
Television Without Frontiers

Television Without Frontiers

Television Without Frontiers centers around a 1982 project titled "Eurikon", originally an attempt to establish a transnational public service network. The film brings together media personalities that engage in multilingual conversations in an atmosphere that shifts between the past and the present.

Nataly Fish

Journey: Frontiers & Beyond

Journey: Frontiers & Beyond

Journey "Frontiers & Beyond" is a fact-based doccumentary covering the rock groups "Frontiers" tour across the USA.

Nataly Fish

ROH: New Frontiers

ROH: New Frontiers

New Frontiers was a professional wrestling event promoted by Ring of Honor. It took place on June 4, 2005 at the Amherst Pepsi Center in Buffalo, New York.

Nataly Fish



Frontiersmen explores the lives of some Donegal folk living on the fringes of what might be considered 'conventional' employment. These are the stories of rugged individualists, ploughing their own furrows in life, fighting the good fight of the sole trader or entrepreneur.

Nataly Fish

Opening New Frontiers - The Orbital Flight Tests Of The Space Transportation System

Opening New Frontiers - The Orbital Flight Tests Of The Space Transportation System

Documentary of the Space Shuttle tests from NASA footage.

Nataly Fish

ROH: Frontiers of Honor II

ROH: Frontiers of Honor II

Ring of Honor again travels to the UK for cross-promotional supercard with Frontier Wrestling Alliance and IPW: UK.

Nataly Fish

Science Frontiers: Ancient Astronauts

Science Frontiers: Ancient Astronauts

An exploration into the ancient astronauts theory.

Nataly Fish

River Without Frontiers

River Without Frontiers

The Morava river with its forests is one of the most beautiful and ecologically valuable riverscapes featuring the richest biodiversity in all of Central Europe. Like a green ribbon, the riverine forests of the Morava - together with those of the Danube and the Dyje - link the Alps with the Carpathians, forming a bridge between Eastern and Central ..

Nataly Fish

Across Frontiers

Across Frontiers

On the 8th September 1943, thousands of allied prisoners of war escaped into the Italian countryside following the country's surrender. The occupying Germans hunted these escapers who were helped and sheltered by the brave and kind Italian Contadini, farmers who put their families and homes at great risk by doing so. Made by a crew of students in ..

Nataly Fish

Scenic Wonders of America: Pacific Frontiers

Scenic Wonders of America: Pacific Frontiers

Your journey begins in the stark beauty of Death Valley Monument. It ends with enthralling closeups of rare nene birds in the crater of a dormant volcano in Hawaii. In between: crashing waves, a dense rainforest, icy glaciers, and other extraordinary treasures.

Nataly Fish

Journey : Escape & Frontiers - Live in Japan

Journey : Escape & Frontiers - Live in Japan

En février 2017, Journey s'est rendu au Japon pour un spectacle spécial au Budokan de Tokyo qui présentait une performance complète d'Escape de 1981 et de Frontiers de 1983 à la demande du légendaire promoteur de concerts japonais M. Udo en l'honneur de son 50e anniversaire dans l'entreprise.

Nataly Fish

Fluid Frontiers

Fluid Frontiers

Shot in Detroit and Windsor, Fluid Frontiers is the culmination of Ephraim Asili's project exploring the artist's relationship with the African Diaspora, structured around unrehearsed readings of poems originally published by the Detroit-based Broadside Press.

Nataly Fish

Golden Blood: The Frontiers of Greed

Golden Blood: The Frontiers of Greed

Two best friends, Clint and Lenny, set out to pan for gold during the California Gold Rush. They have a stroke of luck and find a significant amount of gold in their pans. As they continue to pan, Clint becomes increasingly fixated on finding more and more gold, to the point where he becomes ruthless and starts to turn on Lenny. Lenny tries to remi..

Nataly Fish

Mariage sans frontières

Mariage sans frontières

Après avoir accepté la demande en mariage de Hrvoje, un jeune croate, Lisa est au comble du bonheur. Ce dernier souhaite célébrer l'évènement en compagnie de toute sa famille en Croatie. Mais les choses se compliquent très vite pour les amoureux car les parents de Lisa, récemment divorcés, ne supportent plus. Pire encore, la mère de Hrvoj..

Nataly Fish

À la frontière du ciel

À la frontière du ciel

Viorel vit avec sa mère dans une petite ville oubliée de Moldavie. Il n’a pas de grandes ambitions, ni d’illusions sur la vie. Pour gagner un peu d’argent, il vend de la came. Il est pourtant grand temps qu’il prenne sa vie en main, d’autant que la fille qu’il aime, lorgne du coin de l’œil un voyou… Comment grandir dans un bled q..

Nataly Fish

Par-delà de la frontière - L'histoire d'Ettore Castiglioni

Par-delà de la frontière - L'histoire d'Ettore Castiglioni

Un voyage hésitant entre passé et présent: le film raconte l’histoire du remarquable alpiniste Ettore Castiglioni (1908–1944) qui a abandonné sa carrière de lieutenant dans l’armée pour escorter des réfugiés et des juifs et les faire passer sans encombre d’Italie en Suisse durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Nataly Fish

Games Without Frontiers

Games Without Frontiers

Nobody goes to Amsterdam to wander about. It's either the Rijksmuseum or the red light district. On the boat going home, Clive and Stewart admit to not having spot long in the museums - so what did they get up to in Amsterdam?

Nataly Fish

Far Frontiers

Far Frontiers

Maria, a wife of a deputy commander of a military base, begins a relationship with another officer, Their affair quickly spirals out of control, fatally and irreversibly changing the course of Maria's and her family's life.

Nataly Fish

#JR - L'art sans frontières

#JR - L'art sans frontières

Le photographe JR est une star mondiale de l’art urbain. Découvert après les émeutes en banlieue parisienne de 2005 pour ses portraits de jeunes des cités, il a depuis investi de ses collages le Louvre, le Centre Pompidou, le Panthéon, l’Assemblée nationale… De New York à Shanghai, du mur israélo-palestinien à la frontière américan..

Nataly Fish

Une querelle de frontière

Une querelle de frontière

Deux frères se disputent l'amour d'une femme tandis que l'imminence de la guerre menace de les séparer de part et d'autre de la frontière.

Nataly Fish

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