
Mystic Tiger

Mystic Tiger

After the accident, nothing has ever been the same.

Nataly Fish

White Tiger

White Tiger

Quand D.E.A. l'agent Mike Ryan entreprend l'énorme tâche de venger le meurtre brutal du partenaire John Grogan, il découvre qu'il doit combattre les deux côtés ; le meurtrier et ses copains policiers à double traversée. Maintenant, avec l'aide inattendue de la charmante Jade, il doit affronter la nouvelle génération de la pègre chinoise q..

Nataly Fish

Chanoc vs. the Tiger and the Vampire

Chanoc vs. the Tiger and the Vampire

Chanoc must defeat an evil vampire known as Count Frankenhausen.

Nataly Fish

La Légende des 1000 dragons

La Légende des 1000 dragons

Luk, Patrick et Biggi sont les “Tiger-Team”. Ensemble, ils vivent des aventures palpitantes. Ce film familial les emmène jusqu'en Chine, où ils lancent un défi au dangereux génie Q et ses sbires de percer le secret du mystérieux Moonlight Palace et de sauver deux pandas.

Nataly Fish

Tiger Raid

Tiger Raid

While on a covert mission, two cold blooded mercenaries form an unlikely bond as they race across the desert in the dead of night. When their violent and desperate world implodes, past atrocities come to the surface threatening to tear each of them apart.

Nataly Fish

Le Tigre Du Kung Fu

Le Tigre Du Kung Fu

Un épéiste voyou connu sous le nom de "Soul of the Sword" tue le père d'un jeune expert en Kung Fu, qui fait équipe avec un moine ivre pour mettre fin au règne de terreur de Soul of the Sword et contrecarrer l'invasion mongole.

Nataly Fish

Flying Dragon, Leaping Tiger

Flying Dragon, Leaping Tiger

Durant la dynastie Ming, un voleur de cheval nommé Luk est trahi par son frère et il est délaissé par sa femme. Une génération plus tard, l’heure de la vengeance a sonné pour leurs enfants…

Nataly Fish

A Tiger's Tale

A Tiger's Tale

A young man falls for his girlfriend's mother.

Nataly Fish

The Indian Tomb, Part II: The Tiger of Bengal

The Indian Tomb, Part II: The Tiger of Bengal

Rowland falls sick with leprosy while Mac Allan is captured by the Maharajah, who offers Irene a deal: one night with him in exchange for letting Rowland to be cured. She accepts, but tries to commit suicide.

Nataly Fish

Paper Tigers

Paper Tigers

Spain, 1977. The first general elections are about to take place after the long dictatorship and the progressive environment of Madrid is easily palpable. Protagonists, Carmen and Juan were once married and now living separately, both have a child. It's one of the only reasons they maintain cordial to one another. Their separation, the political ..

Nataly Fish

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too

Rabbit is tired of Tigger always bouncing him, so he gets Pooh and Piglet together to come up with an idea to get the bounce out of Tigger. Then, Tigger and little Roo go out for a bounce and get caught in a tree.

Nataly Fish

Tigre de Sibérie, seigneur sans frontières

Tigre de Sibérie, seigneur sans frontières

Aux confins du nord-est de la Chine, une montagne sauvage jusqu’alors inexplorée s’étend à perte de vue. C’est au cœur de la réserve naturelle de Hunchun que vit le tigre de l’Amour. Voilà l’un des derniers bastions qui abrite ce félin, vivant aux côtés d’autres animaux sauvages tels que la panthère des neiges, l’ours noir d..

Nataly Fish

Short cuts: Tigre et Dragon de Ang Lee

Short cuts: Tigre et Dragon de Ang Lee

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, told in a 1 minute animation.

Nataly Fish

Three Tidy Tigers Tied a Tie Tighter

Three Tidy Tigers Tied a Tie Tighter

Un couple, différentes situations absurdes, poétiques, érotiques. Court métrage librement inspiré d'Histoire de l'oeil, de Georges Bataille

Nataly Fish

Serre moi fort

Serre moi fort

Clarisse s'enfuit de sa famille pour des raisons qui ne sont pas immédiatement évidentes. Entre réalité et fiction, le film alterne des aventures de Clarisse sur la route aux scènes de domicile, où Marc, son mari abandonné, lutte à s'occuper de ses enfants.

Nataly Fish

Tiger Hunter

Tiger Hunter

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the tigers in Jingyang Gang repeatedly wounded people, causing rumors to sway people's hearts. At this moment when everyone is in danger, Xiao Zan of the Liao people took this as the reason and directed the wicked people of the rivers and lakes to take the opportunity to do things and do whatever they wanted. Wu So..

Nataly Fish

L'âme du tigre

L'âme du tigre

Alex, trentenaire parisien d'origine chinoise, mène une vie d’insouciance faite d’escapades en montagne et de soirées entre amis. La mort soudaine de son frère l’entraîne à chercher une explication en se confrontant à une histoire familiale trop longtemps laissée de côté. Tiraillé entre deux cultures et entre deux amours, le temps e..

Nataly Fish

A cavallo della tigre

A cavallo della tigre

Plagued by financial problems, ne'er-do-well Guido ends up in jail after faking an armed robbery at his workplace. A year later, just a few days before his release, he's forced by two dangerous inmates to take part in their jailbreak. On the run, Guido sets out to find his partner Antonella, who helped him with the robbery and still has the money.

Nataly Fish

Tiger Claws III

Tiger Claws III

When a psychotic martial artist called Stryker resurrects the long-dead spirits of three ancient Chinese master assassins in an effort to take over the New York underworld, it's up to supercops Tarek Richards and Linda Masterson to stop him. However, it's not so easy to battle the undead, and though Richards apparently holds within him the key to d..

Nataly Fish

Counting Tigers

Counting Tigers

This special feature showcases the intricacies of monitoring tigers in India and highlighting the positive impact on their global population.

Nataly Fish

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