
Sur le fil

Sur le fil

Un jeune journaliste enquête sur le meurtre d'une ancienne compagne. Après le suicide du principal suspect, il démêle la vérité autour de ce terrible drame.

Nataly Fish

Sara Mardini - Nager pour l'humanité

Sara Mardini - Nager pour l'humanité

Contrainte à l’exil par la guerre, la nageuse syrienne Sara Mardini a secouru d’autres migrants à Lesbos. Arrêtée pour cette activité humanitaire, elle encourt aujourd’hui vingt-cinq ans de prison... Portrait poignant d’une infatigable militante.

Nataly Fish

Living Distance

Living Distance

Living Distance is a fantasy and a mission, in which a wisdom tooth is sent to outer space and back down to Earth again. Propelled by a crystalline robotic sculpture called EBIFA, the tooth becomes a newborn entity in outer space. Its performance is about death, body, and home, in a world where our science exploration and spiritual journeys are div..

Nataly Fish

Long Distance Information

Long Distance Information

Play For Today written by and starring Neville Smith. Christian Harvey , a local radio DJ and ageing rocker, is an obsessive fan of Elvis and the news of Elvis's death is for him a personal tragedy as well as the end of an era.

Nataly Fish

Their Distance

Their Distance

Reon is a young Korean man. He avoids contact with other people and works as an apprentice shoemaker. One after, he sees a woman Sona passed out and sleeping on a bench in the park. Reon doesn't know why, but he can't get her out of his mind. Meanwhile, Kokaze works in the same shoe shop with Reon and has feelings for him.

Nataly Fish

Hate from a Distance

Hate from a Distance

Reflects the injustices of a painful chapter of American History, while honoring the 50th anniversary (July 2, 1964) of the Civil Rights Act abolishing segregation.

Nataly Fish

The Distance Between Us and the Sky

The Distance Between Us and the Sky

Night, national road. Two strangers meet for the first time at an old gas station. One has stopped to gas up his bike, while the other is just stranded. Lacking the 22 euros he needs to get home, he will try to sell him the distance that separates them from the sky.

Nataly Fish

Going the Distance: Remembering 'Marathon Man'

Going the Distance: Remembering 'Marathon Man'

This retrospective documentary offers a first-rate account of the making of 'Marathon Man'. Hoffman, Scheider, Keller and Goldman all share their memories, many of which are remarkably detailed. Even the change in the ending is addressed, and twenty-five years later, Goldman seems to have resigned himself to the rewrite.

Nataly Fish

Going The Distance: Tales Of Endurance

Going The Distance: Tales Of Endurance

Some of the world's most formidable endurance riders explore what it takes to ride a really long way! TCR winner James Hayden and TransAM winner Lael Wilcox reminisce on what it means to suffer in two of the toughest ultra-distance races in the world. Round the world record holders, Jenny Graham and Mark Beaumont relive their journeys and share the..

Nataly Fish

Space Songs: Through the Distance

Space Songs: Through the Distance

"Space Songs" is a YouTube concert event, sharing songs about space and isolation to celebrate how extreme situations can bring out the very best in us all and why there’s no challenge we can’t face together. Hosted by Tested’s Adam Savage, the concert featured special guests and performances by Sting, Clipping, Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for C..

Nataly Fish

Intimate Distances

Intimate Distances

Martha Wollner, legendary casting director, roams the streets in search of an actor to play the role of a criminal. Through the random encounters that Martha undertakes with passers-by found in the New York district of Queens, the film reveals the growing intimacy between strangers with extreme finesse.

Nataly Fish

The Book of Distance

The Book of Distance

Nataly Fish

The Long Distance Piano Player

The Long Distance Piano Player

The first Play for Today is the story of one man's obsession (to win the world long distance piano playing record) and the battle for good (his wife) and evil (his agent) that rages around him.

Nataly Fish

How to Meet Girls from a Distance

How to Meet Girls from a Distance

The peeping tom rom-com ‘How To Meet Girls From A Distance’ is a funny and heartwarming film that looks at how far we go for a crush. Premiering in Wellington as part of the New Zealand International Film Festival, How To Meet Girls From A Distance tells the story of Toby. Trying to win the heart of the beautiful Phoebe, he is determined to bec..

Nataly Fish

Social Distance

Social Distance

A young man's walk of shame is cut short by a global pandemic.

Nataly Fish

The Distance Between Staircase and the Sky

The Distance Between Staircase and the Sky

Ascending a staircase in the centre of Athens makes room for reflection on everyday life, as both otherworldly and mundane. On a planet lit by neon and on a beach powered by cicadas, we twirl into a void measured by walking – one step at a time.

Nataly Fish

Social! Distance Dance Club

Social! Distance Dance Club

A team of creatives get together to throw the safest possible dance party in the middle of the pandemic in NYC. Starring David Byrne, Christian Jones, asmine Lee, Kevin Adams, Mara Isaacs, and Steven Hoggett. Commissioned by the Park Avenue Armory.

Nataly Fish

Long Distance Princess

Long Distance Princess

Lisa, a high school sophomore, has been hiding her hopeless crush on Todd, the irresistibly likable junior in her art class. Her life starts to unravel when he asks her to help him get to know the beautiful Ellie, her longtime friend living in England. All the while Cindy, Todd's ruthless ex, resorts to sinister schemes to stop Lisa and Ellie, so s..

Nataly Fish

Inside the Distance

Inside the Distance

Poetic documentary portraying Giorgi Shakhsuvarian, an Armenian boxing coach from Tbilisi. Living and working in Belgium, he prepares a young boxer to become a European champion.

Nataly Fish

The Distances

The Distances

Olivia, Eloy, Guille et sa petite amie Anna débarquent à Berlin pour le week-end. Objectif : faire une surprise à leur vieil ami Álex pour son anniversaire, installé en Allemagne depuis quelques temps. Mais l’accueil n’est pas vraiment celui qu’ils attendaient et ce sont eux finalement les plus surpris. Leur longue amitié est mise à l�..

Nataly Fish

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