Fish

Two Hearts and a Sweetheart

Two Hearts and a Sweetheart

Lucilla goes to Shiraz and Isfahan with a driver to visit historical works of Iran. In this situation, the wise rich man tries to get closer to the driver by pushing the driver away, but he does not succeed with the driver's efforts. The driver and Lucilla gradually fall in love with each other, and even Lucilla is willing to leave her fiancée. Th..

Nataly Fish

My Sweetheart Is Getting Married

My Sweetheart Is Getting Married

Ten years after signing up as an army nurse, a woman returns to her village with a son in tow. Because she has no proof that she was ever married, the conservative village folk shun her.

Nataly Fish

Searching for Sweetheart

Searching for Sweetheart

Based on a story by Mikhail Zoshchenko. Moscow, 1926. Vova Zavitushkin meets a pretty girl on a tram. On the same day they go to the registry office and register the marriage. But during a wedding celebration in a communal apartment, Vova realizes that he does not know what his young wife looks like without a coat and hat.

Nataly Fish

Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Betty Boop, a nursemaid, meets a masher in the park; with the Bouncing Ball, Ethel Merman sings the title song.

Nataly Fish

Be Careful Sweetheart

Be Careful Sweetheart

Taiwanese martial arts drama starring Brigitte Lin.

Nataly Fish

Un Noël d'amour et d'amitié

Un Noël d'amour et d'amitié

Tout va bien pour Ashley : son agence d'événementiel fonctionne bien et elle travaille avec Liam, son meilleur ami. Les fêtes de fin d'année approchent et, après avoir vu que Grant, son amour de jeunesse, est dans leur ville natale, Ashley part là-bas dans l'espoir de le croiser et, qui sait, de renouer avec lui. Pourtant, les choses ne vont ..

Nataly Fish

In Paris, A.W.O.L.

In Paris, A.W.O.L.

Three vaudeville actors after being suspected of a jewel theft and going off to war in 1917 are reconciled in 1917.

Nataly Fish

Éternel amour

Éternel amour

Nataly Fish

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