
Chosen Family

Chosen Family

Even with the increased visibility of LGBTQ+ struggles and individuals, many public spaces remain inherently unsafe for Queer People of Color (QPOC). For many people who experience oppression at the intersection of race, gender, and sexuality, recent gains in legal rights do little to ensure that they are safe in the public sphere. The creation and..

Nataly Fish

Chosen: A deep rewind of the Cleveland Cavaliers’ 46-year title quest

Chosen: A deep rewind of the Cleveland Cavaliers’ 46-year title quest

A feature-length edition of Secret Base’s series Rewinder, in which they pick an iconic moment in sports history, then go back in time to explain all the preceding narrative and context that will help you appreciate the magic of witnessing that moment. In this case, they’re focusing on the final seconds of Game 7 of the 2016 NBA Finals, with t..

Nataly Fish

The Chosen

The Chosen

A couple of brutal and mysterious murders point to Uppsala University. Johan, a last year student at the police academy, gets involved in the investigation. He enrolls a course at the University in order to, under cover, track down the killer.

Nataly Fish

Brother José - Chosen One of the Mother of God

Brother José - Chosen One of the Mother of God

At the end of October 1997, a terrible event occurred, one that shook the entire Orthodox world. In Greece, a young Romanian brutally murdered Joseph, Jose, Muñoz-Cortes, guardian of the renowned Miracle-working, Myrrh-streaming Iveron Icon of the Mother of God: The Keeper of the Portal.

Nataly Fish

The Chosen Ones

The Chosen Ones

In the late 70s, young Petra Grust begins teaching at the progressive Odenwald School. She is flattered by the trust placed in her by its widely respected headmaster Simon Pistorius. But gradually certain incidents at the boarding school begin to unsettle her. Petra then realizes that Pistorius is abusing Frank, a 13-year-old. When Frank is told th..

Nataly Fish

The Chosen One

The Chosen One

This Manipuri drama opens as a happy young couple are preparing for an ear-piercing ceremony for their first child, a daughter. This is an important custom in their region of India, signifying the beginning of a responsible stage in life. Things go awry when the wife begins talking to flowers, singing odd songs, and having fits. In fact, the fits g..

Nataly Fish

Unfiltered: Gen Z Reacts to The Chosen

Unfiltered: Gen Z Reacts to The Chosen

Nine strangers – most of whom have no particular spiritual affiliation – were asked to binge-watch "an international hit TV show", unaware it was a series about Jesus.

Nataly Fish

Chosen Men

Chosen Men

A documentary that explores the changing identities of the modern day soldier and the challenges faced upon returning to civilian life.

Nataly Fish

The Chosen

The Chosen

A dying king who had the well-being of his people in mind when he died his cousin's daughter came after a land which has many mineral resources that had helped the land for years, the lady wanted to take the throne by force which led to the death of many people and many were forgotten as the chief guard tell the story

Nataly Fish

The Chosen One

The Chosen One

A psychopath that believes he is The Chosen One kidnap a victim. A Short movie with the psycho as the main character. (Short film made in team together with college colleagues)

Nataly Fish



In November 2020, the Senate and House of Representative elections took place along with the Presidential election in the United States. Five Korean Americans of vastly diverse backgrounds with competing political views ran for the House election. David Kim is the only underdog with limited resources vying to be the first Korean American representa..

Nataly Fish

The Chosen One

The Chosen One

The two brothers Van der Laan, of strict religion, have been running Holland's most successful software company for 10 years when suddenly their financial manager leaves the firm. The lives of the brothers and their families get turned upside down when they hire a young hot shot financial specialist, in order to pursue their goal to bring the compa..

Nataly Fish

Parents are not Chosen

Parents are not Chosen

Nataly Fish

Chosen and Excluded - Jew Hatred in Europe
Saiyuki Requiem

Saiyuki Requiem

Après avoir triomphé d'une armée de yokai, Sanzo, Goku, Gojyo et Hakkai sauvent une jeune fille, Horan, d'un oiseau monstrueux. Pour les remercier, elle les invite à se reposer dans la demeure de son maître. Mais rapidement, les quatre compagnons se rendent comptent que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond. Comment Horan, qui a avoué être la se..

Nataly Fish

The Chosen Ones

The Chosen Ones

A man wants to flee wartime Germany and the detested Nazis to Columbia, where his brother lives. In order to achieve his goal he agrees to become an informer for the Reich.

Nataly Fish

Víctor and the chosen ones

Víctor and the chosen ones

Two friends staying at a summer house find a strange animal in front of the house looking at them, and they discuss what to do with it.

Nataly Fish

Les Choisis

Les Choisis

On the Ark of Men, the animals no longer exist and the vegetation is dying. To ensure survival, Men have made a pact with the Caticians, inhabitants of the nearby Ark, for food. J and O's friendship is severely tested when both are chosen the same year to submit to the rules of the Pact with the Caticians.

Nataly Fish

The Chosen One

The Chosen One

A former political police agent that has left communist Romania decades ago in search of freedom has to go back to find it.

Nataly Fish

Le Futur dans le rétro

Le Futur dans le rétro

En juillet 2010, une professeure d’université aux États-Unis retourne au Ghana, son pays d’origine, pour être intronisée reine-mère. Le Futur dans le rétro se compose d’un enchevêtrement de plusieurs histoires, plusieurs voyages, plusieurs exils, qui sont le reflet de la société contemporaine mondialisée. Le Futur dans le rétro est..

Nataly Fish

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