
Say My Name

Say My Name

Say My Name is a documentary about two transgender women, Selem and Diana, who are struggling for the right to change their names and gender in all official documents and seeking respect from their families and society.

Nataly Fish

Je m'appelle Chance : Une voix contre les féminicides

Je m'appelle Chance : Une voix contre les féminicides

Quand elle avait 20 ans, un homme qu’elle avait éconduit a logé dans la tête de Mutlu (« Heureuse » ou « Chanceuse » en kurde) une balle qui y est toujours et l’a laissée lourdement handicapée. Cinq ans plus tard, sa sœur Dilek, qui faisait campagne avec elle contre les féminicides, a été assassinée par le soldat qu’elle fréque..

Nataly Fish

I'm Reed Fish

I'm Reed Fish

When an old high school crush returns to his small hometown, Reed Fish's once simple, calculated life begins to unravel. A drunken incident prompts Reed's fiancee (Alexis Bledel) and the entire town to turn against him. This one-of-a-kind hilariously clever comedy features an up and coming ensemble cast and an unforgettably captivating original sou..

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Daniel

My Name Is Daniel

In this disarming and personal documentary, Gonçalves explores precisely what it is that is wrong with him. His physical disability is obvious, but doctors have never managed to provide a diagnosis. As he undergoes a series of tests, he paints a picture of his life today and looks back over his past, assisted by a vast collection of VHS videos, fo..

Nataly Fish

Mon nom est Fleming, Ian Fleming

Mon nom est Fleming, Ian Fleming

On ne l'a jamais vu à l'écran, mais 007 a bien un père : l'agent secret le plus charismatique des services de Sa Majesté est né en 1953 de l'imagination féconde de Ian Fleming. Rejeton d'une famille de la haute société écossaise, le futur écrivain fait ses études classiques à Eton, puis en académie militaire, avant de passer plusieurs ..

Nataly Fish

Säg mitt namn så finns jag inte mer
On continue à l'appeler Trinita

On continue à l'appeler Trinita

Trinita et Bambino, selon la dernière volonté de leur défunt père, deviennent deux brigands parcourant l'Ouest américain. Ils décident pourtant de protéger et d'aider une modeste famille de paysans.

Nataly Fish

The Man Without a Name

The Man Without a Name

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Jacque

My Name Is Jacque

Jacqueline Rocha Côrtes is a 55 year old Brazilian transsexual woman who has been living with AIDS for the past 21 years. As a Human Rights activist and a militant for HIV-positive people, Jacque has had her life marked by struggles and achievements, including her role as a representative of the Brazilian government at the United Nations. Now marr..

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Paul

My Name Is Paul

Caught between The Way and the World. Paul blinded by hate and intent on destruction is determined to find and kill Peter, the enemy of his Leader. However, a terrible accident and a miraculous discovery take him off course and on a road of self-discovery where he learns to live and love the Way.

Nataly Fish

Mon nom est Pecos

Mon nom est Pecos

Alors qu'il se dirigeait vers le village de Huston, un jeune mexicain, Pecos Martinez, assiste à distance à l'inutile assaut conduit par Joe Kline et sa bande contre le chariot d'un certain Break. Il remarque que Break confie un mystérieux baril, apparemment rempli de rhum, à un inconnu. Il suit ce dernier et ne tarde pas à apprendre qu'il se ..

Nataly Fish

Hello, My Name Is Doris

Hello, My Name Is Doris

Employée de bureau dans la soixantaine, Doris Miller tombe follement amoureuse de son collègue John Freemont, un nouveau directeur artistique de Los Angeles très séduisant, mais beaucoup plus jeune qu'elle. Un séminaire de conditionnement positif du coach de vie Willy Williams convainc Doris de passer en mode offensif pour attirer l'attention ..

Nataly Fish

La Place d'une autre

La Place d'une autre

Nélie a échappé à une existence misérable en devenant infirmière auxiliaire sur le front en 1914. Un jour, elle prend l’identité de Rose, une jeune femme qu’elle a vue mourir sous ses yeux, et promise à un meilleur avenir. Nélie se présente à sa place chez une riche veuve, Éléonore, dont elle devient la lectrice. Le mensonge foncti..

Nataly Fish

My Name is Ada Hegerberg

My Name is Ada Hegerberg

Norwegian National Team and Olympique Lyonnais soccer star Ada Hegerberg, gives fans an intimate look at her decision to opt out of the 2019 Women’s World Cup in protest of unequal treatment of women by the Norwegian Football Federation.

Nataly Fish

On l'appelle Trinita

On l'appelle Trinita

Trinita et Bambino sont deux demi-frères aux physiques et caractères diamétralement opposés. Ensemble, ils tentent de repousser les assauts de bandits mexicains venus attaquer une colonie de mormons.

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Makhaz

My Name Is Makhaz

The plot unwinds in the Soviet time Sukhumi of the 70s. A young guy Makhaz comes over to the city, and thanks to his brilliant drawing skills easily enters the Sukhumi School of Art. However, as the character claims, he couldn’t make it to graduation because of falling in love. The movie tells a story of hardship he goes through after meeting his..

Nataly Fish

My name is Petya

My name is Petya

On a deep winter night, a mother with two young children ends up in an isolated box at an infectious disease hospital, where the heroine is waiting for a strange encounter that will change her life forever.

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Sara

My Name Is Sara

The true life-story of Sara Góralnik, a 13 year-old Polish Jew whose entire family was killed by Nazis in September of 1942. After a grueling escape to the Ukrainian countryside, Sara steals her Christian best friend’s identity and finds refuge in a small village, where she is taken in by a farmer and his young wife. She soon discovers the dark ..

Nataly Fish

In the Name of My People

In the Name of My People

This a documentary film on Afghanistan and the effects of wars of the last 38 years. Malalai Joya, Afghan activist for human rights, democracy and women's rights, speaks to the atrocities committed against Afghans by Soviets, local Warlords, Taliban, and now USA and NATO presence in the country. Many victims of these atrocious wars tell their stori..

Nataly Fish

Always in My Heart Part 3

Always in My Heart Part 3

Machiko and Haruki’s drama continues. Machiko is not allowed to see Haruki. They finally meet again, but Haruki departs to Europe.

Nataly Fish

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