
Croc Blanc et les chercheurs d'or

Croc Blanc et les chercheurs d'or

Croc Blanc toujours guidé par son instinct protecteur accompagne cette fois une mère et son jeune fils jusqu'à leur concession appelée "Nid d'aigle". Or, cette terre située au beau milieu du Grand Nord est la dernière qu'un horrible et peu scrupuleux chercheur d'or ne possède pas encore.

Nataly Fish

The Gold Diggers

The Gold Diggers

Nataly Fish

Inside China : la prison digitale

Inside China : la prison digitale

Dans la région du Xinjiang, en Chine, des ouïghours sont détenus dans des « camps de rééducation » gérés par le gouvernement. Certains proches des victimes décident alors de s'infiltrer dans ces zones surveillées, afin d’avoir des nouvelles des disparus mais aussi pour révéler les liens étroits entr

Nataly Fish

The Two Gold Diggers

The Two Gold Diggers

Gold fever, jealousy and a seductive woman put the friendship between two gold diggers to the test. In the Wild West, two men set out for the gold mines to seek their fortune. The men have a close friendship, but when the seductive Native American woman Minka shows up with an eerie offer, one of them suddenly faces a difficult dilemma. Will he be ..

Nataly Fish

Les creuseurs

Les creuseurs

Les Creuseurs est un voyage d’observation dans les mines artisanales de l’est de la République Démocratique du Congo. Le film montre le labeur acharné et pénible des adultes et adolescents qui extraient du coltan, du tungstène et de la tourmaline dans plusieurs mines des provinces du Nord et Sud Kivu. Notre caméra observe leurs mouvements..

Nataly Fish

Amour à vendre

Amour à vendre

Une influenceuse de mode fauchée rencontre un riche héritier. Sortir avec un homme fortuné lui permettrait d'assurer son train de vie mais tout se complique lorsqu'elle tombe vraiment amoureuse de lui.

Nataly Fish

La Fille du puisatier

La Fille du puisatier

En 1939, Patricia, la fille du puisatier Pascal Amoretti, se retrouve enceinte de Jacques Mazel, un jeune aviateur, fils de bonne famille. Or, celui-ci est mobilisé et ses parents refusent de reconnaître l'enfant. Amoretti chasse sa fille de la maison. Peu après, Jacques Mazel est porté disparu, son avion s'étant écrasé en flammes derrière ..

Nataly Fish

The Grave Digger

The Grave Digger

Ever since I started making films it has bothered me in a certain sense that film images are far too concrete, because technically they try to imitate the sense of space characteristic of everyday life. So the story ignites the imagination only to be slowed down by the images and stops the viewer from taking a flight of fantasy. I have always been ..

Nataly Fish

The Puppet Grave Digger

The Puppet Grave Digger

In a small German town roams Ben, a boy with mental disorders. When several youths are murdered Ben becomes suspect.

Nataly Fish

The Grave Digger

The Grave Digger

“The Grave Digger” tells the story of an arid countryside in the early 19th century. In the arid land, there is also a clear divide between the rich and the poor. At this time, in the area, there were cases of digging rich people's graves at the cemetery and causing the department to lose sleep and eat. Bach Lien (Truong Thi May) became the num..

Nataly Fish

The Digger

The Digger

In the Sharjah desert, Sultan Zeib Khan makes the rounds of the ruins of a Neolithic necropolis where the foundations of the nation are kept. Amid the tombs, the vastness of the desert is palpable. Time plays no role in the ritual that Zeib Khan has performed daily for the past 20 years.

Nataly Fish

The Digger The Suona Player

The Digger The Suona Player

Nataly Fish



The man got done with work and left the town. He arrived at the unstaffed station and went into the forest in the night with a shovel. “No need for fight.” What does he seek for in the forest? What does he dig for? For movie, language is explanatory and should be the minimum.

Nataly Fish

Ah Kew the Digger

Ah Kew the Digger

The documentary follows the efforts of one man — Lee Eng Kew (a.k.a Ah Kew), freelance writer and field historian as he explores temples and graveyards to archive epitaphs, trace lineage and record oral history. His extensive research on the illustrious history of Taiping, a town of many firsts in Perak, focuses on the Chinese immigration and con..

Nataly Fish

Grave Digger

Grave Digger

At the wedding of a tycoon in Shanghai, the bride is kidnapped. Inspector Zhong Lang discovered that the kidnappers were the notorious "gravediggers". Gravediggers routinely lock their victims in an enclosed space with enough oxygen to breathe for 24 hours.

Nataly Fish

The Iron Digger

The Iron Digger

The Iron Digger is the story of a Jelbang village in Rolpa district. Jelbang was considered a commercial centre of mountain iron around 2046 BS. However, now the iron mine is closed. After the Nepal government closed the mines, the family of 84-year-old Raj Bahadur Budha Magar, who had been working in iron mines since the age of 10, became unemploy..

Nataly Fish

Double Soul

Double Soul

Twins, identical in appearance but different in soul. A double female point of view, narrated between Italy and the Middle East, between the affirmation of identity and the risks that people are willing to take to get what they want.

Nataly Fish

Ticket to Red Theater, or Death of Coffin-Digger

Ticket to Red Theater, or Death of Coffin-Digger

What do the head of a secret file cabinet, students who don’t shy away from a glass, a police lieutenant colonel, and a prisoner’s wife have in common? All these people turn out to be the heroes of one story, which began with two friends who decided to earn extra money. In pursuit of a long ruble, they come to the Volkovo cemetery in St. Peters..

Nataly Fish

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