
The Demon Rat

The Demon Rat

A teacher in the middle of a messy divorce discovers that her husband has been recklessly dumping nuclear waste and wreaking havoc on the nearby wildlife. Now, she must contend with a feral, mutated rat in her home, and her soon-to-be ex who will do anything to keep his secrets.

Nataly Fish

Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 1)

Story of the White-Haired Demon Girl (Part 1)

The late Ming court is a corrupt regime. Lin Ngai-sheung, nicknamed the 'Jade Killer', inherits the swordplay book of Tianshan and becomes a bandit of the people to rob from the rich. Her feud with Wudang Sect's Cheuk Yat-hong rooted from the time she held up a corrupt official. Cheuk, instigated by others, sees Lin as his enemy. However, Lin slowl..

Nataly Fish

The Demon of Sendai's Castle

The Demon of Sendai's Castle

Tsunamune Date, the young lord of Sendai Domain, was ordered by the shogunate to stand down after being spotted in a brothel. Shortly after, four advisors from his entourage were assassinated, calling into question the possessions of the Date family.

Nataly Fish

Demon Girl!!

Demon Girl!!

Onigawara Momoka is a highschooler and she has the blood of an oni. She tries to hide her true identity while going to school and experiencing life with friends.

Nataly Fish

Blue Demon

Blue Demon

Wrestler vs mad-scientist with werewolf serum.

Nataly Fish

Demon Queen's Bed

Demon Queen's Bed

After being bitten by a cursed white snake, a model turns into a demon-possessed seductress who causes the death of anyone who sleeps with her.

Nataly Fish

Peripherie de Demonlover

Peripherie de Demonlover

Twenty years after David Cronenberg prophesied the dark side of the Internet age in Videodrome, acclaimed French filmmaker Olivier Assayas updated it for the New Millennium in his startlingly prescient Demonlover, a chilling exploration of the nexus between sex and violence available at the click of a button.

Nataly Fish

Les Démons d'argile

Les Démons d'argile

Rosa est une femme d’affaire accomplie. La mort soudaine de son grand-père, qui l’a élevé, et le sentiment de culpabilité qu’elle provoque la ramène dans la maison où elle a grandi. Grâce à une série de lettres et d’indices, elle découvre que celui-ci lui a légué une importante tâche à accomplir. Tandis qu’elle corrige les e..

Nataly Fish

Les Démons de minuit

Les Démons de minuit

Sur le point de partir en mission officielle, le ministre Paul Guérande est alerté par sa fille Sophie qu'une certaine Catherine, la maîtresse de son frère Claude, délaissée par lui, menace de se tuer. Il va chercher d'urgence à joindre son fils pour éviter le drame. À la salle d'escrime, Danielle, une camarade de Claude, lui propose de l'..

Nataly Fish

Battleship Pirates

Battleship Pirates

A la fin du XXIème siècle, le " Exorcio Deus Machina" est une organisation militaro-religieuse chargée de faire régner la justice divine partout sur terre. Parmi les mutants de ce nouvel ordre, les humains forment des commandos d’élite d’une nouvelle race au service de Dieu. "Le Baron", un guerrier redoutable à la puissance inégalée e..

Nataly Fish

Rasputin, Demon of the Women

Rasputin, Demon of the Women

The demonic Rasputin is poisoned but survives to continue seducing in evil ways, in this historical thriller.

Nataly Fish

My Demons Never Prayed For Solitude

My Demons Never Prayed For Solitude

A violent and alcoholic gold prospector lives with his wife near the border. She is convinced that a demon is stalking them, and he thinks his wife is cheating on him. Blinded by jealousy, he decides to seek both his wife’s lover and the demon to strike them down.

Nataly Fish

The Temptation of the Demon Woman

The Temptation of the Demon Woman

Family Karta (Fadly) almost always be the butt of stealth woman (Sofia WD). That's because the act Karta away from the worship of God. The emergence of the devil was not only detrimental to the Karta and her family, but also the community at large. Thanks to the manual white robe vicious crimes that can be defeated.

Nataly Fish

Darling Betty - Demon Story

Darling Betty - Demon Story

A devil-girl with the face of an angel and a heart of gold, blond Betty falls in love with an earthbound gangster, Danpei Kimogawa, when they meet in a rainstorm. They end up living together in a Tokyo highrise apartment, though Danpei has trouble coping with his new witch and demon in-laws dropping in at inopportune moments. Betty has actually bee..

Nataly Fish

Female Prisoners: Demon of Sex

Female Prisoners: Demon of Sex

A revenge drama of a female prisoner directed by Seiji Izumi. Three women escape from prison to regain Reiko’s memory.

Nataly Fish

Demon Catcher

Demon Catcher

Demon Catcher

Nataly Fish

Pagoda Town River Demon 2: Ultimate Dragon
The Night Demon

The Night Demon

Plagued by nightmares and strange visions, Detective Oberländer is suspected of murder.

Nataly Fish

Wind Whistle in Field, Demon Sword: Matsudaira Tadateru cutting the world

Wind Whistle in Field, Demon Sword: Matsudaira Tadateru cutting the world

Tadateru Matsudaira, the sixth son of Ieyasu Tokugawa, was exiled for not taking part in the attack on Osaka Castle. 10 years before his exile expired, he was attacked in a clandestine Yagyu operation believed to have been ordered by his older brother Hidetada. In order to correct his brother's true intentions, Tadateru broke the law and went all t..

Nataly Fish

The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Right Way To Subdue Demons
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