
Last Days of Edo

Last Days of Edo

It is a historical drama that follows Katsu Kaishu's efforts to surrender Edo Castle bloodlessly in the first year of the Meiji period.

Nataly Fish

The Last Day of Winter

The Last Day of Winter

Three young people meet by chance on their way to visit relatives imprisoned in a remote labor camp.

Nataly Fish

Les Derniers Jours de l'URSS

Les Derniers Jours de l'URSS

Moscou, 31 décembre 1991, 19h30 : le drapeau rouge qui flottait depuis plus de 70 ans sur les remparts du Kremlin est affalé et la bannière tricolore de la Russie prend sa place. Anodin en apparence, cet épisode symbolise à jamais la fin de l’URSS. Chronique vivante des années fatidiques qui, par une brutale accélération de l’Histoire, ..

Nataly Fish

The Last Days of Gomorrah

The Last Days of Gomorrah

Her only foray into science fiction—about the havoc wrought on society by a television that satisfies every human craving—The Last Days of Gomorrah was a favorite of Sanders-Brahms, who brought feminist politics to the New German Cinema movement of the 1970s. It is a forceful piece of capitalist realism, critiquing working-class alienation and ..

Nataly Fish

Our Last Day

Our Last Day

Despite the big age gap, Tomi and his brother find common ground in their relationship. His brother is leaving the countryside to go to university. Tomi can't help it, he takes over the role of his brother in the family.

Nataly Fish

The Last Cold Days

The Last Cold Days

May 1945. In a small town of the province of Kazakhstan, far from the front of the war draws to a close, young Vladik and Mary, and Akezhan, a boy a bit ‘largest are among the displaced. It is through the eyes of the latter, his feelings and his reactions, that we enter into intimacy with the different characters and their stories.

Nataly Fish

The Last Days of Pompeo

The Last Days of Pompeo

The title refers to a character named Pompeo Quarantini; an attorney tries to prevent marriage between an heiress and a musician, but without success.

Nataly Fish

Last Days of the Year

Last Days of the Year

Just as he's getting ready to celebrate the new year amid a global pandemic, a thirteen-year old's careless winter break is interrupted when an earthquake hits nearby.

Nataly Fish

Like Last Day

Like Last Day

Nataly Fish

The First Last Day

The First Last Day

Three generations of a dysfunctional family gather at the family home in order to arrange all details for their great-grandfather's "Last Day"

Nataly Fish

Last Days of a Bookstore

Last Days of a Bookstore

Last Days of a Bookstore

Nataly Fish

The Last Days of Bablo

The Last Days of Bablo

Nataly Fish

Last Days of Summer

Last Days of Summer

A summer idyll in a thriving family vineyard is interrupted by an assault on Yana, one of its young seasonal workers. The victim’s story can only be confirmed by one person: her friend Tosia. The teenager faces a difficult moral dilemma between justice and protecting her family. What will she choose?

Nataly Fish

Les Derniers Jours de l’Hiver

Les Derniers Jours de l’Hiver

Ce sont les derniers jours de l'hiver à Téhéran et tout le monde se prépare à célébrer le Nouvel An iranien. La caméra suit la vie de 7 adolescents au sein d'une Maison de Correction pour mineurs. Le film nous fait partager leurs pensées et les enfants, malgré leur jeune âge, évoquent avec beaucoup de force et de lucidité ce qui les ..

Nataly Fish

Last day at work

Last day at work

One day 76-year-old Gunilla is called in to the hospital for the nightshift. Her daughter is not particularly enthusiastic about her aging mother’s strong work ethic, but Gunilla is set on working to ease her loneliness. A beautiful, gloomy, and congenial portrayal of stubborn everyday heroes who keep society running.

Nataly Fish

The Very Last Day

The Very Last Day

A former front-line soldier, who worked at his post for a quarter of a century, local commissioner Lieutenant Semyon Mitrofanovich Kovalev, going to the department in the morning, was most sad that tomorrow he would no longer have to go to service: tomorrow he would be retired. But the last day of his service ended tragically.

Nataly Fish

The Last Day of Bulkin I.S.

The Last Day of Bulkin I.S.

The last day of Ivan Bulkin’s life has come. Death is at his front door and wants him to confirm with his signature that he was satisfied with his life. But Bulkin thinks he can trick the grim reaper and cheat death.

Nataly Fish

Last Day of Summer

Last Day of Summer

Àlex and Nico decide to spend their last day together in a river pool far away from their village and say goodbye to the summer they have lived.

Nataly Fish

The Last Day of School Before Christmas

The Last Day of School Before Christmas

Directed by Gian Vittorio Baldi

Nataly Fish

Grandpa's Last Day as a Doorman

Grandpa's Last Day as a Doorman

This fictional short film as a fake documentary is about Manoel's last day as doorman at the Clara Building, all recorded by his grandson and a film crew.

Nataly Fish

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