
Romulus et Rémus

Romulus et Rémus

Ayant eu deux jumeaux du dieu Mars, la belle vestale Rhea Silvia, craignant les foudres de son oncle Amulius, le tyrannique roi d'Albe, les abandonne dans un berceau sur le cours d'une riviere. Les deux nouveau-nes, Romulus et Remus, identifies par une simple plaque de bronze gravee, sont allaites et soignes par une louve, jusqu'au jour ou le berge..

Nataly Fish

Le duel

Le duel

Nataly Fish

Duel of Hearts

Duel of Hearts

Lady Caroline Faye meets Lord Vane Brecon and is attracted to him. When she finds out that he is being accused of a murder he did not commit, she sets out to prove him innocent

Nataly Fish

The Morricone Duel: The Most Dangerous Concert Ever

The Morricone Duel: The Most Dangerous Concert Ever

Les gangsters impitoyables de New York et les cow-boys rudes de la prairie poussiéreuse ; la magie du cinéma et le son riche d'un orchestre symphonique. L'orchestre symphonique national danois, dirigé par Sarah Hicks, interprète des pièces magistrales du légendaire compositeur de films Ennio Morricone, accompagné de Sonny Bono, Bernard Herrm..

Nataly Fish

Silent Duel

Silent Duel

Spectacular film by successful director Dhimitër Anagnosti. Three people, Sergeant Rahmiu (Ndrek Luca), Islam (Reshat Arbana), and Bepini (Bujar Kapexhiu) hijack a military ship to emigrate to Italy. Along the way they encounter opposition in the sailor Skender Guri (Rikard Ljarja), who wants to turn the ship back to Albania. 4 people representin..

Nataly Fish

Duel Before Nightfall

Duel Before Nightfall

A girl and boy take a long path that leads them to the point where their lives will change for ever.

Nataly Fish

Un duel à mort

Un duel à mort

On the the bank of a peaceful river, two fishermen are... fishing! An idyllic scene indeed. At least until their lines get intertwined. At one of their two ends, a single fish! But whose end? Which of the two contenders is the legal owner of the aquatic vertebrate? To resolve the dispute, the two men decide to fight a pistol duel.

Nataly Fish

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Duel at Bromo Crater

The Blind Man from Ghost Cave: Duel at Bromo Crater

Barda Mandrawata (Ratno Timoer), also known as The Blind Man From the Ghost Cave, is in the Sarpala area which is being hit by a disaster created by the vile magician Tarub. After finishing his business, Barda intends to leave but is given Narisa, a child who is to be returned to his biological parent, Labone, the leader of Sarpala who has fallen i..

Nataly Fish

Duel Without Honor

Duel Without Honor

Bianca, a rich heiress, being an orphan, lives in her palace with her guardian uncle and cousin Olga.

Nataly Fish

Polidor's First Duel

Polidor's First Duel

Polidor learns how to handle a sword for a duel.

Nataly Fish

Fellini vs Visconti: an Italian duel

Fellini vs Visconti: an Italian duel

A docummentary, regarding the rivalry between two biggest Italian directors of their time - Federico Fellini and Luchino Visconti

Nataly Fish

Reagan-Gorbatchev, duel au sommet

Reagan-Gorbatchev, duel au sommet

Lorsque Ronald Reagan et Mikhaïl Gorbatchev se rencontrent pour la première fois à Genève en novembre 1985, la guerre froide est à son comble. Reagan, le plus anticommuniste des présidents américains, et Gorbatchev, voué au triomphe du système soviétique, célèbrent l'apaisement devant les caméras. Mais en coulisses une partie de poker ..

Nataly Fish

A Duel at the Schrapnell

A Duel at the Schrapnell

Two friends on a jaunt in the Alps soon become rivals fighting over a damsel's heart. The suitors barter their muskets for Shrapnel bombshells fastened to their back. Chases and special effects guaranteed!

Nataly Fish

20 Duels of Young Shingo - Conclusion

20 Duels of Young Shingo - Conclusion

While on his journey through the countryside of Japan, Shingo encounters many people whose lives have been affected by his actions. Though the many duels he fought were intended to bring justice to those who sought to do evil, he is faced with the knowledge that his victories have also caused suffering amont the family members of his victims-leadin..

Nataly Fish

Le duel du monsieur myope

Le duel du monsieur myope

Astigmatic, Max apologizes to lampposts, kisses the wrong lady, and is challenged to a duel.

Nataly Fish

The Duel At Blood Creek

The Duel At Blood Creek

A comedy about a duel at dawn, over a matter of honour.

Nataly Fish



Foghorn Leghorn's dominance over the chicken coop is threatened by a younger, sexier rooster.

Nataly Fish

The Duel

The Duel

A couple of French noblemen-types constantly argue (Sterling and Sennett). They're rivals for a lovely Mabel's attentions. While attending a picnic near the Hudson River (on a rather cold-looking day), She apparently favors Mack over Ford, so, obsessed with revenge as he usually is in Keystone comedies, he sets her little dog out on a raft and dare..

Nataly Fish

Ces drôles d'oiseaux: Pas si bêtes que ça!

Ces drôles d'oiseaux: Pas si bêtes que ça!

Avant l'arrivée des hommes, aucun mammifère ne peuplait la Nouvelle-Zélande et la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Les oiseaux ont ainsi régné en maîtres sur ces îles pendant quatre-vingt millions d'années et ont connu une évolution particulière. Aujourd'hui, ils font preuve de capacités exceptionnelles. Dans les forêts néo-calédoniennes, les cor..

Nataly Fish

The Dueling Accountant

The Dueling Accountant

When a lonely accountant reluctantly agrees to fight a sword duel, he is thrown into a world of intrigue and romance as he faces a scheming heiress, a deadly opponent, vengeful Gypsies and secrets from the past.

Nataly Fish

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