
First Contact: Lost Tribe of the Amazon

First Contact: Lost Tribe of the Amazon

Isolated indigenous tribes have been living for years in the Amazonian forest without any contact with other communities. This documentary has captured contact made by one of them with the outside world.

Nataly Fish

Alien Contact: Outer Space

Alien Contact: Outer Space

Many people think of Space as a quiet and desolate vacuum of emptiness, but new evidence reveals that space is rife with activity beyond our comprehension. Just as we sent Voyager and Pioneer probes beyond our solar system, Aliens have probes of their own that may have arrived as early as the 1600's. While Tesla was the first to successfully commun..

Nataly Fish

Star Wreck V: Lost Contact

Star Wreck V: Lost Contact

See how Pirk got stranded in the past! Star Wreck V: Lost Contact was the first film to use live actors instead of cartoons. Real sets would have cost too much, so we decided to try bluescreen, just for fun. Our expectations weren't high, but it worked. So the movie was shot against a cheap blue bed-sheet and the blue background was replaced with s..

Nataly Fish



A therapist, won over by tales of abduction, absconds with his patient to a cabin in the mountains to document the phenomenon, but tangling with an otherworldly intelligence proves more dangerous than they could have ever foreseen.

Nataly Fish

Contactos 2.0

Contactos 2.0

A man downloads a mobile app that gives terrible power over his contacts.

Nataly Fish

Contacts: Helmut Newton

Contacts: Helmut Newton

Photographer Helmut Newton talks about his work.

Nataly Fish

Close Encounters: Proof of Alien Contact

Close Encounters: Proof of Alien Contact

This documentary examines whether UFOs are real. It examines over 250 amateur video clips, evaluates several recent revelations about Roswell, and examines footage of the removal of an alien implant.

Nataly Fish

The Contact Enigma

The Contact Enigma

Three people become connected through mysterious circumstances involving electronic devices which spontaneously appeared in their world.

Nataly Fish

ET Contact: They Are Here

ET Contact: They Are Here

ET CONTACT: THEY ARE HERE documents the jaw-dropping stories of individuals from around the world who share similar accounts of extraterrestrial and otherworldly encounters. Producer and host Caroline Cory, who has her own extensive history with the supernatural, takes the viewers on an extraordinary journey to uncover whether these seemingly indep..

Nataly Fish

First Contact: An Alien Encounter

First Contact: An Alien Encounter

Drama-documentary telling the gripping story of an encounter with an alien object travelling through the solar system.

Nataly Fish



When a nervous and inexperienced pizza delivery boy stumbles upon a crime he must go on the run and maybe stumble upon saving the day

Nataly Fish



Après la mort de son père séparé, Iris apprend qu'elle a hérité d'un pub délabré et vieux de plusieurs siècles. Elle se rend à Berlin pour identifier le corps de son père et rencontrer l'avocat pour discuter de la succession. Elle ne sait pas grand-chose, lorsque l'acte sera signé, elle deviendra inextricablement liée à une entité in..

Nataly Fish

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact

An inexperienced nurse becomes the voice of reason to a woman having a breakdown.

Nataly Fish

Contact High: A Visual History of Hip-Hop

Contact High: A Visual History of Hip-Hop

Created for the exhibit at the Annenberg Space for Photography.

Nataly Fish

Sam Warburton: Full Contact

Sam Warburton: Full Contact

A portrait of legendary Rugby Wales and British and Irish Lions captain Sam Warburton.

Nataly Fish



A man and a woman living in the same pension, but different rooms, grow intimate behind the landlady's back.

Nataly Fish

Alien Contact: Triangle Phenomenon

Alien Contact: Triangle Phenomenon

Il y en a qui croient que la vie ici est surveillée par la vie là-bas. Et il y a des gens ici qui savent... c'est vrai.

Nataly Fish

Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encounter

Alien Contact: The Pascagoula UFO Encounter

A seminal alien abduction case is re-opened as new eye witnesses confirm the horrifying UFO encounter. Hear the true story from the lone survivor, Calvin Parker, with shocking details that have never before been exposed.

Nataly Fish

Firestar: First Contact

Firestar: First Contact

Nataly Fish

Alien Contactee: A Conversation with Dr.Louis Turi

Alien Contactee: A Conversation with Dr.Louis Turi

Les contactés sont des personnes qui ont connu des contacts avec des extraterrestres. Ce documentaire examine les rencontres du Dr Louis Turi, sa relation avec l'astrologie et la façon dont il a prédit avec précision plusieurs événements mondiaux majeurs.

Nataly Fish

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