
Casanova farebbe così!

Casanova farebbe così!

A country braggart bets that he can spend a night with a local beauty. When he is surprised by her husband, he is not only forced to pay his friends money but also challenged to come up with a new identity other than Casanova or Don Juan.

Nataly Fish



'Casanova's' is a film about the insecure and timid journalist Bas (Jim Bakkum) who has to go undercover to unmask a mysterious dating coach. This dating coach has written a bestseller and now comes with a second book and workshop that he claims can transform incompetent men into real casanovas within three days.

Nataly Fish

Mastroianni. Un Casanova dei nostri tempi

Mastroianni. Un Casanova dei nostri tempi

A documentary about Marcello Mastroianni.

Nataly Fish

Corny Casanovas

Corny Casanovas

The stooges don't know it, but they are all engaged to the same girl, a gold-digger who plans to get an engagement ring from each of them and then abandon them. When all three show up at her house at the same time, a wild fight ensues, as each stooge accuses the others of making time with "his" girl. The stooges knock each other senseless and the g..

Nataly Fish

Frag nach bei Casanova

Frag nach bei Casanova

Nataly Fish

Casanova heiratet

Casanova heiratet

The actor Ralph Gregor plays "Casanova" on the stage and everyone expects, that he also lives out the role in real life. Johanna Brinkmann, known as "Joe", tries everything to make her husband jealous of Ralph. Ralph, however, is actually dating his colleague Steffie. After a fight with her, he takes off on a short trip into the countryside and the..

Nataly Fish

Beach Casanova

Beach Casanova

Mr. Edmond is a middle-aged playboy, living by his wits on the Riviera. Among the women with whom Edmond dallies are three gorgeous ladies.

Nataly Fish

Goodbye, Casanova

Goodbye, Casanova

A aspiring novelist operates a tiny neighborhood bookstore. His wife is a talented painter. Their marriage is disintegrating, and they are about to sign their divorce papers. Meanwhile, the legendary Casanova and his lover Lavinia are characters trapped inside of a 17th-century children's book. The tragedy of the impending divorce triggers the rele..

Nataly Fish

Casanova and The Three Graces

Casanova and The Three Graces

In this steamy retelling of the classic tale, Casanova’s three lovers rescue him from the Venice jail where he was imprisoned in 1755 for immorality. In the process of saving Casanova’s life, they awaken to their own power and strength as women. The film meshes dance and drama with a Puccini-inspired cello concerto. The result is a dialogue-fre..

Nataly Fish



George Chatzigeorgoulas, sentenced to ten months in prison, the jailer tells of how he was in close. Reading Farsala a book about Casanova decided to come to Athens to live the high life. On the train he met the fiancée namesake cousin, Julia. But the cousin, is not intended to restore the fiancée and the similarity of the name of the cousin woul..

Nataly Fish

Casanova and the Nurse

Casanova and the Nurse

A well off high society boy, Vin, is the "King of the Bangkok discos". He's a real ladies man and has one guy employed to find him new and interesting girls. After passing out in a disco one night he is hospitalized in the same hospital his mother is staying. His mother has had enough of his swinging lifestyle and likes the nurse, Ann, who was on ..

Nataly Fish

Sexuellement vôtre

Sexuellement vôtre

Quand des jolies femmes fortunées, délaissées par leurs maris trop occupés à leurs affaires, se laissent submerger par la frustration, elles appellent Gérard Casanova, leur dernier recours, toujours disponible, le seul capable de satisfaire leurs désirs sexuels inassouvis, leurs fantasmes les plus fous...

Nataly Fish

Apprenti gigolo

Apprenti gigolo

A New York, les péripéties de deux amis fauchés. Le premier décide de devenir le mac du second, qui officie en tant que gigolo.

Nataly Fish

La Nuit de Varennes

La Nuit de Varennes

Juin 1791, Louis XVI fuit à bord d'une berline pour gagner la frontière. Sur le même chemin, le destin a réuni de bien curieux personnages. Le révolutionnaire Restif de la Bretonne est face à un Casanova vieillissant entouré de royalistes en fuite. A Varennes, Louis XVI et la reine sont arrêtés...

Nataly Fish

Amigo !... mon colt a deux mots à te dire

Amigo !... mon colt a deux mots à te dire

Accusé d'avoir abusé de sa propre soeur, Sonny Bronston, un voleur de chevaux, se voit traqué sans répit par le valeureux Hiram Coburn.

Nataly Fish

Docteur Popaul

Docteur Popaul

Paul Simay, étudiant en médecine, épouse Christine, une jeune femme pas très belle et maladroite. Son père est directeur de clinique. Christine est heureuse malgré les nombreuses aventures de Paul avec ses maîtresses. Mais un accident de voiture le rend paraplégique et impuissant. Il se remémore son passé de coureur de jupons, de sa préd..

Nataly Fish

The Bargee

The Bargee

After a lock-keeper entrusts his daughter to a canal Casanova, he is shocked to learn that she is pregnant. He then refuses to open his locks - causing barges to pile up in every direction until the guilty party confesses.

Nataly Fish



A group of fugitives end up killing an international businessman Casanovva's girlfriend, after entrapping the couple in a reality show. Furious, Casanovva sets out to avenge her death.

Nataly Fish

Giving It Up

Giving It Up

A womanizing New York adman attempts to identify the causes of, and find a remedy for, his so-called addiction to sex, in order to win the love of a woman he respects.

Nataly Fish

Holy God, Here Comes the Passatore!

Holy God, Here Comes the Passatore!

Stefano Pelloni is an Italian highwaymen known as Il Passatore, loved by women but despised by lawmen. Together with his two man band he always manages to escape the law and head back to his woman, Mora, who would just as soon see him hanging up his pistols and going straight. But the police commissioner has had enough and begins to conceive of eve..

Nataly Fish

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