
8 1/2 Minuten

8 1/2 Minuten

When Mia runs into her former schoolmate Steffen and his son at the grocery store, she is pleasantly surprised by the unexpected encounter. But the joy quickly turns into unease as Mia and her daughter slowly realize that Steffen's supposed son might be in danger.

Nataly Fish

Game Player's Gametape for Nintendo Cartridges - Vol. 1, No. 8

Game Player's Gametape for Nintendo Cartridges - Vol. 1, No. 8

A video strategy guide tutorial released by Game Player's magazine that covers Robocop, Astyanax, Three Stooges and The Adventures of Dino Riki.

Nataly Fish

80 Day Obsession: Eating Plan Tips-1

80 Day Obsession: Eating Plan Tips-1

Lift your butt, sculpt your core, and get an incredible total body transformation with 80 unique “real-time” workouts and a Timed-Nutrition Eating Plan.

Nataly Fish

Youngtimer-Traktoren XXL – Die legendären 80er und 90er Jahre! - Vol. 1
Youngtimer-Traktoren XXL – Die legendären 80er und 90er Jahre! (Teil 1)
Abbado - Beethoven: Symphonies 1, 6 & 8

Abbado - Beethoven: Symphonies 1, 6 & 8

Claudio Abbado once remarked that, “With Beethoven, you never stop learning“ and indeed: the 75-year-old Milanese maestro has constantly reworked the symphonies of the master from Bonn (1770-1827). When they performed and recorded all nine Beethoven Symphonies at the Academia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, the nationwide Italian newspaper ..

Nataly Fish

Super Evolution Stage: Digimon Adventure tri - August 1 Adventure

Super Evolution Stage: Digimon Adventure tri - August 1 Adventure

The eight original Digidestined go on a camping trip together on August 1, even if the others were a bit busy. The planned camping trip pushes through, but Mimi suddenly forgets the camping equipment, and things go wrong pretty fast. But then, Taichi remembers that this is exactly like their first camping trip together… to the Digital World. But..

Nataly Fish

La collection Cousteau N°8 | À la recherche de l'Atlantide (1re partie) | À la recherche de l'Atlantide (2ème partie)

La collection Cousteau N°8 | À la recherche de l'Atlantide (1re partie) | À la recherche de l'Atlantide (2ème partie)

À la recherche de l'Atlantide (1re partie) Le mythe de l’Atlantide n'a qu'une source : Platon. Il décrivait, il y a quelques 2500 ans, un pays regorgeant de richesses, situé au delà des colonnes d’Hercule, dont la capitale aurait été anéantie par un séisme, puis engloutie dans les profondeurs de la mer. À la suite d'une miraculeuse ph..

Nataly Fish

Junji Inagawa - Shikoku Pilgrimage: Terrifying Sites - The True

Junji Inagawa - Shikoku Pilgrimage: Terrifying Sites - The True "Death Country" 88 Sacred Places - VOL.1

This is the first installment in the "Shikoku Pilgrimage" series of horror documentaries in which horror storyteller Junji Inagawa visits haunted places and verifies the truth behind them. In Tokushima Prefecture, he visits an abandoned drive-in that is rumored to have been closed down after its half-crazed owner was admitted to a mental hospital, ..

Nataly Fish

Bernstein | Beethoven Symphonies 1,8,9

Bernstein | Beethoven Symphonies 1,8,9

LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Symphonies Nos. 1, 8 & 9 Performed by Gwyneth Jones · Hanna Schwarz René Kollo · Kurt Moll In Vienna at the Konzertvereinigung With the Wiener Staatsopernchor and the Wiener Philharmoniker Leonard Bernstein, conducting

Nataly Fish

8mm Portrait Series - Reel #1: Lynn Shelton and Nils

8mm Portrait Series - Reel #1: Lynn Shelton and Nils

No information given.

Nataly Fish

The Lonely Island MTV Spring Break '88 - Highlight Reel 1

The Lonely Island MTV Spring Break '88 - Highlight Reel 1

From The Vault - The Lonely Island at MTV Spring Break '88 Daytona Beach!!! Highlight Reel 1 of 2. Features songs "I'm On A Boat" & "We Like Sportz" from The Lonely Island album "Incredibad"

Nataly Fish

Mexico 86: Het WK van de Rode Duivels | deel 1
Brasil 1.872.000 Minutes/Noves Fora?

Brasil 1.872.000 Minutes/Noves Fora?

The films of Jorge O Mourão, a collection of autobiographical performance pieces, constitute visceral reactions to the authoritarian regime in Brazil and channel the paranoia and claustrophobia of his generation through the disjunction of sound and image.

Nataly Fish

The Homecoming of the Duke and Duchess of York: Topical Budget 871-1

The Homecoming of the Duke and Duchess of York: Topical Budget 871-1

The Duke and Duchess of York are welcomed back from their Empire tour by crowds and family. Included on the BFI DVD "A Royal Occasion".

Nataly Fish

Campaña del 8 de marzo:


Un marine paraplégique, envoyé sur la lune Pandora pour une mission unique, est tiraillé entre suivre ses ordres et protéger le monde qu'il considère dorénavant comme le sien.

Nataly Fish

18 Black Girls Ages 1-18 Who Have Arrived at the Singularity and are thus Spiritual Machines: $8 in an Edition of $97 Quadrillion
Alien, le huitième passager

Alien, le huitième passager

En 2122, le Nostromo, vaisseau de commerce, fait route vers la Terre avec à son bord un équipage de sept personnes en hibernation et une cargaison de minerais. Il interrompt soudain sa course suite à la réception d’un mystérieux message provenant d’une planète inexplorée. Réveillé par l’ordinateur de bord, l’équipage se rend sur p..

Nataly Fish

Huit et demi

Huit et demi

Un cinéaste dépressif fuit le monde du cinéma et se réfugie dans un univers peuplé de fantasmes.

Nataly Fish

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