
Budapest Silo

Budapest Silo

József works at the largest still-operational grain silo in Budapest. He’s been doing this work for more than 30 years, and lives in a container home next to the structure, where trucks and trains rumble past his window. When he is lowered into the ten-story-deep silos to clean them, he looks like a scuba diver at work. These scenes are captured..

Nataly Fish

The Lord's Lantern in Budapest

The Lord's Lantern in Budapest

In the Kerepesi Street cemetery, three grave diggers contemplate the fate of the world, then they step out of this role and in a sequence of episodes they play the typical figures of contemporary Hungarian reality, the fat cat, the swashbuckler, the victim, underworld chieftains, and present little absurd dramas of love, marriage, friendship, publi..

Nataly Fish

Budapest Heist

Budapest Heist

Nataly Fish

Travelogue of Hungary and Budapest

Travelogue of Hungary and Budapest

Hungary as a picturesque country: old farms, spinning and weaving, goose keeping, shepherds, oxen, sheep, the market, traditional costume (Sunday, church), making costumes: embroidery, pattern drawing, traditional wedding with czardas dances. In the cities recordings of industry, traffic, the production of a traditional embroidery and Budapest.

Nataly Fish

Az én városom Budapest

Az én városom Budapest

Nataly Fish

Batman of Budapest

Batman of Budapest

Krisztián is currently unemployed, but busy. At night he wears a bat costume and walks the streets, pubs and nightclubs of Budapest. He faces drug abuse and violence, helps homeless people, troubled citizens, drunken youth and anyone who he can.

Nataly Fish

A Plane from Budapest

A Plane from Budapest

Here we see short scenes from a random day at the airport. We have flying planes, landings, passport checking scenes, passengers waiting for their relatives. This documentary shows the ordinary but unique behaviors and reactions of the passengers and the airport maintenance staff.

Nataly Fish

Budapest Pastry Shop

Budapest Pastry Shop

Ilonka, daughter of a former landowner, is a shop-assistant in her father's small pastry shop in Buda. In order to get a job for her fiancé, who is a young doctor, she befriends János, a painter and owner of the house.

Nataly Fish

Tales of Budapest

Tales of Budapest

Copfos, a milliner working at Annie's, a downtown millinery, is the object of popular despise and mockery. On one day she becomes the inheritor of $650 000.

Nataly Fish

On the Roofs of Budapest

On the Roofs of Budapest

Gráci has been recently released from a reformatory school. His old gang would like to involve him in a new action, but he hesitates. His past record is bad enough already, and he would not like to get into new trouble.

Nataly Fish

Budapest Diaries

Budapest Diaries

An eleven-year old Irek travels with his mother to Budapest on the even of Martial Law in 1982 in Poland.

Nataly Fish

Budapest Portrait (Memories of a City)

Budapest Portrait (Memories of a City)

Peter Hutton’s essay on the naturalization of the urban landscape. Voluptuously gray, worn and lived in, the city is like a stage set for an invisible drama.

Nataly Fish



1913, au cœur de l’empire austro-hongrois. Irisz Leiter revient à Budapest après avoir passé son enfance dans un orphelinat. Son rêve de travailler dans le célèbre magasin de chapeaux, autrefois tenu par ses parents, est brutalement brisé par Oszkar Brill le nouveau propriétaire. Lorsqu’Írisz apprend qu'elle a un frère dont elle ne s..

Nataly Fish

Tall Tales

Tall Tales

Peu de temps après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un escroc en fuite se retrouve dans une histoire d'amour passionnée qui pourrait bien lui coûter la vie.

Nataly Fish

Aveux spontanés

Aveux spontanés

Le journaliste du New York Herald Tribune Jimmy Race, basé à Paris, est envoyé par son patron derrière le rideau de fer à Budapest pour enquêter sur une réunion impliquant l'ambassadeur hongrois. Pendant sa mission, Race est accusé d'espionnage.

Nataly Fish

The Phantom of the Opera

The Phantom of the Opera

The Budapest Opera House's diva commits suicide after the owner ruins her career for having rejected his advances but her conductor-husband, believed killed in a fire, plans his revenge on all those he deems responsible for her suicide.

Nataly Fish

The Golden Head

The Golden Head

Stevenson, the famous English criminal expert visits Hungary with his family. While he is chairing a conference on criminology, infamous art treasure robbers steal the golden herm of Saint László. Suspicion is cast on the Stevenson children.

Nataly Fish

Made in Hungaria

Made in Hungaria

Miklós Fenyö's parents returned to Communist Hungary in the mid sixties - when everyone else was fleeing to the West. Miki's old friends don't know what to make of his outrageous clothes, flawless American accent and collection of original Buddy Holly 45s. His childhood sweetheart is cold and distant while local tough guy Röné is unmoved by the..

Nataly Fish

Final Report

Final Report

A cardiologist is sent into retirement, but he feels at loss without his work. He returns to his home village to work as a general practitioner. This is the start of his ordeal: he's confronted with raw reality, which finally brings him to his knees. But music has the last word.

Nataly Fish

The Unburied Man

The Unburied Man

One of the doyennes of Hungarian film deals with a dark period of national history: the Soviet regime in Hungary. She portrays it through the fate of the former prime minister and national hero, Imre Nagy. The script is based on the diary written by Imre Nagy, and the memories of his daughter, Erzsébet Nagy, as well as authentic documents and reco..

Nataly Fish

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