
How Huang Fei-hong Rescued the Orphan from the Tiger's Den

How Huang Fei-hong Rescued the Orphan from the Tiger's Den

Continuing adventures of Huang Fei-hong as he becomes as living legend.

Nataly Fish

Paper Orphans

Paper Orphans

The documentary Paper Orphans, co-produced by Terre des Hommes and UNICEF, explores the lives of families in Nepal who lost children to illegal international adoptions. The film raises troubling questions about how to make sure official papers reflect the reality of a child's status, and the efficacy of safeguards to protect children and families f..

Nataly Fish

Orphans of Apollo

Orphans of Apollo

Orphans of Apollo is a documentary film that describes how a band of entrepreneurs tried to privatize the space station Mir and tells the story that led to the development of MirCorp. It features prominent NewSpace entrepreneurs and space advocates (Rick Tumlinson, Jeffrey Manber...), backed financially by Walter Anderson.

Nataly Fish

Flip the frog - Flip et son fils adoptif

Flip the frog - Flip et son fils adoptif

Une mère souris refuse d'accepter un autre bébé souris comme enfant. La cigogne décide qu'il est préférable de la placer à la porte de Flip. Est-il assez homme pour gérer le petit morveux?

Nataly Fish

The Orphan and the Dude

The Orphan and the Dude

Two oddballs, one a black man called "The Dude" and one white, called "The Orphan" share a Culver City, California apartment.

Nataly Fish

Orphaned Land: The Road to OR-Shalem

Orphaned Land: The Road to OR-Shalem

"The Road To OR-Shalem" is the premier Middle Eastern progressive metal crusaders' DVD debut and documents the band's incredible mission to unite warring factions in their home region through the power of music. Filmed in Tel Aviv, Israel in December 2010, 'The Road To OR-Shalem' features nearly two hours of stunning live material, as well as a sec..

Nataly Fish

Abu & Mo: Two Orphans

Abu & Mo: Two Orphans

“Abu & Mo” is an animated silent film set in 1889 Damascus, loosely inspired by real events. It is about orphans, who despite the differences in their religious backgrounds, develop an abiding friendship and inspire a divided community to come together to pray.

Nataly Fish

Artists and Orphans: A True Drama

Artists and Orphans: A True Drama

Artists and Orphans: A True Drama is a 2001 American documentary film, directed, produced, and written by Lianne Klapper McNally. It documents a group of American artists traveling to the Republic of Georgia for an art festival, and their subsequent effort to provide humanitarian aid to a group of local orphans. It was nominated for Best Documenta..

Nataly Fish



Kaboul, fin des années 80. Le jeune et débrouillard Qodrat gagne sa vie en revendant des tickets pour aller voir ses films Bollywoodiens préférés. Rattrapé par la police, il se retrouve à l'Orphelinat où il s'imagine héros de ses films préférés, combattant aux côtés de ses nouveaux amis l'invasion rebelle les menaçant.

Nataly Fish

Les oiseaux, les orphelins et les fous

Les oiseaux, les orphelins et les fous

Parabole en mosaique, joyeusement carnavalesque ou trois orphelins, trois fous abandonnes ne survivent que grace a leur folie programmee dans un monde insense et laid.

Nataly Fish

The Two Orphans

The Two Orphans

Early Croatian film adaptation of the play "The Two Orphans", a five-act melodrama set during French Revolution.

Nataly Fish

Orphan’s Blues

Orphan’s Blues

Ema suffers from memory loss. One day she gets a drawing of an elephant from Yang , a childhood friend who has gone missing. With the postmark as her only clue, Ema heads on a journey to find Yang with her childhood friend Ban and his girlfriend Yuri .

Nataly Fish

Anju et Zushioumaru

Anju et Zushioumaru

Zushio et sa soeur Anju se font kidnapper et sont vendues à un cruel esclavagiste. Seront-elles un jour de nouveau réunies avec leur mère ?

Nataly Fish

L'Orpheline avec en plus un bras en moins

L'Orpheline avec en plus un bras en moins

Eléonore est une superbe jeune fille d’une vingtaine d’années, qui a perdu ses parents et un bras dans un accident. Elle vit dans un orphelinat en Bourgogne. Le juge London, magistrat en province, veut faire le bonheur de la jeune fille.

Nataly Fish



Orphans is the true story of a forbidden love affair set in the oppressive and violent atmosphere of nineteenth century Mexico. One man, Melchor Ocampo, driven by the twin passions of love and idealism, defies the stain of illegitimacy to shake off the crippling yoke of Spain and the Catholic Church. In so doing he becomes a founding figure of mode..

Nataly Fish

The Orphan

The Orphan

The story of Jonathas, an orphan who had been adopted and then "returned" due to his effeminate mannerisms.

Nataly Fish

Lolita the orphan

Lolita the orphan

A basque melodrama

Nataly Fish

Wild Innocence

Wild Innocence

A story dealing with civilization's effect and man's cruelty on the Australian outback.

Nataly Fish



The director of the orphanage, Andrey Mast, is fighting the lawlessness reigning there and introducing strict rules. The new pupil Inna opposes these rules and will seek justice in her own way.

Nataly Fish

Drill of the Reedham Orphans

Drill of the Reedham Orphans

Purely, Surrey orphanage fundraising event with children performing choreographed military-style drills, believed to be filmed somewhere between 1904 and 1912.

Nataly Fish

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