
Fish Memories

Fish Memories

Two men from different generations might be a father and a son, brothers, friends… even lovers or enemies. They encounter each other in a parallel universe. The battle between your past and future might be inevitable. What should happen, must happen…

Nataly Fish

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

A bitter-aged man reluctantly drives to Spain to pay a last visit to a dying friend, along with his wife who's suffering from dementia. But as their journey unfolds, he slowly starts to soften up and rediscovers the meaning of love.

Nataly Fish

Tokimeki Memorial: The First Finder

Tokimeki Memorial: The First Finder

Kobayashi Manabu's new life as a freshman at the prestigious Kirameki High School begins. As he explores the new school with a video camera, pretending to collect data as a member of the student council, he conducts several interviews with the female heroines of the story.

Nataly Fish

Memories of a Dead End

Memories of a Dead End

A woman travels to Nagoya to meet her boyfriend who works there. She is disheartened to learn that he is seeing a new girl. However, she decides to stay a few more days, in a guesthouse at a dead end. Based on Yoshimoto Banana’s novel.

Nataly Fish

Sisters: Memories of Confinement

Sisters: Memories of Confinement

One night after a busy work day, Min-ji, a shop manager in a department store mistook a man for sexual harassment and reported him to the police, when he only wanted to return her wallet. In the wake of this incident, the elementary school teacher Kyeong-ho, lost his life completely and is wiped out of his memories of Min-ji and of the world he's l..

Nataly Fish

Nagasaki : Memories of my Son

Nagasaki : Memories of my Son

Nobuko travaille à Nagasaki comme une sage-femme. Son fils est mort trois ans plus tôt des suites du bombardement atomique. Le 9 août 1948, son fils réapparaît soudain face à elle. Puis les apparitions de Kôji se font plus nombreuses, lui rappelant des moments agréables du passé. Ces moments bizarres mais heureux semblent éternels.

Nataly Fish

Still Life of Memories

Still Life of Memories

Haruma est un photographe prometteur qui bénéficie d'une exposition complète dans une galerie de photos de Tokyo. Rei, une belle conservatrice d'un musée d'art de la préfecture de Yamanashi, est fascinée par son travail et l'appelle pour lui demander une séance photo avec une partie intime d'elle-même comme sujet. Les seules règles de ce s..

Nataly Fish

My Memories of Old Beijing

My Memories of Old Beijing

Le film montre la société et la vie à Pékin dans les années 1920 à travers les yeux d'une fillette de 6 ans. Yingzi Lin quitte Taiwan pour Pékin avec ses parents. Ils habitent dans une ruelle au sud de la ville. En tant que fille énergique mais sensible, elle passe beaucoup de temps avec ses amis. Ils courent dans les rues et les ruelles an..

Nataly Fish



Sam Alex, an ex-police officer, resorts to alcohol to ease the pain of his family loss. His life turns around when he is called to investigate a series of murders executed in a similar fashion.

Nataly Fish

Stay in Memory

Stay in Memory

Nataly Fish

Relentless Memory

Relentless Memory

Committed to unearthing her ancestors' silenced history, Margarita embarks on a profound journey, guided by the diary of Katrulaf, an indigenous Mapuche prisoner of war. She retraces the Mapuches’ deportation route, and in unearthing these pasts, gives voice to a displaced people and the genocide inflicted upon them during the military invasions ..

Nataly Fish

Scarred Memory

Scarred Memory

Ivy Yip is a young doctor who’s suffering psychological trauma after being raped. She has an understanding boyfriend and best friend, but the pressure of her sexual frigidity gets to them and she finds them in extra-curricular activity. Due to her shame and alienation, she neglects a bloodied patient, Lung, who arrives at the ER. She’s punished..

Nataly Fish

Les Mémoires de demain

Les Mémoires de demain

After being stricken with Alzheimer's disease in the prime of his life, a successful young businessman slips slowly away from his loving family.

Nataly Fish

River's memory

River's memory

In the city of Sao Paulo, a new meditation about the Tiete River.

Nataly Fish

The Lost Memories Of Trees

The Lost Memories Of Trees

In the heart of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest, two trees awaken in the night and set out on a spiritual journey, uncovering a past life in which they were two little brothers.

Nataly Fish

Memories and Love Letters For Sale

Memories and Love Letters For Sale

In an antique shop in downtown São Paulo, a love story from the past is revealed amid the daily life of the place.

Nataly Fish

Le Poids Des Souvenirs

Le Poids Des Souvenirs

Confrontée à une panne d'inspiration, une femme écrivain repense au procès auquel elle avait assistée en tant que jurée, et à la femme qui était accusée. Obsédée par son image, elle va tenter de reprendre contact avec la condamnée...

Nataly Fish

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden

Mobile Suit Gundam AGE: Memory of Eden

Two fates that never should have crossed paths... Asemu Asuno, son of the Earth Federation Forces commander Flit Asuno. Zeheart Galette, a warrior who throws himself into battle for the sake of the Vagan people. For a brief while they spent time together, formed a friendship, and sometimes quarreled, even as they looked up at the same cosmos. But t..

Nataly Fish

Toute la mémoire du monde

Toute la mémoire du monde

Documentaire sur la Bibliothèque Nationale, véritable musée des mots où lectures, œuvres précieuses et introuvables, catalogues et collections de livres, véritable mémoire du monde, sont répertoriés, analysés, classés et consultés.

Nataly Fish

Michael Jackson Memorial

Michael Jackson Memorial

A live telecast of the public memorial service for the king of pop, Michael Jackson.

Nataly Fish

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