
Le siècle de Sabine Weiss

Le siècle de Sabine Weiss

La photographe Sabine Weiss a capturé des milliers de visages, de sourires et d'attitudes, toujours en quête d'émotions. Elle a immortalisé un Paris populaire désormais disparu, photographié de nombreux artistes et fourni des milliers de clichés pour la mode, le reportage et la publicité. Pendant toute la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, son..

Nataly Fish



SLR is a short thriller about a man obsessed with "voyeur pornography". When he makes a shocking discovery online, he is forced onto the trail of an anonymous photographer known only by his user name of ANORAK.

Nataly Fish

Photograph of Memories

Photograph of Memories

A frustrated young woman returns from Tokyo to her hometown in Toyama where she meets an old woman who lives alone. There she slowly finds purpose in life by taking "photographs" that spin memories instead of ghosts.

Nataly Fish

La Photo

La Photo

En Grèce, sous la dictature des colonels, le jeune Ilyas, fourreur de son métier, ne trouve pas d'emploi à cause d'une filiation communiste. Il se réfugie en France où il est accueilli par un cousin quadragénaire, Gerassimos, établi comme fourreur à Paris. Ilyas détient un secret concernant son cousin : l'argent que ce dernier envoie régu..

Nataly Fish

J.A. Martin photographe

J.A. Martin photographe

The wife of photographer J.A. Martin decides to go with him in his tour of the hard Canadian countryside at the turn of the century. She hopes the intimacy will revive their marriage.

Nataly Fish

La ciudad de los fotógrafos

La ciudad de los fotógrafos

Ce documentaire revient sur les événements de la dictature de Pinochet, couverts par un groupe de photojournalistes qui découvrent peu à peu la fascination malsaine des médias pour la violence. Dans la rue, au rythme des mouvements sociaux, ces photographes se sont regroupés, créant un véritable langage politique. C’est au rythme des mani..

Nataly Fish

Photographie électrique à distance

Photographie électrique à distance

Into a photography studio full of large fantastic machines steps an elderly couple. The bearded proprietor explains the equipment and gives them a demonstration: he starts machines whirring, and projects a painting of three women onto a large screen; suddenly the women begin to move. The customers are impressed. First the women sits in the special ..

Nataly Fish

Love Feast

Love Feast

Mr. Murphy, a photographer, lures models to his house on the pretense of legitimate modelling work, and then busies himself bedding them. After a while, his bedroom has gotten pretty crowded and he's exhausted, so he snags a taxi cab driver to help out. Soon, a trio of domineering women show up and force him (willingly) to dress in women's clothes ..

Nataly Fish

Dear Memories - A Journey with Magnum Photographer Thomas Hoepker

Dear Memories - A Journey with Magnum Photographer Thomas Hoepker

Thomas Hoepker is one of the most famous photographers of his lifetime. Now he is slowly losing his memory. He embarks on one last journey together with his wife, a trip they once took more than 50 years ago.

Nataly Fish

The Man in the Photograph

The Man in the Photograph

Le peintre Peter Palette fait la sieste sous un orme enchanté. À son réveil, il s'aperçoit qu'il peut à présent communiquer avec les animaux de la forêt, et que son pinceau a des pouvoirs magiques. Il se lie à plusieurs animaux, un castor, un ours, une renarde et un trio de hérissons. Il apprend peu après que la forêt et ses habitants so..

Nataly Fish

Eros Photographer

Eros Photographer

Nataly Fish

Yuuko Sou's Truly Scary Spirit Photographs

Yuuko Sou's Truly Scary Spirit Photographs

Based on the psychic photographs selected by Ms. Yuko So, who is a psychic and a well-known appraiser of psychic photographs, we will shoot on location in the Izumo region, the sacred land of the gods. An abandoned hotel, an old pond with a legend of water burial, a railroad crossing where there are many accidents of unknown causes, the remains of ..

Nataly Fish

Ladies Photographer

Ladies Photographer

Catrasca is a photojournalist with a fondness for women of all kinds.

Nataly Fish

The Cinema and the Wind and Photography

The Cinema and the Wind and Photography

How should one define the relationship of documentary film to reality? Does it aim at authenticity or is it rather an “exile of reality”, a “foreign homeland of reality”, where the pre-filmic, stripped of its immediacy, comes to its own right in the first place? Where in its mis-en-scène would be the line drawn to a fictional film, if draw..

Nataly Fish

Francisco Boix: A Photographer in Hell

Francisco Boix: A Photographer in Hell

In 1939, just finished the Spanish Civil War, Spanish republican photographer Francesc Boix escapes from Spain; but is captured by the Nazis in 1940 and imprisoned in the Mauthausen concentration camp, in Austria, a year later. There, he works as a prisoner in the SS Photographic Service, hiding, between 1943 and 1945, around 20,000 negatives that ..

Nataly Fish

The Man with the Camera

The Man with the Camera

War correspondent Nathan Hold is confronted with attacks on his person after his picture of a dead refugee child is published. Gone underground in the solitude of the Italian Maremma, he evades questions of morality and ethics. Nathan returns to the roots of photography and falls in love with the interior designer Ewa, a clever and pretty young wom..

Nataly Fish



Un photographe a tout mis en place pour prendre en photo un gentleman mais n'arrive pas à la prendre car le sujet n'arrête pas de bouger.

Nataly Fish

The Photograph

The Photograph

People who have to leave where they live, let their photo taken for the last time in front of a backdrop. The photographer gives the photographs to everyone and they move away from the backdrop. "The Photograp"h takes a glimpse into the lives of all refugees who are forced to leave their country, from the point of view of the last moment they were ..

Nataly Fish

Death of a Fashion Photographer

Death of a Fashion Photographer

About a photographer that undertakes jobs involving girls and young women depicted in swimwear or naked, with obvious sexual suggestions, but decides to change direction and become a photo journalist. A couple of steps down the career ladder.

Nataly Fish

Blank Photograph

Blank Photograph

Artist Hsu Che-yu blends his digitally animated exploration of the relation between media and memory with an account of Taiwanese terrorist Yung Ru-Men, a bomb maker who idolised Japan’s suicidally-inclined United Red Army.

Nataly Fish

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