
Liza Anonymous

Liza Anonymous

A lonely millennial (Danielle Beckmann) addicted to support groups disguises herself in different personas while trying to fit in, leading her on a theatrical journey.

Nataly Fish

Mononc' Serge & Anonymus - Final Bâton

Mononc' Serge & Anonymus - Final Bâton

DVD en spectacle tourné les 28 et 29 décembre au Club Soda de Montréal et au Théâtre Impérial de Québec. En bonus: des vidéoclips, des montages de films d'archives et autres.

Nataly Fish

Hackers World: Anonymous Investigation

Hackers World: Anonymous Investigation

Some attack governments, large corporations... and steal personal identities. Others use their skills for political activism. They are hackers. And in a rare sit down interview with a member of the infamous collective "Anonymous", 16x9 gets a unique, inside look into a "Hackers World".

Nataly Fish

Anonymous Vol. 1 - The Dreamland Adventures the Mysteries of Atlantis

Anonymous Vol. 1 - The Dreamland Adventures the Mysteries of Atlantis

An agent in NASA receives a packet by a new nation created from Hitler's escape; has armed a doomsday device. Agent Schwartz turns to his Russian family as he tries to diffuse the weapon of mass destruction.

Nataly Fish

Les Rêveurs Anonymes

Les Rêveurs Anonymes

Première réunion des Rêveurs Anonymes pour Patrick.

Nataly Fish

Non-Abductees Anonymous

Non-Abductees Anonymous

The goings-on at a support group for people who have never been abducted by aliens. Forlorn and rejected, they go to extremes trying to get the attention of those snobby extraterrestrials.

Nataly Fish

Anonyme Briefe

Anonyme Briefe

Nataly Fish

A. (anonymous)

A. (anonymous)

Gavin called a quack, a cult-leader, and a barista who sees himself as a guru. He also has a compulsion to wear extremely tight pants.

Nataly Fish

Anonymka - Panthers

Anonymka - Panthers

A punk rock song for kids about an alien and her faithful friend Trubopluy, who land on planet Earth. Trying to understand the local philistines, they get involved in an exciting adventure and end up in hell.

Nataly Fish

Anonymous Student Vlog

Anonymous Student Vlog

A student vlogger was mistakenly identified as a prime suspect of a crime that went viral on social media.

Nataly Fish

Anonymous Multitudes

Anonymous Multitudes

My take on New York City crowds. Some effects involve tracking individual faces and a lot of masking work, others use multiple slices of the same shot, offset a few frames, to stretch all moving figures in strange ways.

Nataly Fish

Tunnel Vision

Tunnel Vision

On a regular day, 1,000,000 travelers travel in Stockholm's subway. It is a myriad of lives that can be likened to blood cells in the city's system of arteries. Public transport is like a bloodstream where tunnel train drivers perform the work of the heart. It is largely their merit that the spate of people is pumped around the city's underground w..

Nataly Fish

Affectif anonyme

Affectif anonyme

Alexandre a continuellement besoin de s'ennivrer des autres. Ses relations viennent combler un vide intérieur, une situation qui l'a conduit sur le chemin de la dépendance affective. Le retour à l'autonomie, à la sobriété et à l'apaisement ne sont pas pour demain. Mais depuis son coin secret, Alexandre sent que le sevrage est proche.

Nataly Fish

Monsters Anonymous

Monsters Anonymous

A group of failing monsters gather at a community center, revealing the real demons that torment them.

Nataly Fish



Fin des années 1960. Alors qu'il est en route pour le Festival de Cannes, avec son agent, Jean-Marc Lancel, une star de cinéma internationale, sort uriner au bord de la Nationale. Quand il revient vers la voiture, celle-ci a disparu inexplicablement.

Nataly Fish

Britney-holics Anonymous: A Spear-itual Awakening

Britney-holics Anonymous: A Spear-itual Awakening

A lonely, closeted, Britney Spears fan gets a Spear-itual awakening when he comes across an anonymous support group of Britney-holics. We follow the journey of Freddie from denial, curiosity, and finally acceptance.

Nataly Fish

Ripoux anonymes

Ripoux anonymes

Ancien policier corrompu, Antoine s'est repenti et a créé les Ripoux anonymes. Une jeune recrue, Franck, devient son équipier. Joueur de poker invétéré, ce dernier cède à la tentation en détournant le butin de petits malfrats. Dans le cadre d'une enquête, Franck s'infiltre dans un cercle de jeu géré par Boris, un mafieux russe. Mais cel..

Nataly Fish

Anonymous, 1855

Anonymous, 1855

Antique photographs are animated in a subtle manner to rebuild the past through the voyeur's eye.

Nataly Fish

Die anonymen Mobiholiker

Die anonymen Mobiholiker

Nataly Fish

Les Abstentionnistes anonymes

Les Abstentionnistes anonymes

Les Abstentionnistes anonymes

Nataly Fish

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