
The First State Bed of Henry VII & Elizabeth of York: An Investigation

The First State Bed of Henry VII & Elizabeth of York: An Investigation

An investigation into the fascinating discovery of the first State Bed of Henry VII & Elizabeth of York. This fascinating bed is one of the most significant examples of Tudor furniture in existence today, and its iconography sheds new light on our understating of the Tudor Monarchy. The film represents the culmination of many years of in depth re..

Nataly Fish

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee: Thanksgiving Service - HRH Queen Elizabeth II's Arrival

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee: Thanksgiving Service - HRH Queen Elizabeth II's Arrival

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee: Thanksgiving Service - HRH Queen Elizabeth II's Arrival

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth Maconchy

Elizabeth Maconchy

Documentary about the composer Elizabeth Maconchy, filmed during the rehearsal of a new composition

Nataly Fish

A Woman for Our Time: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

A Woman for Our Time: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

Born into a royal family and brought into a foreign land, to discover love, raise a family and become the mother of the sick and poor of her country, Elizabeth of Hungary became a follower of St. Francis and mobilized people throughout Europe to lead the Gospel life. She still inspires us today. The feature-length documentary A Woman for Our Time t..

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth Rex

Elizabeth Rex

This filmed treatment of the original Stratford Festival production of Timothy Findley's Governor General Award-winning play is a lavish treat for the eyes and the ears. William Shakespeare and his company of actors are brought together with the formidable Queen Elizabeth I in a remarkable encounter on the night of April 22, 1616, hours before the ..

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth II, histoire d'un couronnement

Elizabeth II, histoire d'un couronnement

Le 2 juin 1953, Elizabeth est couronnée reine du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne. Elle n'a alors que 27 ans. Depuis le palais de Buckingham, Elizabeth II commente, 65 ans plus tard, cet événement. Elle détaille les préparatifs qui furent orchestrés par le duc de Norfolk et le duc d'Edimbourg durant 16 mois. Huit kilomètres de procession ont �..

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth II, le destin d'une reine

Elizabeth II, le destin d'une reine

Ce portrait retrace la vie de la monarque britannique au plus long règne de l'histoire du pays, le reine Elisabeth II, décédée le 8 septembre 2022. De son engagement pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale à ses relations avec les Premiers ministres, en passant par les drames qui ont marqué sa vie, toutes les facettes de la reine, dans ses rôles ..

Nataly Fish

The Young Elizabeth

The Young Elizabeth

Brought up in a close and loving family, this film explores how the Queen's early life shaped the woman and the monarch she would eventually become.

Nataly Fish

Queen Elizabeth II - The eternal Majesty
Elizabeth Bishop and the Art of Losing

Elizabeth Bishop and the Art of Losing

So often throughout her life, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Elizabeth Bishop's trajectory is tragically disrupted by a profound personal loss that pushes her into her worst self-destructive habits. Yet in her sixties, while grief-stricken, she courageously faces up to her most tragic heartbreak, writes her greatest work, becomes her truest self, lear..

Nataly Fish

Reworlding (Elizabeth)

Reworlding (Elizabeth)

Reworlding (Elizabeth) is a collaborative work offering a multidisciplinary investigation into the concept of digital-hybridity. The collective process in producing the work imitates the technological and physical layers we often encounter to expose the limitation of the dichotomy between the representational and the real.

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth David: A Life in Recipes

Elizabeth David: A Life in Recipes

Elizabeth David is the most important cookery writer of the 20th century. David's public image was of an elegant, respectable and somewhat austere figure. In reality she was a deeply unconventional person with a profound passion for food, life and men.

Nataly Fish

Voices & Visions: Elizabeth Bishop

Voices & Visions: Elizabeth Bishop

Elizabeth Bishop’s poems were always admired for the purity and precision of her descriptions, and now readers have come to see how, even in her early poems, the attention to external detail reveals an internal emotional realm. Bishop’s early works use surrealism and imagism to create a new reality in which she minimizes the reference to self i..

Nataly Fish

Queen Elizabeth I & Queen Mary (A Tale of Two Sisters)

Queen Elizabeth I & Queen Mary (A Tale of Two Sisters)

Mary was the short-lived, little-favoured Catholic, Elizabeth the long-reigning, all-admired Protestant. Or so history has told us. But these two daughters of Henry VIII had more in common than meets the eye.

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth & Margaret: A Tale of Two Sisters

Elizabeth & Margaret: A Tale of Two Sisters

It has been said that no two sisters were ever less alike. One reserved and proper. The other lively and controversial. One the anchor of a commonwealth of nations. The other searching for purpose in life.

Nataly Fish

In a Nutshell: A Portrait of Elizabeth Tashjian

In a Nutshell: A Portrait of Elizabeth Tashjian

Some three years in the making, In a Nutshell is a documentary on Elizabeth Yegsa Tashjian -- a one-time concert violinist, heralded artist, Christian Science healer, late TV celebrity and founder of the Nut Museum in Old Lyme, Connecticut. In her 90s, she became a ward of the state and confined to a nursing home against her will. This feature-leng..

Nataly Fish

The Macho Man Randy Savage & Elizabeth

The Macho Man Randy Savage & Elizabeth

This Home Video Classic celebrates WWE's original power couple with a memorable look at "The Macho Man" Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth. Witness Elizabeth by Savage's side during these battles against the likes of Hulk Hogan, George 'The Animal' Steele, and many more!

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth: Her Passions and Pastimes

Elizabeth: Her Passions and Pastimes

Throughout her life, The Queen had her passions and pastimes that she enjoyed. From her dogs and horses, through theatre, film, music and TV, to her love of photography, the sea, and family outings, her interests were both many and varied.

Nataly Fish

Queen Elizabeth II: Above All Else

Queen Elizabeth II: Above All Else

Reine Elizabeth II. Monarque régnant pendant plus de six décennies et pierre angulaire de l'histoire britannique moderne. Montée sur le trône après la mort prématurée de son père bien-aimé, le roi George VI, elle a vu le monde changer radicalement et a fait face à un certain nombre de grands défis, tant en public qu'en privé. Son engage..

Nataly Fish

Elizabeth Bathory

Elizabeth Bathory

Two women find themselves in a dark dungeon tormented by distant memories of the horrific legend of Countess Elizabeth Bathory and looming feelings of sinister forces as they struggle to find an escape.

Nataly Fish

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