


Brothers Veer and Shashank fall in love with Chandralekha. Shashank kidnaps her and forces her to marry him. She requests a special drum dance prior to the wedding. The drums, however, hold a secret.

Nataly Fish

The Death of Joe the Indian

The Death of Joe the Indian

The film is a continuation of the story of Tom Sawyer and his friends, the second part of the Romanian screenplay after the famous novel by Mark Twain. The three friends Tom, Huck and Becky continue their adventures full of puzzles and suspense.

Nataly Fish

Le Raid en avion autour du monde

Le Raid en avion autour du monde

À la suite du sabotage de son avion, un pilote émérite est victime d’un accident. Sa sœur prendra sa place lors du fameux raid en avion autour du monde et tentera de déjouer les mystérieux commanditaire du sabotage qui feront tout pour que l’avion n’arrive pas à sa destination finale.

Nataly Fish

National Geographic: Slave Girls of India

National Geographic: Slave Girls of India

Around the globe, over 200 million children are engaged in child labor, often, doing the most brutal or degrading of jobs. Girls are especially vulnerable. Even in countries as wealthy as the United States, girls face harsh lives as victims of sex trafficking or as migrant workers. Join National Geographic's Lisa Ling as we travel to India for a gl..

Nataly Fish

Between the Lines: India's Third Gender

Between the Lines: India's Third Gender

Repping best view to date into the world of the Indian eunuch, “Between the Lines: India’s Third Gender” may not answer all the questions it poses, but helmer Thomas Wartmann provides an intimate glimpse at a community whose members are considered pariahs and conduits of supernatural force. Following shutterbug Anita Khemka in her quest to di..

Nataly Fish

El astrónomo y el indio

El astrónomo y el indio

4 of the world biggest astronomical observatories have been built in the Atacama desert (Chile). A new observatory, the ALMA, is going to be constructed close to an Indian village established in the same Cordillera for centuries. The film questions the co-existence on the same territory of two visions of the sky: scientists’ "rational" view and t..

Nataly Fish

India On The Trail Of The Tiger 3D

India On The Trail Of The Tiger 3D

India. No other country presents so many contrasts. Ethnical, religious and economic. The challenges of today however, are economic growth at any price – rapid population growth – and ecological balance. The list of endangered species at home in India is long. The Indian government has been attempting to curb the extinction of species in the w..

Nataly Fish

Innu Nikamu (festival de musique autochtone)


A journey that follows the Ganges from its source deep within the Himalayas through to the fertile Bengal delta, exploring the natural and spiritual worlds of this sacred river.

Nataly Fish

Gefährliche Jagd

Gefährliche Jagd

A humorous documentary about a historic hunt in 1929 through the African savannah and Indian jungle with lots of animal footage.

Nataly Fish

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