
No Resistance

No Resistance

In a near-future Houston, street junkie cybercriminal Dij scrapes together survival by pulling underground hacks with his custom mobile rig - but now, he's gotten a hold of something huge, deadly and valuable - and everyone wants him dead.

Nataly Fish

Mimesis as Resistance

Mimesis as Resistance

The Australian lyrebird has evolved the ability to perfectly mimic different sounds like no other bird. During the mating season, the lyrebird sings a mixture of its own tunes and those of other birds for hours on end. With the encroachment of humans upon its habitat, the birds have been exposed to new sounds, and they have been known to incorporat..

Nataly Fish

UV - A resistance story

UV - A resistance story

Nataly Fish

The War We Were Not Taught About ― Invasion, 'Development', Resistance in Philippines

The War We Were Not Taught About ― Invasion, 'Development', Resistance in Philippines

The narratives of Filipinos and Japanese soldiers who lived through the Japanese Occupation trace the destructive effects of the war that lasted decades after.

Nataly Fish

La face cachée de la Résistance

La face cachée de la Résistance

C'est l'une des pages glorieuses de notre Histoire. Une des fiertés de la Résistance française : le maquis. Un mot qui résume à lui seul l'engagement de milliers de jeunes hommes et femmes qui, dès 1943, sont entrés dans la clandestinité pour combattre le régime de Vichy et l'envahisseur nazi. Et pourtant... A côté de cette version offic..

Nataly Fish

Resistance in Củ Chi

Resistance in Củ Chi

Documentary about the Củ Chi district during the Vietnam War..

Nataly Fish

Bunky Echo-Hawk: The Resistance

Bunky Echo-Hawk: The Resistance

Exploration of how the reality and resistance of Native Americans inspires the work of Pawnee artist Bunky Echo-Hawk, igniting discussions about environmentalism and Native American rights, among other topics.

Nataly Fish

After the War, You Have to Tell Everyone About the Dutch Gay Resistance Fighters

After the War, You Have to Tell Everyone About the Dutch Gay Resistance Fighters

Many members of the Dutch Underground were gay and lesbian. This film pays homage to them and recounts their story.

Nataly Fish

The Restless Conscience: Resistance to Hitler Within Germany 1933-1945

The Restless Conscience: Resistance to Hitler Within Germany 1933-1945

Directed by Hava Kohav Beller, this stirring documentary chronicles the anti-Nazi resistance movement within Hitler's Germany and the countless unsuccessful attempts to remove the führer from power.

Nataly Fish

Le Journal de la Résistance

Le Journal de la Résistance

Shot primarily by twelve French cameramen (led by filmmakers Jean Painlevé and Jean Grémillon), in August 1944, this film captures the final French insurrection in German-occupied Paris, the surrender of the Germans, and the mass celebration in the streets. (There is an English-language version narrated by Noel Coward.)

Nataly Fish

Concrete Forms of Resistance

Concrete Forms of Resistance

Filmed in Tripoli, Lebanon, Concrete Forms of Resistance is a documentary centred upon the city’s abandoned ‘Permanent International Fair’, designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer in the mid-1960s. Progress and crisis, labour and capital, material and memory, are reflected through a very intelligent rhyme between image and sound. The t..

Nataly Fish

The Resistance

The Resistance

A hammer attempts to subdue a nail, but the nail resists.

Nataly Fish

Vivre C'est résister

Vivre C'est résister

Dans un camp de réfugiés situé à la frontière turco-syrienne, une fillette, Evlin symbolise la résistance de sa ville natale de Kobané contre les combattants d'ISIS. Au beau milieu de la guerre se déroulant en Syrie, l'histoire d'Evlin redonne espoir.

Nataly Fish

Meeting Resistance

Meeting Resistance

Filmmakers Molly Bingham and Steve Connors capture an unseen side of the Iraq War with this compelling cinematic portrait of the men and women who are actively resisting their homeland's occupation. Via intimate first-person accounts and candid one-on-one interviews with eight Iraqi insurgents, the documentary offers insight to their motivations an..

Nataly Fish

Drums of Resistance

Drums of Resistance

Au début des années 90, alors que l'ex-Yougoslavie est en train d'éclater, le régime de Milosevic introduit la loi martial au Kosovo et banni les Kosovars Albanais de la vie public. Les employés des institutions publiques sont renvoyés, les médias censurés et les écoles et universités fermées. Ainsi, un système parallèle s'organise au ..

Nataly Fish

Être Résistances

Être Résistances

Nataly Fish

Race Against Resistance: The Life And Death Struggle To Save Antibiotics

Race Against Resistance: The Life And Death Struggle To Save Antibiotics

From Tori, a college gymnast, who faced a once curable infection that escalated into a life-threatening crisis, to Kerry, battling relentless superbugs with numerous antibiotics after what seemed like a simple ear infection. Their experiences are not isolated incidents, as resistance to ordinary antibiotics is rising. Antimicrobial resistance is r..

Nataly Fish

Exploring Modes of Resistance

Exploring Modes of Resistance

Wide-ranging images of Palestinian resistance. The cinematic archives as organizing tool. Intended to be screened with others, and to inspire fruitful horizontal discussion.

Nataly Fish

Indigenous Resistance: Now and Then

Indigenous Resistance: Now and Then

The award-winning short film by a Haida director depicts the resistance and resilience of Alaska Native communities as colonialism has stripped them of their language, dances and land rights. Previously recounted by outsiders, it’s now time to tell a new version of the story of Alaska Native history, culture and heritage.

Nataly Fish

Spirit of Resistance

Spirit of Resistance

Nataly Fish

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