
Five Year Diary, Reel 23: A Breakdown (and) After the Mental Hospital (September 1–December 13, 1982)

Five Year Diary, Reel 23: A Breakdown (and) After the Mental Hospital (September 1–December 13, 1982)

Introduction; paranoia about root vegetables; esoteric sign language; searching for hidden significances; crush on Tom Baker ("Doctor Who" from BBC Television); my cats Amy and Buddy; vegetarian cooking; the compost heap; my mother and her house; driving into Boston; unemployment; television hypervigilance; hiding inside; exorcism with tea and mirr..

Nataly Fish

Five Year Diary, Reel 42: Christmas ‘84, New Year ’85 +  Gaining Weight (December 25, 1984–March 10, 1985)
Five Year Diary, Reel 80: Emily Died (May 14–September 26, 1994)

Five Year Diary, Reel 80: Emily Died (May 14–September 26, 1994)

Anne’s niece Emily dies. Anne goes into a deep depression. (Liz Coffey)

Nataly Fish

Five Year Diary, Reel 52: Preparing for a Big Show (and) Happy Birthday 38 (February 17–March 28, 1987)
Five Year Diary, Reel 70: Christmas ’89, New Year ’90, Flashbacks and Resolutions (December 23, 1989–February 3, 1990)
Five Year Diary, Reel 81: Mourning Emily (September 27, 1994–January 29, 1995)

Five Year Diary, Reel 81: Mourning Emily (September 27, 1994–January 29, 1995)

Anne mourns the death of her young niece, Emily. (Liz Coffey)

Nataly Fish

I went to the garden of love, reel 1: the cats rescued last night (January 23, 2024)
Disasters of the Century

Disasters of the Century

This entry in the "Reel Moments" video series contains newsreel and archive footage of famous 20th century disasters, including: the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge, various ship sinkings, racecar crashes, and assassinations, with emphasis on the assassinations of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, and Robert F. Kennedy.

Nataly Fish

Les grimpeurs de l'extrême

Les grimpeurs de l'extrême

Des grimpeurs professionnels vous feront découvrir des disciplines méconnues de l'alpinisme (comme l'escalade en voies ultra-exposées; traditionnelle et artificielle; le solo intégral…). Pour ces athlètes de l'extrême, pas de plaisir sans prise de risque. Leur but ? Repousser sans cesse leurs limites pour dominer les plus beaux spots du mon..

Nataly Fish

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