
The Scent

The Scent

A detective Seon-woo, who moonlights as a private investigator, has a beautiful new client Soo-Jin. The woman asks the detective to take photos of her husband in the midst of having an affair with another woman. When the detective goes to take pictures he discovers that the woman's husband is already dead. Now the detective becomes a suspect. The d..

Nataly Fish

Un éléphant ça trompe énormément

Un éléphant ça trompe énormément

Seul, en robe de chambre, sur la corniche d'un immeuble des Champs-Élysées, Étienne revoit les événements qui l'ont amené dans cette position embarrassante, tandis qu'en contrebas les badauds s'amassent et guettent sa chute. À l'approche de la quarantaine, fonctionnaire modèle et mari irréprochable, Étienne s'est laissé griser par les be..

Nataly Fish

Thérèse Raquin

Thérèse Raquin

Thérèse, jeune orpheline, épouse le fils souffreteux de ses parents adoptifs. Elle rencontre un jour Laurent, brave camionneur italien dont la gentillesse la séduit. Elle hésite par devoir a partir avec lui. Son mari et sa belle-mère, apprenant sa liaison, décident de l'emmener a Paris. Laurent, tente une nouvelle fois au cours du voyage de ..

Nataly Fish

Adults in the Room

Adults in the Room

Derrière des portes closes, une histoire universelle : celle d’un peuple emprisonné dans sa dette colossale. L’arbitraire de l’austérité imposée prime sur l’humanité et la compassion. Une histoire où chacun joue sa partition, où les personnages ne sont ni bons ni diaboliques, mais mûs par leurs intérêts. Un piège asphyxiant et d..

Nataly Fish

Test for Adults

Test for Adults

This film is the second installment (of five) of Igor Shadkhan and Svetlana Voloshina’s project Test for Adults (the first 16-year television observation of children and their parents in the USSR, 1978-1994). There are six television short stories, each dedicated to one of the children who are 10 years old at the time of shooting: Artyom, Julia, ..

Nataly Fish

We Are Adults

We Are Adults

After graduating from school, Zholaman comes to the Mangyshlak peninsula and becomes an oil worker. Viewers will learn about how he grows up and matures, about his friends and his first youthful love…

Nataly Fish

A Film for Children and Adults

A Film for Children and Adults

Documentary about Dubioza Kolektiv.

Nataly Fish

Adult Product Instruction Manual 3: Young Lady

Adult Product Instruction Manual 3: Young Lady

The female boss of adult products opens her own personal channel, thinking that if she introduces her unique experience of sexual masturbation through YouTube, it will attract attention. From product planning to product production, she talks about various episodes and succeeds in establishing herself as her popular YouTuber. The episodes she unrave..

Nataly Fish

For Adults Only

For Adults Only

Maksat is fired from filming a historical film because of his dispute with the director. Stung, Maksat decides to shoot an erotic picture according to his script in order to participate in a competition of a very famous film producer. He hopes that the forbidden theme of his film will give him fame and allow him to earn money for the wedding.

Nataly Fish

Adult Streamer

Adult Streamer

BJ Meok-ja, a male BJ who broadcasts for adults, plans to win a big share by joining forces with Ji-hye, a married woman. However, Ji-hye and her husband are making different plans.

Nataly Fish

Adult Men and Women Cheat: Plastic Surgery Virgin

Adult Men and Women Cheat: Plastic Surgery Virgin

Pinku from 1967.

Nataly Fish

Baxter, Vera Baxter

Baxter, Vera Baxter

Une jeune femme loue une villa et s'y cloitre...

Nataly Fish

The Head of the Family

The Head of the Family

A man is delighted to hear that his wife is pregnant and he begins to prepare for the wonders of fatherhood. As time progresses along, the family grows larger with each successive child and the father feels his importance in the family has been lessened with all the children. This man's quiet desperation to hold onto his position is an interestin..

Nataly Fish

Le Lien

Le Lien

Mariée à un chirurgien, Karin fait la connaissance d'une jeune archéologue américain. Bouleversée par cette rencontre, elle décide de partir à Londres pour le retrouver.

Nataly Fish



A woman's unfulfilling marriage leads her into a passionate affair with a wealthy extramarital lover.

Nataly Fish

The Hook

The Hook

An adulterous woman and her lover plot to murder her husband Kostas and make it look like a yachting accident. However, unknown to them, Kostas has hired a private detective to follow them and knows of their plans in advance. A deadly game of double-crossing begins and propels all three of them towards tragedy.

Nataly Fish

Uno Kôichirô no uwaki nikki

Uno Kôichirô no uwaki nikki

Nataly Fish

...La Main à couper

...La Main à couper

La vie bourgeoise d'Hélène Noblet, épouse du respecté Dr Noblet, est troublée par l'assassinat de son amant Philippe, un ami de son fils. C'est elle qui retrouve le corps lorsqu'elle se rend à l'un de leurs rendez-vous. Sous le choc, elle pense tout de même à emporter le carnet d'adresses de la victime où figure son nom - objet comprometta..

Nataly Fish

Les Tambours de la nuit

Les Tambours de la nuit

Following a yearlong attendance upon his shogun in Edo, samurai Hikokuro makes a long-awaited return to his home and doting wife, Dane. Initially greeted by the effusive welcome of his family, spiteful whispers also reach his ear about an adulterous affair carried on, in his long absence, between his wife and a famous drummer. With Hikokuro’s hon..

Nataly Fish

Life at the Top

Life at the Top

Dans une petite ville anglaise, après avoir épousé la fille de son patron, Joe Lampton, un homme d'origine modeste, pense enfin avoir réussi son ascension sociale. Pourtant au fil des semaines, celui-ci va se mettre rapidement à déchanter. Il constate que son avenir professionnel est bloqué. Il se rend également compte que son beau-père ma..

Nataly Fish

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