
Cannibals, Self-Mutilation and Bloody Revenge: The Making of Late Night Double Feature

Cannibals, Self-Mutilation and Bloody Revenge: The Making of Late Night Double Feature

The making of late night double feature

Nataly Fish

Shipwrecked Among Cannibals

Shipwrecked Among Cannibals

After opening scenes showing volcanoes of Java, an underground river, waterfalls, cloud effects, a coral island, the Ghost Rocks of Buru, and a tiger hunt in Siam, documentary footage of the cannibal tribes of New Guinea is framed by a fictional narrative in which the scientific expedition is shipwrecked along the southern New Guinea coast in the l..

Nataly Fish

Aliens, Cannibals and Zombies: A Trilogy of Italian Terror

Aliens, Cannibals and Zombies: A Trilogy of Italian Terror

Actor Ian McCulloch reflects upon making Zombi 2 and his other Italian horror epics - Zombi Holocaust and Contamination.

Nataly Fish

Alice Cans the Cannibals

Alice Cans the Cannibals

Alice and her cat are driving along the coast when they accidentally ride off a cliff and into the ocean. They trick a fish into towing them along until a storm hits and they are swept away to the Cannibal Islands, where they are pursued aggressively by the locals.

Nataly Fish

Bloodwood Cannibals

Bloodwood Cannibals

A documentary film crew is stalked by a pack of cannibals.

Nataly Fish

Tourist Ömer Among the Cannibals


Dépravés, assoiffés de sang, cannibales, Papa et ses fils Benny, Edwood et Harley errent dans la montagne californienne à la recherche de victimes. Ils sont comblés lorsque six jeunes se perdent dans le coin. Meurtres et chasses a l'homme sont au programme et s'ils veulent survivre, leur instinct animal devra resurgir face à cette famille bes..

Nataly Fish

La reine cannibale

La reine cannibale

Son appétit sexuel n'a pas de limites. Elle prodigue à ses amants des caresses savantes et...sanglantes. Elle leur arrache littéralement le coeur, avant de s'en repaître. Et comme toute reine qui se respecte, elle a de nombreux disciples.

Nataly Fish

Milky Nipples And The Quest To Save His Psychic Baby From Crazy Cannibals

Milky Nipples And The Quest To Save His Psychic Baby From Crazy Cannibals

Milky, a man wronged by the world and lookin for blood while reeling from the death of his wife Chimpy, and his psychic baby are on the run from a family of cannibals, demons, and a robot bounty Hunter from the future. Will Milky get his revenge? who will die? who will get the chicken pot pie? please just watch this movie. Im begging you.

Nataly Fish

New Guinea: Island of Cannibals

New Guinea: Island of Cannibals

Mondo-style documentary in which a movie crew travels to newly independent Papua New Guinea to capture the customs and culture of the cannibal natives. Prepare yourself for death rituals, war costumery, crude tattoos, animal killings, and cannibalism.

Nataly Fish

The Cannibals

The Cannibals

A man (Chang Yi) is looking for stolen money (gold coins) and seeking revenge for the death of his master.

Nataly Fish

Cannibals tomorrow

Cannibals tomorrow

It is a documentary, which submits to the public the most dramatic, subhuman situations in which men find themselves living in all corners of the world. From India to Brazil, from the African nations of the Sahel to Bolivia, the camera ruthlessly shows the images of a humanity marginalized in a thousand ways by the so-called"civil consortium".

Nataly Fish



Just 10 minutes from the center of Madrid (but also from Rome, Paris, London ...), hundreds of hungry men meet in a fortuitous and secret way. Some are looking for quick and easy sex, others are trying to escape loneliness, most are looking for themselves ...

Nataly Fish

Other Cannibals

Other Cannibals

This utterly surprising debut gets cinematically richer with every twist and turn – allowing for moments of fabulously deranged buddy comedy, touching a sense of Western, always staying true to being a descent into the abyss of the human mind and desire.

Nataly Fish

King of the Cannibals

King of the Cannibals

Der Konig der Kannibalen (aka King of the Cannibals or Cannibal Messiah) is a slapstick, goofball splatter film written by Master W and co-directed by Master W and Crippler Criss (see also the segment entitled "The Secret of the Magic Mushrooms" in Troma's Mutantz, Nazis, and Zombies collection). It would appear that together these filmmakers go by..

Nataly Fish

Clever Cannibals

Clever Cannibals

Spirits are always high at the quayside pub The Red Rabbit. One day, adventurers Fy and Bi come by to look for work. Their luck is in! A police raid sends all the staff to prison. On the spur of the moment, two women from the upper-middle class decide to study the life of the common people by paying them a visit. A brawl ensues, and Fy and Bi chiva..

Nataly Fish

Zombies For Dinner: The Double Cannibal's Fatal Mistake

Zombies For Dinner: The Double Cannibal's Fatal Mistake

A disgruntled cook uses rotten meat and feeds it to concert patrons which causes them to turn into zombies.

Nataly Fish

The Cannibals

The Cannibals

Twice a year, a group of men get together on long holidays for secret rituals.

Nataly Fish

La Conseillère anthropophage

La Conseillère anthropophage

Chon, une conseillère municipale, attend dans l'appartement de son amie Pina après le départ de celle-ci. Elle veille sur Maribel, endormie dans la cuisine après avoir bu du gaspacho contenant des somnifères. Exubérante et bavarde, Chon soliloque et raconte ses fantasmes...

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Capers

Cannibal Capers

A group of cannibals gather together for a tribal dance. In the middle of their gala, they are interrupted by a ferocious lion!

Nataly Fish

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