


Nataly Fish

Sniper Genius

Sniper Genius

Nataly Fish



Zhou Hailong (Li Zhenshi), the deputy team of the criminal police team, has repeatedly broken the odd case. The new police officer Gu Shengnan (Li Wei) has a lack of experience. When he investigated a case involving Professor Hu and the rare earth sample, the two broke through. Heavy murder, life and death, and finally, locked the criminal suspect ..

Nataly Fish

A Sniper's Woman

A Sniper's Woman

Noriko is an ex-prostitute married to Satake, a charismatic, wise-cracking lady-loving Yakuza. But when Satake is called upon to murder a rival, Noriko must take up the mantle to lead his gang.

Nataly Fish



During World War 1 a Russian soldier (Pyotr Sobolevsky) serves in Russian Expeditionary Force in France where he is chosen for his marksmanship and trained as a skilled sniper. After the Russian revolution the soldier returns home while his commander (Boris Shlikhting) fights against the Soviet Russia. In 1930 the former soldier works on a factory ..

Nataly Fish

Azemi: Kosovar Sniper

Azemi: Kosovar Sniper

Rrahman Fetahu and his two brothers in arms survive during the Yugoslavia war between Serbia and Kosovo.

Nataly Fish

Snipers Shot

Snipers Shot

The villagers in a small mountain village during the Anti-Japanese War were exposed to the burning, killing and looting of the Japanese invaders. Anti-Japanese War with the Japanese in the end the story. Yang Jun feather starring Geshan, is a grass-roots hero from a small village. This movie strongly appeals to me is to pay attention to authenticit..

Nataly Fish

German Snipers

German Snipers

Luftwaffen training film featuring numerous rifle men.

Nataly Fish

Idol Sniper the movie

Idol Sniper the movie

Cute idols, full-fledged action that will take your breath away, dark characters reminiscent of Japanese anime, and a total of more than 50 cast members! An entertainment heroine action movie that mixes sex appeal and gun action.

Nataly Fish

Khaitan's Sniper

Khaitan's Sniper

Khaitan Sniper, a comedy play that talks about the bullying of renters and what is happening in the Khaitan area. The play expresses the return of the artist, Hayat Al-Fahd, after a 10-year absence from theatrical works.

Nataly Fish

Preludium for Sniper

Preludium for Sniper

Terrorism, fever of consumerist orgy, exploitation of female sensuality for marketing purposes, the duality of human nature torn between creativity and destruction, war and music, beauty and destruction. These are the themes of this surreal etudes of bizarre and tragic modern societies of the West.

Nataly Fish



According to the true story of Abdolrasoul Zarrin, he was the Iranian sniper of the Iran-Iraq war, who is known as the best sniper in the contemporary world wars with a record of 3,000 successful shootings with Dragunov weapons.

Nataly Fish

The Sniper Ridge

The Sniper Ridge

Korean War, Battle of Shanganling. In order to protect his comrades chinese sniper Sun Chenghuan chooses to sacrifice himself and die with the enemy sniper.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Virgin Sniper

Virgin Sniper

Toranaga is a good-for-nothing loser. However, he also happens to be the last remaining direct descendant of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. When a mysterious ninja threatens Toranaga’s life, the great ninja Hattori Hanzo is hired to protect him. However, it seems that there are a bunch of female ninjas aching to have sex with Toranaga and take his sperm..

Nataly Fish

The Sniper

The Sniper

The film portrays a snapshot of the Lebanese Civil War through the behavior of a sniper who ruthlessly kills his targets. Through this, many social contradictions and conflicts amid the Lebanese Civil War are revealed, as a bloody conflict rages between factions with no relenting or desire to cease the bloodshed.

Nataly Fish

The Wall

The Wall

Deux soldats américains sont la cible d’un tireur d’élite irakien. Seul un pan de mur en ruine les protège encore d’une mort certaine. Au-delà d’une lutte pour la survie, c’est une guerre de volontés qui se joue, faite de tactique, d’intelligence et d’aptitude à atteindre l’ennemi par tous les moyens…

Nataly Fish



En 1941, Hitler décide de s'emparer du port stratégique de Sébastopol. L'aviation et l'artillerie allemandes vont pilonner sans relâche le dernier bastion de l'armée rouge. Sous ce déluge de feu, une jeune femme russe va se révéler être une tireuse d'élite hors pair et semer la panique dans le camp allemand. Les combats vont être meurtri..

Nataly Fish



Dans un lieu de villégiature top secret réservé aux agents de renseignement américains à la retraite, un groupe de criminels, dirigé par Balzary, s'introduit dans l'enceinte, bien décidé à se venger de Robert, obligeant le retraité et son fils à reprendre du service.

Nataly Fish

Rampage 2

Rampage 2

Après s'être terré deux ans dans la clandestinité, Bill Williamson veut frapper de nouveau un grand coup pour lutter contre les pouvoirs de la finance qui régissent le monde. Bill va monter une action spectaculaire en prenant en otage le personnel d'une plateforme de télévision pour lui permettre de diffuser à grande échelle ses messages d..

Nataly Fish

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