
The Day of the Dead

The Day of the Dead

Based on true facts, a gang of suburban kids is sport-killing home-less people just for fun in the streets of Chicago. One day, they decide to try a new excitement, by murdering a young Mexican working girl, assuming there would be no consequences since she was illegal. They were wrong…

Nataly Fish

El día que murió Pedro Infante

El día que murió Pedro Infante

Mexican feature film

Nataly Fish

El mejor momento del día

El mejor momento del día

Nataly Fish

El día de las locas

El día de las locas

Nataly Fish

El día que el viento se detuvo

El día que el viento se detuvo

Nataly Fish

El día que me quieras

El día que me quieras

Nataly Fish

Our Daily Hunger

Our Daily Hunger

Trophy wife of a crooked industrialist meets a philanthropic doctor and develops a social conscience. Mexican remake of Born Yesterday.

Nataly Fish

When the Mountain Rumbles

When the Mountain Rumbles

Three ageing brothers must face an uncertain future and the inevitable end to years of self-imposed isolation as the abandoned village of Escó in Spain, where they have lived all their lives, faces its second threat of extinction.

Nataly Fish

El día que enterraron a Allende
El Drogas: un día nada más

El Drogas: un día nada más

Nataly Fish

Dora, día de cortarse el pelo

Dora, día de cortarse el pelo

Nataly Fish

El día fuera del tiempo

El día fuera del tiempo

Nataly Fish

El día de la boda

El día de la boda

The love affairs of two couples, modern parents a couple of troubled teens.

Nataly Fish

Día normal en el parque

Día normal en el parque

Nataly Fish

En el día menos pensado

En el día menos pensado

Two couples see their lives transformed after the tragedy of losing a child. Both families face the loss in their own way, allowing feelings of guilt, deny, and jealousy to surface, until family disintegration is almost inevitable.

Nataly Fish

El Día de la Preñota

El Día de la Preñota

Short film by the Bombaiii Films team.

Nataly Fish

El día que me callé

El día que me callé

Victor was victim of a violent attack during the government of León Febres Cordero in 1987. More than 30 years later, he decides to free himself from the weight of the secrets and ghosts that has carried for many years and speak out.

Nataly Fish

El día de mi boda

El día de mi boda

My Wedding Day - whay could go wrong?

Nataly Fish

El hombre del medio día

El hombre del medio día

In Rotuno, within the protected area of the Rio de Janeiro Protocol, 40 men armed with blowguns and weapons begin their wedding rites, never before filmed, for the Sarayaku festivities. Yaku, who returns to his land after many years, goes on an epic journey where he must share hallucinogenic drinks, go hunting in total darkness, make his crown of f..

Nataly Fish

El cine de cada día

El cine de cada día

It is a documentary that shows the work of film workers in the different areas of distribution and exhibition that allow films to reach viewers. In addition, it testifies to the preferences of the cinematographic public in the years of 1983.

Nataly Fish

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