
Handymen, Handymen

Handymen, Handymen

The staff of elementary school prepare the retirement party for their cleaning woman. The complicated relations within the school will emerge to the surface on the same night.

Nataly Fish

Russian Left-Handed Ivan Yauzov: Chronicle

Russian Left-Handed Ivan Yauzov: Chronicle

Documentary picture about how the franchise was filmed and how its main characters live now.

Nataly Fish

Empty Hands

Empty Hands

A mix of life tales in modern Japan where fate is predicted by your name and a fingerplay song. Are the members of this society playing into the hands of some higher being or are they living the life of impermanence?

Nataly Fish

Istanbul Give Me Your Hand

Istanbul Give Me Your Hand

Kemal and Cebbar, who dream of going to Istanbul, sell their shops in Adana. Kemal comes to Istanbul to get the shop money. Here she meets A Decel and there is a rapprochement between them. Meanwhile, he finds out that Cebbar has to come to get the money. Arriving in Istanbul the next day, Cebbar admits that the money is not for the shop, but becau..

Nataly Fish

Not Without My Handbag

Not Without My Handbag

A bizarre, anarchic animation, in which a young girl sees her aunt dragged to hell for missing a payment on the washing machine, only for the undead relative to return from the netherworld to collect her handbag.

Nataly Fish

Big Hands

Big Hands

Two Brothers travel from Alaska to Northern California. They happen upon a certain evil in the woods.

Nataly Fish

Handle with Care

Handle with Care

Ben, Gwen, and Max are at a museum observing an exhibit of crystal eggs when thieves decide to strip it bare. Ben transforms into Diamondhead, but even for him it proves hard to fend off the thieves and protect the eggs from breaking.

Nataly Fish

OK But I'm Not Gonna Hold Your Hand

OK But I'm Not Gonna Hold Your Hand

History is a bitch, and so is catching up with an old flame.

Nataly Fish

In the Palm of Your Hand

In the Palm of Your Hand

A con artist seduces the widow of a millionaire, only to learn she'd plotted with her lover to murder the late husband. A tense game of cat-and-mouse ensues—but who's the cat?

Nataly Fish

The Fortune Handbook

The Fortune Handbook

Su Fu, a good for nothing brother-in-law tries to steal an age old Chinese pastry recipe from his own brother-in -law in a bid to sell it and get rich quickly. Things quickly take a turn when a God of Fortune sees his plan and decides to turn his life upside down.

Nataly Fish

A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush

A Bird in the Hand Is Worth Two in the Bush

The daughter of a miser grocer react to their father's effort to marry with the man he approves. When her uncle from America and her older sister arrive, the situation radically changes, because the new arrivals happen to be open-minded and view things in a different light.

Nataly Fish

Les mains libres

Les mains libres

Barbara est réalisatrice et travaille dans le milieu carcéral depuis plusieurs années. Elle prépare un film écrit et interprété par des détenus de longue peine dans une maison centrale de la banlieue parisienne. Deux fois par semaine, Barbara se rend à la Centrale où elle réalise avec les détenus, des entretiens qui serviront de base à..

Nataly Fish

Hand in Hand

Hand in Hand

A couple who had been married for forty years now prepare for death together as the wife gets cancer and has only two months to live.

Nataly Fish

Black Hand

Black Hand

Jung-Woo (Kim Sung-Su) is a neurosurgeon and also works in bioengineering research. He is married, but has an ongoing relationship with Yoo-Gyeong (Han Go-Eun). She is a doctor and stands by Jung-Woo. Yoo-Gyeong has a mysterious accident one day and her hand is cut off in the accident. Thanks to Jung-Woo's quick thinking, her hand is reattached su..

Nataly Fish

Second Hand Child

Second Hand Child

Tobias, aged 13, lives in an East German city and has learned to get by on his own. Then Max moves into the neighboring apartment, and he keeps it just like Tobias. He likes to determine how things should go by himself. Without further ado, Tobias decides to pass Max off as his father!

Nataly Fish

Your Hands

Your Hands

A propaganda film made while Latvia was occupied by Nazi Germany in the 1940s. A party of a wealthy socialite is disrupted by a friend's friend who's come along and turns out to be a soldier. The socialite starts wondering whether she could lend a hand to the war effort.

Nataly Fish

Hand in Hand

Hand in Hand

High above the ground three graceful girls of different skin colors are about to perform a beautiful line dance in sisterhood. A fourth girl appears and their prejudice free manner disappears and finally they have to face the bitter consequences of this.

Nataly Fish

Washing Our Hands

Washing Our Hands

This film is part of the Semmelweis Project, launched by Direkt36, an investigative journalism center based in Hungary, to show the reality and the causes of hospital-acquired infections, which are a growing problem in the country.

Nataly Fish

Les Petites Mains

Les Petites Mains

Léo, un an et demi, est le fils du directeur d'une usine de produits chimiques. Quand les employés apprennent la fermeture du site, Bruno, un ouvrier plus radical, enlève Léo pour tenter de négocier...

Nataly Fish

The Beast Hand

The Beast Hand

This is Kemonote

Nataly Fish

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