
How Poets Are Losing Their Illusions

How Poets Are Losing Their Illusions

A story about a young medical school student and his adventures.

Nataly Fish



Dans une nature accueillante, des enfants s'amusent. Survient un magicien qui transforme les animaux en jouets mécaniques et la nature joyeuse en une cité grise. Les enfants devront l'affronter pour retrouver leurs champs et leur jeux.

Nataly Fish

Styx : The Grand Illusion - Pieces of Eight Live

Styx : The Grand Illusion - Pieces of Eight Live

Filmé le 9 novembre 2010 à l'historique Orpheum Theatre à Memphis, TN, ce spectacle étonnant capture Styx en train de jouer pour la première fois ses albums classiques multi-platines des années soixante-dix The Grand Illusion et Pieces Of Eight. Ces albums emblématiques ont fait de Styx un groupe de rock au succès mondial et ont défini le ..

Nataly Fish

Fatal Illusions

Fatal Illusions

The famous illusionists, the Romanov brothers, present to the public their grandiose show, after which they are going to end their joint performances because of the accumulated mutual claims. In the first issue, with the disappearance of the assistant from the aquarium filled with water, something goes wrong - it does not appear in the right place...

Nataly Fish

Lake of Illusions

Lake of Illusions

A woman works as a prostitute and attendant to make a living at a bathhouse. She is athletic and is an avid runner. She has met and adopted a white dog and the two have become inseparable. It is the biggest tragedy and calamity when the dog is found dead, killed, murdered. The woman swears to find justice by finding the murderer and making things r..

Nataly Fish

La Grande Illusion

La Grande Illusion

Pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, l'avion du lieutenant Maréchal et du capitaine de Boëldieu est abattu par le commandant von Rauffenstein. Les deux officiers français sont envoyés dans un camp en Allemagne. Ils y retrouvent d'autres prisonniers français, de tous grades et issus de différents milieux sociaux. Les prisonniers organisent di..

Nataly Fish

Illusions of Movement

Illusions of Movement

A 45,000-year visual journey, from neolithic cave paintings to the advance of artificial intelligence.

Nataly Fish

All Illusions Must Be Broken

All Illusions Must Be Broken

All Illusions Must Be Broken is a cinematic contemporization of the work of American cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker whose book The Denial of Death won the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1974. Becker’s psychoanalytic exploration of human nature and his own personal testimony challenge us to move beyond our fears and see the beauty that s..

Nataly Fish

Horrific Illusions of a Game

Horrific Illusions of a Game

Nataly Fish

Cerveau multitâche : Une illusion ?

Cerveau multitâche : Une illusion ?

Issu de la sphère informatique, le mot "multitâche" désignait à l'origine la capacité d'un système d'exploitation à exécuter plusieurs programmes en même temps. Ce terme spécialisé est peu à peu devenu commun, puisqu'il désigne ce que la plupart des gens font tous les jours : effectuer plusieurs tâches en parallèle. À l'ère de l'im..

Nataly Fish

Illusions S.A.

Illusions S.A.

Mr. Balboa had a heartless grandson who, at the time, was kicked out of the house (a fact concealed from his wife). Since then he had forwarded himself letters sent in theory by his grandson in order to please his wife. The real grandson decides to go home (looking for money) but the boat where he was traveling sinks. Balboa hires an impersonator a..

Nataly Fish

Age of Illusions

Age of Illusions

Jancsi is part of a closely knit gang of young engineers. They see the older engineers as mediocre, and have grand ideas about developing new inventions together. With changing living conditions the five friends start to grow apart. At a party Jancsi suddenly meets Éva Halk. They fall in love, and find common memories in the engagement in The Pion..

Nataly Fish



Two young couples come to a family therapist to speak out about the anxieties and feelings that have accumulated during their marriage through a metaphorical story about the life of two elderly married couples.

Nataly Fish

Cadavres exquis

Cadavres exquis

Une série d'assassinats de magistrats a lieu. L'enquête est confiée à l'inspecteur Rogas qui soupçonne la mafia. Mais il découvre que les hommes au pouvoir utilisent cette affaire à des fins politiques: l'Etat est compromis avec des extremistes dans le but de destabiliser le gouvernement.

Nataly Fish

Illusions Come True

Illusions Come True

A simple story about an ordinary man trying to survive in our vicious world. All of us can relate to his ill-fortunes because more often than not, we too lose the job that we adamantly vied for or have our dream lover fall for someone else.

Nataly Fish

Sea of Illusions

Sea of Illusions

Directed by Nadia Hamza.

Nataly Fish

Living In Illusions

Living In Illusions

The untold story about the rise and fall of Israel's most famous magic duo - Chico and Diko, who were huge stars in Israel in the 80's.

Nataly Fish



A moody portrait of Lithuanian Jewish writer and literary critic Jokūbas Josadė, who looks back on his wasted life.

Nataly Fish

Farewell Illusions

Farewell Illusions

A harrowing and ironic story about the first big and well educated generation born after WW2, living without any major concerns between 1965 and 1975.

Nataly Fish

Optical Illusions

Optical Illusions

C'est l'hiver à Valvidia. Au centre commercial, le nouveau vigile devient l'amant d'une bourgeoise cleptomane. Un skieur aveugle recouvre la vue et découvre un monde moins réjouissant qu'il ne l'avait espéré. Une entreprise offre à son personnel, contre performances optimales, des opérations de chirurgie esthétique, seins, nez et autres imp..

Nataly Fish

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