
Life Continues

Life Continues

The film sheds light on the complicated & emotionally charged decision-making process for families when confronted by having to consider the organ donation of their recently deceased loved ones.

Nataly Fish

Documentary of AKB48 To Be Continued

Documentary of AKB48 To Be Continued

This documentary follows the unstoppable all-female Japanese idol group, AKB48. With a complicated balance of competition and friendship among the members, their bond is strong. The footage was taken from over 1000 hours of recorded videos throughout 2010 and includes personal interviews with select members revealing each of the girls' struggle, jo..

Nataly Fish

Continental Circus

Continental Circus

Continental Circus est un documentaire français de 102 minutes sur les courses de moto réalisé en 1969 et 1970 par Jérôme Laperrousaz. Le film est sorti en 1972 et a reçu le prix Jean-Vigo la même année pour « la qualité de sa réalisation et l'indépendance de son esprit ». « Continental Circus » est le nom que les coureurs donnaient..

Nataly Fish

Continuity of Parks

Continuity of Parks

Deprived of their familiar context, the heroes of ancient Greek myths find themselves in a Moscow park.

Nataly Fish

Pornographer: Continued Spring Life

Pornographer: Continued Spring Life

Rio KIJIMA (ennosuke takezai), who had passed through the differences, deepened the bond of each other, and Haruhiko kusumi (Kenta inazuka). Haruhiko comes to play again in KIJIMA, where he lives in his home. Haruhiko who enjoyed the intercourse in the KIJIMA family, but it was a word of Miyu (Reno Takei). In addition, Natsuki (Ryoko Kobayashi) and..

Nataly Fish

Plastic Continuity

Plastic Continuity

Un film de Jose Francisco Arcuri

Nataly Fish

Cruel Famine Continent

Cruel Famine Continent

Cruel Famine Continent documents the Great Sahelian drought in West Africa and its effect on the people. The production was an attempt to pivot Toei's output from yakuza films and Toei Porn towards "global issues" and "whatever makes money", as stated by then-Toei president Shigeru Okada. Theatrical proceeds were to be shared as relief funds throu..

Nataly Fish

The Women’s Strike Continues

The Women’s Strike Continues

Film about the struggle of women who work in municipal kindergartens and nurseries in Poznań (Poland). They fight for living wages and better conditions for themselves and the kids. In 2011, the women set up a union section. Since then they have learned to put pressure on their employers effectively, and they have also supported other workers duri..

Nataly Fish

A la Derive Des Continents

A la Derive Des Continents

No-one could care less about tectonic plates, no more than they could about the 1940s; the same goes for the melting of the north and south poles & all that crap... But a Blockhaus gradually sinking into the sand is always amusing to see...

Nataly Fish

Continuous Torture and Tape Leaked!

Continuous Torture and Tape Leaked!

In Tokyo, a man targets an idol singer and couple... Distributed by Xces / Nikkatsu.

Nataly Fish

The Fairy Tale on Wheels Continues Its Journey

The Fairy Tale on Wheels Continues Its Journey

A grandfather and granddaughter with their fairy-tale theater travel to an enchanted city to make its inhabitants laugh and free them from witchcraft. Baba Yaga and her assistants try in every possible way to prevent this, but having failed, they join the fairy-tale theater.

Nataly Fish

Herzschlag der Kontinente

Herzschlag der Kontinente

Herzschlag der Kontinente est un documentaire sur les percussions de Manfred Waffender. Ce voyage musical tourné en Inde, au Sénégal et en Allemagne, permet de rencontrer le Karnataka College of Percussion, Ramesh Shotham, Mamady Keita, Reinhard Flatischler et d'autres maîtres de la percussion.

Nataly Fish

The Silent Battle

The Silent Battle

Secret agents try to defeat terrorists on the Orient Express.

Nataly Fish

Empire of Atlantis

Empire of Atlantis

Petros, the little son of a fishing man makes a very special finding. While playing at the beach he discovers a message in a bottle. With the help of its Grandpa he succeeds deciphering the paper. "Atlantis is a lost city," he explains to his grandchild. "Since eternal times humans try to find this city, but up to now nobody succeeded." Petros, hi..

Nataly Fish

Les Dinosaures du pôle Sud

Les Dinosaures du pôle Sud

À quoi ressemblait le pôle Sud au temps des dinosaures ? Un fascinant panorama préhistorique, fondé sur les dernières découvertes paléontologiques et illustré de reconstitutions 3D. L’Antarctique n’a pas toujours été le continent blanc et inhospitalier que l’on connaît. Au temps des dinosaures, la région, qui formait le sud du Go..

Nataly Fish

La Continental : le mystère Greven

La Continental : le mystère Greven

Ami de Göring, Alfred Greven, homme mystérieux, fut mandaté par Goebbels pour créer en France, sous l’Occupation, avec des capitaux allemands, la société de production Continental Films. La firme finança une trentaine de films qui demeurent parmi les meilleurs de la période (les films de Clouzot, mais aussi ceux de Maurice Tourneur, Henri..

Nataly Fish

Lune : le huitième continent

Lune : le huitième continent

Alors que depuis 1972 plus aucun homme n'a foulé sa surface, la Lune exerce de nouveau son pouvoir d'attraction sur les grandes nations. Après le retour dans la course des États-Unis, annoncé en 2017 par le président Trump, la Russie, la Chine et l'Inde y ont dernièrement posé des rover (véhicules), et les agences spatiales européenne, jap..

Nataly Fish

Sixth Continent

Sixth Continent

In the era of bedazzlement, the night has become extinct. Shadows have disappeared, and what is left is the realm of evidence. The inhabitants flee to dark spaces in which to take shelter from an unbearable glow, and the holes on the earth’s surface become their refuge. This experimental video works on the light-shadow binomial by relating basic ..

Nataly Fish

Double Rape, Continuous Assault of Sisters

Double Rape, Continuous Assault of Sisters

Pinku distributed by Xces / Nikkatsu.

Nataly Fish

The Continuous Mission

The Continuous Mission

A true story about a pilot whose plane crashes, forcing him to land in the "Noman's Land," after which he begins searching for a way to reach his homeland.

Nataly Fish

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