
Zero Degrees' Cave

Zero Degrees' Cave

In a peaceful world, 5 teenagers are transported to a parallel and magical world where they're going to fight against the Avenger and theirselves. Now it's a deep web only.

Nataly Fish

Cave In: Planets of Old

Cave In: Planets of Old

Live performance from Cave In's reunion show on July 19, 2009. Released with Planets of Old EP.

Nataly Fish

Mondes Cachés : Les Grottes des Morts

Mondes Cachés : Les Grottes des Morts

Accompagnez quatre plongeurs scientifiques dans le Yucatán. Ces spécialistes, capables de se faufiler dans des fissures et des trous à peine plus larges que leur corps, maîtrisent la plongée et repoussent des limites que même les plongeurs les plus expérimentés hésiteraient à franchir. En leur compagnie, vous découvrirez des mondes dans ..

Nataly Fish

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Blind Warrior

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Blind Warrior

A psychopathic and brutal Indonesian despot terrorizes and exploits the rural population. The cruel warlord demands sacrifices from the villagers, slaughtering them when they don’t meet his demands.

Nataly Fish

Lost in the Cave Dwelling

Lost in the Cave Dwelling

To finish her novel, Zhang Xiaoyan went to the Old Cave Village to experience the spooky legends with her friends. Strange things started to happen...

Nataly Fish

The Cave of the Vampire Bats

The Cave of the Vampire Bats

A maiden is murdered by a mysterious ninja, unfortunately two young ladies witness this, good thing the bored Lord is walking by, he saved the girls but was too late to save the maiden, quickly he finds himself mixed up in a mystery of murdered maidens, an unknown ninja clan, attempted assassinations towards himself and a cursed vampire bat cave, c..

Nataly Fish

Faces of the Cave Wall

Faces of the Cave Wall

The documentary film looks a group of old folk artists who live in Ansai County, Shaanxi Province, China. One of them is 78 year old Chang Zhenfang, whose works made out of paper have won many prizes in China and are shown in exhititions abroad. When the film's director finds her in the remote village, she doesn't even know what happens to her work..

Nataly Fish

Raiders of Yunkang Caves

Raiders of Yunkang Caves

Mainland film centered around the Buddhist grottos in Shanxi.

Nataly Fish

Les roches et grottes de Baume

Les roches et grottes de Baume

Film from the collection of EYE (Amsterdam).

Nataly Fish

The Cave of the Silken Web

The Cave of the Silken Web

One of the earliest cinematic adaptation of Chinese classic novel Journey to the West. When seeking for food alone, Tang Xuanzang was kept prisoner by seven spider monsters who took the form of seven beautiful women. The Monkey King and the other two of Xuanzang's disciples managed to rescue him with the help of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva/Guanyin. ..

Nataly Fish

The Snow Cave Man

The Snow Cave Man

Sverre Nøkling is not your typical outdoorsman. For the past 30 years he has been living on his own in snow caves in the Norwegian mountains. Always on the move, using a pair of old wooden skis, he goes from one snow cave to the next in search of shelter from extreme blizzards and bitingly cold wind. A true expert in outdoor survival techniques, t..

Nataly Fish

Battle at Demon Cave

Battle at Demon Cave

The owner of the crate is murdered and the three murderers take his two babies. When grown up, the children find out the truth and they in turn defeat their father’s murderers.

Nataly Fish

Cave-Dwelling People

Cave-Dwelling People

Early film by Chinese documentary filmmaker Kang Jianning. Whether it's a feature or a short is not known.

Nataly Fish

Cave Art Rock, The Documentary

Cave Art Rock, The Documentary

A documentary about the urban rock musicians at Mexico during the 80's.

Nataly Fish

Sigui 1969: The Cave of Bongo

Sigui 1969: The Cave of Bongo

The third year of the Sigui ceremonies, celebrated every sixty years by the Dogons of the Bandiagara cliffs, Mali, takes place in the village of Bongo.

Nataly Fish

222 Hours: Thai Cave Rescue

222 Hours: Thai Cave Rescue

A special document of a 9-day Thai cave rescue mission in 2018

Nataly Fish

The Cave of the Silken Web II

The Cave of the Silken Web II

A 1930 sequel of the 1927 film Pan Si Dong.

Nataly Fish

Flower and Dragon: Duel of the Sea Caves

Flower and Dragon: Duel of the Sea Caves

The sequel to "Flowers and Dragons". Kingoro Tamai founded a family in the port of Wakamatsu. He unites people with his courage, and revolts against the entrepreneur Oki Nakashi, who is teeming with vices. Kingoro and his family are also forced to fight against the Ezaki-Gumi group, which is opposed by Tomoda Kizo, who is trying to control the port..

Nataly Fish

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave

Mysterious blind man Mata Malikat arrives in a small village and disrupts the peace, starting with killing one of the village's most respected fighters. The fighter's son then tries to avenge his death.

Nataly Fish

Adventure Bahamas 3D - Mysterious Caves And Wrecks

Adventure Bahamas 3D - Mysterious Caves And Wrecks

Experience a virtual Bahamas dream in 3D. The turquoise blue sea, glittering in the sunlight, invites us to explore its secrets. From the depths, the mysterious contours of a huge, sunken ship appear. Accompany us on an extraordinary subterranean voyage to the still largely unexplored cave systems of the Bahamas.

Nataly Fish

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