
Spanish Masala

Spanish Masala

Charlie who comes to Spain with a group of artists wants to live a new life, so he runs away from the group to find another job. Later, under some circumstances, his talent for cooking gets him the job of a chef for the Spanish ambassador.

Nataly Fish

Little Spanish Soldier

Little Spanish Soldier

A young man, son and grandson of soldiers, refuses to perform military service, causing a commotion in the whole family. Finally, social, environmental and family pressures, will force the young to make a decision that will have unforeseeable consequences.

Nataly Fish

How Did You Learn Spanish?

How Did You Learn Spanish?

A short film.

Nataly Fish

Spanish Dancers at the Pan-American Exposition

Spanish Dancers at the Pan-American Exposition

The picture was taken in the Gypsy tent at the Pan-American Exposition and shows ten beautiful Gypsy girls executing the famous Gypsy dance that created such a furore at the Exposition...

Nataly Fish

Brother Against Brother: The Spanish Civil War

Brother Against Brother: The Spanish Civil War

Raging from 1936 to 1939, the Spanish Civil War was a bloody conflict that divided families, pitting the conservative Nationalists against the socialist Republicans. Through dramatized eyewitness accounts and historic footage, this documentary explores the turmoil that engulfed Spain. Expert commentary explains the complex military and political ma..

Nataly Fish

Brainy Baby - Spanish

Brainy Baby - Spanish

Brainy Baby is university studied and published in JOCAM Journal of Children and Media. Parents tell us their children love to watch them again and again, learning something new each time. Brainy Baby interactive DVDs feature live action and real children. Brainy Baby Spanish teaches the Spanish language using everyday objects in familiar surroundi..

Nataly Fish

The Standard Deviants: The Salsa-Riffic World of Spanish, Part 1

The Standard Deviants: The Salsa-Riffic World of Spanish, Part 1

Learning how to speak Spanish is easy with The Standard Deviants. They'll begin by introducing you to the Spanish alphabet, vocabulary, and pronunciation. You will also learn greetings, punctuation, the gender of nouns and pronouns, some essential verbs, and much more.

Nataly Fish

Spanish Leather

Spanish Leather

In 1981 New York City, estranged childhood sweethearts, Ken Harper and Emma Law, reunite on the first day of school at a prestigious acting academy. As their term goes on and they are forced into closer collaboration, old feelings re-emerge that pull them together again.

Nataly Fish

Spanish Round

Spanish Round

Over a hundred members of the chorus girls and dance groups from the Spanish "Sección Femenina" embark to America to show the richness of their national folklore. The girls have left parked their daily tasks to enjoy this great adventure aboard "Mount Albertia". During the trip, the relationship between the girls and the crew is very lively and in..

Nataly Fish

Spanish Actress for Russian Minister

Spanish Actress for Russian Minister

A love story between a mythical Russian minister and an opportunist TV series actress.

Nataly Fish

La Grippe espagnole : La grande tueuse

La Grippe espagnole : La grande tueuse

En 1918, alors que la Grande Guerre laisse l'Europe exsangue, un nouvel ennemi frappe sournoisement, sans visage ni drapeau : une grippe virulente se répand rapidement sur les cinq continents. Les populations n'y sont pas préparées.

Nataly Fish

Rosa Rosae. A Spanish Civil War Elegy

Rosa Rosae. A Spanish Civil War Elegy

Saura creates and recovers more than thirty images, drawings and photographs that he prints, manipulates, plays with and subsequently films, to produce a story which, while recreating the Spanish Civil War, could also reflect the horrors of universal conflict, seen through the eyes of a child and his surroundings.

Nataly Fish

Alice in Spanish Wonderland

Alice in Spanish Wonderland

Four different Alices wander through mazes constructed from 40 years of Spanish history in this post-Franco meditation. Loosely related to the "Alice" of Alice in Wonderland, in one episode of this film, Alice (who is clearly a metaphor for the Spanish people) is raped by some multinational corporations. Told in a somewhat confusing manner, especia..

Nataly Fish

To Spanish Women. María Lejárraga

To Spanish Women. María Lejárraga

A fictionalised documentary that tells the story of María Lejárraga, writer and pioneer of feminism in Spain during the 1920s, whose work was produced under the name of her husband, the theatre impresario Gergorio Marinez Sierra. Lejárraga was the most prolific Spanish female playwright of all time. She is the author of works such as "Cancion de..

Nataly Fish

Clair de lune espagnol

Clair de lune espagnol

Two lovers perform a fandango dance. A jealous quarrel follows and the heart-broken swain decides to end it all. He throws himself from the window of his room, but instead of falling to his death, the anchor of a passing balloon intercepts his flight and he is taken high into the clouds. Laughing at his plight, the moon arouses the anger of the des..

Nataly Fish

A Chaste Spanish Man

A Chaste Spanish Man

Don Santiago, a forty-year-old owner of a pastry shop in Madrid de los Austrias, receives surprising news: a woman, in fact his real mother, leaves him with a brothel in England.

Nataly Fish

Gérone, la Venise espagnole

Gérone, la Venise espagnole

One of Chomón's documentary films: A short tour of the city of Girona, the "Venice of Spain". Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2010.

Nataly Fish

La cuisine à l'heure espagnole

La cuisine à l'heure espagnole

Paëlla, tapas ou tortillas : la cuisine espagnole est un invité de choix à la table des Français. Du gaspacho, une soupe froide à base de tomate, fabriquée dans des usines françaises et espagnoles, au pata negra, le jambon le plus cher du monde, il y en a pour tous les budgets. La cuisine espagnole a également su s'imposer à la table des g..

Nataly Fish

Rock in your Language (Spanish) Symphonic

Rock in your Language (Spanish) Symphonic

Bass player, Sabo Romo, reunites some of his legendary 80's Spanish rock colleagues for a concert of greatest hits accompanied by the Metropolitan Camerata.

Nataly Fish

Spanish Trace

Spanish Trace

The cycle is dedicated to the Spanish Civil War, its very special role in the intellectual and cultural history of the XX century. The heroes of the cycle: Hemingway, Saint-Exupery, Malraux, Ehrenburg - participants in this war and its chroniclers.

Nataly Fish

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