
One Day in August

One Day in August

Middle August in Athens. Three families, living in a three storey building, leave for their summer vacations. Everyone is wishing for a miracle to happen this summer. In the meantime, a drifter breaks into their apartments and rummages their personal belongings, thus unfolding hidden secrets.

Nataly Fish

Natsufuku no shōjotachi: Hiroshima Shōwa nijūnen hachigatsu muika

Natsufuku no shōjotachi: Hiroshima Shōwa nijūnen hachigatsu muika

In 1945, the second- and third-year students of a Hiroshima girls' school are taken away to work in war factories. The remaining 220 girls of the first year try to make the best of their new-found status as the only teenagers in an almost deserted town, even amid the deprivations of wartime. On the seventh of August, an American bomber changes the..

Nataly Fish

Der Nürnberger Parteitag der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei

Der Nürnberger Parteitag der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei

A film about the Nuremberg Party Congress of the NSDAP in 1929.

Nataly Fish

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