
Longing for Beauty

Longing for Beauty

A documentary directed by Julian Benedikt.

Nataly Fish

Beauty of Small Things

Beauty of Small Things

No plot found

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Beauty Will Save the World

Beauty Will Save the World

BEAUTY WILL SAVE THE WORLD charts the journey of 19 year old Tecca Zendik, a contestant in the Miss Net World contest, Libya's first every beauty competition. Colonel Muammar Qaddafi hosts this competition and the film includes extraordinary footage of the Colonel. Tecca's story reveals an incredible conclusion no-one could have guessed when privat..

Nataly Fish

The Beauty and Complexity of the Mandelbrot Set

The Beauty and Complexity of the Mandelbrot Set

A video by doctor John Hubbard discussing the origin, characteristics, and applications of the Mandelbrot set and other iterative sets.

Nataly Fish

Invisible Beauty

Invisible Beauty

Fashion revolutionary Bethann Hardison looks back on her journey as a pioneering Black model, modeling agent, and activist, shining a light on an untold chapter in the fight for racial diversity.

Nataly Fish

Beauty Mark

Beauty Mark

Angie, une jeune mère pauvre, s'occupe de son fils et de sa mère alcoolique lorsqu'elle est expulsée de sa maison. Maintenant, elle doit obtenir de l'argent de la seule personne qu'elle connaisse - l'homme qui l'a maltraitée lorsqu'elle était enfant.

Nataly Fish

Aunt's Beauty Salon Closing Day

Aunt's Beauty Salon Closing Day

Yeon-i who runs a small salon is shaken by Geon-dal’s suggestion to run the salon as an adult service business when customers start to run out. After experiencing the sales method that enables customers to touch female employees while being shampooed and while receiving other services, Yeon-i leaves the salon, but after a few months, she suffers ..

Nataly Fish

La belle endormie

La belle endormie

Il était une fois… Dans un Château quelque part dans un temps lointain. La fée Carabosse coupe le cordon ombilical d’un nouveau-né, une petite fille prénommée Anastasia. Trois jeune fées écervelées surgissent, les joues rouges d’avoir couru... Trop tard, dit Carabosse, à l’âge de 16 ans, l’enfant se transpercera la main et mour..

Nataly Fish

La mort au premier virage

La mort au premier virage

Une jeune femme passionnée de courses automobiles s'inscrit dans une école de pilotage. Son instructeur, mentalement perturbé, tombe amoureux d'elle et décide d'éliminer toutes les personnes de son entourage pour qu'elle lui consacre toute son attention.

Nataly Fish

The Real Beauty and the Beast

The Real Beauty and the Beast

It's a condition known as "hypertrichosis" or "Ambras Syndrome," but in the 1500s it would transform one man into a national sensation and iconic fairy-tale character. His name: Petrus Gonsalvus, more commonly known today as the hairy hero of Beauty and the Beast.

Nataly Fish

Beauty for Sale

Beauty for Sale

A beautiful woman lands a job at an exclusive salon that deals with the wives of wealthy businessmen. Her contact with these men leads to a series of affairs.

Nataly Fish

Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West

Wild Beauty: Mustang Spirit of the West

An immersive journey into the world of wild horses, Wild Beauty illuminates both the profound beauty, and desperate plight faced by the wild horses in the Western United States. Filmmaker Ashley Avis and crew go on a multi-year expedition to uncover the truth in hopes to protect them, before wild horses disappear forever.

Nataly Fish

Snake Beauty

Snake Beauty

Some female ghosts seduce and kill trespassers on their mountain.

Nataly Fish



Défigurée, Kasane possède un rouge à lèvre magique qui lui permet de voler le visage de qui l’embrasse. L’adaptation tant attendue d’un des mangas les plus fascinant de notre époque.

Nataly Fish

Le Royaume et la beauté

Le Royaume et la beauté

C'est une comédie musicale sur un jeune empereur qui est attiré par des histoires racontées à un endroit appelé Kiang-Nan par son tuteur royal. La mère de l'impératrice a le tuteur aller à Kiang-Nan pour le ramener.

Nataly Fish

La rivale

La rivale

Beth, une jeune réceptionniste d'hôtel, est retrouvée étranglée dans sa voiture. Principal suspect pour la police, Kevin, le petit ami de Beth, est rapidement interrogé. Quelques mois plus tôt, celui-ci avait rencontré dans un bar une femme séduisante et non moins mystérieuse, Cheryl. Fidèle, il avait repoussé ses avances en l'informant..

Nataly Fish

Beauty and the Beast: A Latter-Day Tale

Beauty and the Beast: A Latter-Day Tale

Eric is a man shrouded in mystery. Throughout the land, he is known as "the Beast" for his bad temper and mean ways. When Belle is forced to work for him, she tries not to be intimidated and resolves to look deeper. She discovers the truth and becomes the one person who can make a difference in Eric's life and help him rediscover the faith and love..

Nataly Fish

Made for beauty ... used for ugliness

Made for beauty ... used for ugliness

How can a soldier who participated in war regain 28 years of relationship with his daughter?

Nataly Fish

Tough Beauty And The Sloppy Slop

Tough Beauty And The Sloppy Slop

Three high-octane cops--an unorthodox one from Hong Kong, a straitlaced one from the Mainland, and one from the Philippines--join forces to demolish an insidious counterfeiting ring. Cops-and-robbers action fare taken to its most gleefully bullet-ridden extreme.

Nataly Fish

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