
Black and White Like Day and Night

Black and White Like Day and Night

A scientist who swore off playing chess after a nervous breakdown as a boy wunderkind, creates an undefeated chess program. But the Russian world champ beats Tommy Rosemund's masterwork in a televised match. So the West German mathematician becomes a top chess pro himself, which the West German media boast will prove the superiority of Germany and ..

Nataly Fish

The Day Elvis Came to Bremerhaven

The Day Elvis Came to Bremerhaven

A 17 year old tries to find his own identity in October 1958 while Elvis Presley begins his service as a G.I in Germany. He is torn between his parents' generation which was marked by war and the new "American way of life" which is particularly present in the town of Bremerhaven.

Nataly Fish

Courant alternatif

Courant alternatif

1986 - The protest movement against the construction of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf is on its last legs. Only one rural commune remains: the "Alternative Wohnkollektiv Regenbogen". For them, it could go on and on with endless consensus discussions, shearing sheep and naked communal bathing. One day, the lowland communards are joined by two ..

Nataly Fish

Ein Tag, der nie zu Ende geht

Ein Tag, der nie zu Ende geht

Nataly Fish

Hitlers letzte Tage - Der Film

Hitlers letzte Tage - Der Film "Der Untergang"

Documentary about the 2004 movie 'Der Untergang' aka. 'Downfall'

Nataly Fish

Ein Tag auf dem Mars

Ein Tag auf dem Mars

Nataly Fish

Drei Tage auf Leben und Tod - aus dem Logbuch der U.C.1

Drei Tage auf Leben und Tod - aus dem Logbuch der U.C.1

a silent war movie by Heinz Paul

Nataly Fish

Zwei ganze Tage

Zwei ganze Tage

Nataly Fish

Der erste Tag

Der erste Tag

The movie is about a nuclear desaster in the Czech nuclear power station Dukovany.

Nataly Fish

Ein ganz normaler Tag

Ein ganz normaler Tag

Nataly Fish

Dog Tags

Dog Tags

POW's rescued from tiger cages in Vietnam are brought into a secret mission by an Army Captain. However when the group finds a cache of gold, greed sets in and the mission goes awry.

Nataly Fish

Rag Tag

Rag Tag

Raymond and Tagbo met when they were eight. Although from radically different worlds - Raymond/Rag is from a single parent West Indian home, while Tagbo/Tag is the only son of middle class Nigerian parents - they remain inseparable until the cusp of their teens, Social Services take Rag from London. Ten years later, Rag returns to find Tag. They st..

Nataly Fish

Journal d'une fille perdue

Journal d'une fille perdue

Nataly Fish

Die letzten Tage der Menschheit

Die letzten Tage der Menschheit

Nataly Fish

Sechs Tage Angst

Sechs Tage Angst

Nataly Fish

Three days of middle arrest

Three days of middle arrest

When an attractive maid in a garrison town becomes pregnant, she reveals that one of three soldiers stationed there who had been chasing after her, is responsible.

Nataly Fish

Meurs un autre jour

Meurs un autre jour

Une opération secrète, menée en Corée du Nord par James Bond et deux de ses hommes, est compromise par un traître non identifié. S'ensuit une course-poursuite en hovercraft au cours de laquelle le colonel nord-coréen Moon trouve la mort et son lieutenant, Zao, est grièvement blessé. James Bond est quant à lui capturé et jeté dans une pr..

Nataly Fish

Ein Tag - Bericht aus einem deutschen Konzentrationslager 1939

Ein Tag - Bericht aus einem deutschen Konzentrationslager 1939

Germany, January 1939: a day in a concentration camp. Subjected to harsh military discipline the hungry prisoners are digging a huge hole and filling it up again. Several are tortured, die of exhaustion, in the electric fence, or are shot.

Nataly Fish

Dreaming Days

Dreaming Days

The Berger couple want to enjoy their vacation in the mountains, a break that they both deserve. Because Maya suffers from strong emotional swings and feels constrained by the concerns of her husband, who is successful in the hospitality industry. Things don't improve during the holidays, and tensions between the two even escalate when Maya gets in..

Nataly Fish

Schöne Tage

Schöne Tage

Franz Holl, 6 years old, is sent off by his mother and stepfather to live on his father's farm. His father turns out to be a mischievous man who won't grant him any chance in life. The roles are played by amateur actors from Carinthia.

Nataly Fish

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