
your fingerprints on my eyes... or will it be the opposite...

your fingerprints on my eyes... or will it be the opposite...

Optical art with camera movement.

Nataly Fish

What Your Eyes Don't See

What Your Eyes Don't See

A murder in a house in Tigre triggers an investigation in the sphere of a political weekly. Crimes follow one another and the police can't solve the puzzle. A magazine journalist will try to get to the truth without knowing that more than one surprise awaits her.

Nataly Fish

Don't Hide Your Eyes 2

Don't Hide Your Eyes 2

A documentary that revolves around five LGBT Ukrainians who emigrated to the USA, most of them because of the problems of discrimination and homophobia they faced in Ukraine. The purpose of the film was to talk about different aspects of the life of queer people in the USA: sex education in schools, bullying, relationships with parents after coming..

Nataly Fish

Your World Isn't For My Eyes

Your World Isn't For My Eyes

A story about the need for tolerance through a metaphor of life - a blind man can finally see but refuses to see the world around him. A story involving a love that disappears because of the lack of understanding one another. A friendship that goes beyond all the difficulties that arise along the way. Emotion through simple situations, recognizable..

Nataly Fish

Close Your Eyes and Hold Me

Close Your Eyes and Hold Me

Triangle amoureux japonais tendrement joué entre un homme, sa copine et une pute travesti

Nataly Fish

I'll be Your Eyes, You'll Be Mine

I'll be Your Eyes, You'll Be Mine

Seeking in the archives of Robert Kramer, a detective, Keja Ho is looking for her deceased father. His ghostly presence haunts her search and motivates the singular dialogue between her family memories and friends.

Nataly Fish

Your Eyes Made Me Do It

Your Eyes Made Me Do It

“I saw it in the morning paper, an omen. / In my morning coffee I saw the entire milky way.” In Your Eyes Made Me Do It, the artist toys with morning rituals, heartache, obsessions, superstitions and modern magic.

Nataly Fish

Close your eyes to see better

Close your eyes to see better

This video was made in 1986 by residents of Hamburg's Hafenstraßn (St Pauli) and documents their struggle for the occupied houses.

Nataly Fish

Rien que pour vos yeux

Rien que pour vos yeux

Un bateau espion du Royaume-Uni, sombre dans les eaux albanaises après avoir heurté une mine, engloutissant avec lui l'ATAC, système top secret de lancement de missiles. Les services secrets britanniques déclenchent une opération sous-marine discrète pour récupérer l'appareil. L'opération est conduite par un couple d'archéologues marins, ..

Nataly Fish

I Don't Know What Your Eyes Have Done to Me

I Don't Know What Your Eyes Have Done to Me

Argentinean singer and tango legend Ada Falcón disappeared without a trace in 1942 at the height of her career. This is the story of how she was located sixty years later, living in an unexpected way, in an unexpected place.

Nataly Fish



A recording of the 2003 production of the 1987 play. An evil nun known as Bizan wishes to bring back to life the demon monarch Ashura, so that the oni may rule the world. But that’s not an easy task with the Demon Wardens scouring the land and taking care of demons who have taken on human form. Five years ago, Wakuraba Izumo served as a Demon W..

Nataly Fish

Vivre avec les yeux

Vivre avec les yeux

Nous tournons un film sur le court métrage de Johan Van der Keuken, et le suivons ainsi que son épouse et ingénieur du son Noshka Van der Lely pendant ce processus de création bref mais intense. Cela révèle le fonctionnement d'un genre sur lequel on s'est souvent mépris : le documentaire. [...] En contrepoint, vingt-cinq personnes de différ..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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