
Satan Among Us

Satan Among Us

A meta-film (about the film Arved, directed by Vojtěch Mašek) that should never have been made, because no one can parasitize the ever-blooming flower of the film industry with impunity. Nevertheless, Ježek has signed a pact with the devil, thought he was some kind of Faust, played with the devil and black magic, and made the project happen. And..

Nataly Fish

ETs Among Us 6: My Cosmic Journey - Revelations of a Psychic CEO

ETs Among Us 6: My Cosmic Journey - Revelations of a Psychic CEO

Unusually gifted, successful CEO/entrepreneur Sebastien Martin has experienced accurate prophetic visions for years. While ignoring his psychic abilities to build a normal life, Sebastien's shocking memories of his alien past intensified after a strange encounter with an Annunaki ET claiming to be his soul brother - leading to a profound journey of..

Nataly Fish

Cyborgs Among Us

Cyborgs Among Us

In a few years, technology will merge with our bodies in ways that today seem unimaginable, and will redefine the limits of what is a human being. There are already people who, driven by the desire to experiment, have crossed the biological limits by introducing electronic devices that provide them with capabilities that go beyond what is "normal."..

Nataly Fish

Fools Among Us

Fools Among Us

Nataly Fish

Beasts Among Us

Beasts Among Us

Set in a surreal backdrop, we see victims' and predators' roles reversed. It shows the world we live in from the perspective of those who are most vulnerable.

Nataly Fish

Heroes Among Us

Heroes Among Us

Nataly Fish

Among Us Women

Among Us Women

In rural Ethiopia the staff of a health centre are fighting maternal mortality. They tirelessly appeal to women to give birth in the clinic. But reservations are strong, and so are the practical obstacles. How are heavily pregnant women supposed to arrive in time when the ambulance comes hours later or not at all? Against medical advice, Hulu Ager ..

Nataly Fish

Aliens Among Us: Leonardo

Aliens Among Us: Leonardo

Nataly Fish

Among Us Girls

Among Us Girls

The latest film by the director of popular Lithuanian comedies.

Nataly Fish

The Madness Among Us

The Madness Among Us

Leonor and Elizangela do not appear crazy at first sight in the way that society often imagines. They are victims of violent and uncontrollable seizure, which sometimes result even during filming in forcible confinement. The rest of the time they are endowed with sensitivity and clarity about their condition, which offers anyone who will listen to ..

Nataly Fish

The Monster Among Us

The Monster Among Us

In the Bagong Lipunan Negros Island, Philippines of 1985, a family of dumaan farmers and their community faces a brutal threat of the Amomonggo. While the community struggles for their rights and safety, the Magbuelas family is haunted by the tragic loss of their first-born Isio in Escalante and the trouble of preserving the childhood life of their..

Nataly Fish

ETs Among Us 5: Binary Code - Secret Messages from the Cosmos (with Linda Moulton Howe)

ETs Among Us 5: Binary Code - Secret Messages from the Cosmos (with Linda Moulton Howe)

Peabody award-winning journalist Linda Moulton Howe analyzes parallel binary code warnings from UFOs 35 years apart. In 1980, a military officer in Bentwaters Air Force base (Britain) witnessed a landed spacecraft, and was later mentally bombarded with binary code. Similar binary code was transmitted to another military man in 2015 in the USA. Sadl..

Nataly Fish

Chico Rei Among Us

Chico Rei Among Us

Chico Rei was an enslaved Congolese king who freed himself and his subjects during the Gold Cycle in Minas Gerais. His story is the starting point to explore the various echoes of Brazilian slavery in the lives of black people today, understanding their movement of self-affirmation and freedom from a collective perspective.

Nataly Fish

The Space Among Us

The Space Among Us

The Space Among Us is coming of age drama, set in a rural, picturesque town Kostanjevica na Krki.

Nataly Fish

Histoire(s) du cinéma 4b : les signes parmi nous

Histoire(s) du cinéma 4b : les signes parmi nous

Pour clore son histoire(s) du cinéma, Godard se concentre sur la signification même du cinéma, sur son sens. Puis il reprend tous les thèmes évoqués jusqu'ici et dresse un bilan du cinéma actuel, considéré par le réalisateur « sur le déclin ».

Nataly Fish

A Prophet Is Among Us Watch Out!

A Prophet Is Among Us Watch Out!

In 1911, in Olaias, now a neighbourhood in Lisbon, the Portuguese Republic established itself and imposed the secularisation of the State. Meanwhile, a woman, known by the name of A. Brasileira, the Brazilian, works miracles and her persecution becomes ever more urgent. However, from one shot to the next there is magic at work here, short-circuitin..

Nataly Fish

Among Us - In the Land of Our Shadows

Among Us - In the Land of Our Shadows

A suspense-filled sci-fi adventure that draws on Greenlandic culture, myth, folklore and legends, with a healthy dose of humour.

Nataly Fish

The International Brigaders Among Us

The International Brigaders Among Us

The road to the last great battle of the Spanish Civil War. A documentary film by Jordi Domènech, Toni Orensanz and Manel Vinuesa

Nataly Fish



L'histoire se déroule sur une Terre alternative où le Joker a piégé Superman pour qu'il tue Lois Lane, ce qui a entraîné le héros dans une colère noire. Ce Superman déchaîné décide de prendre le contrôle de la Terre pour son propre bien, ce qui amène Batman et ses alliés à tenter de l'arrêter.

Nataly Fish

A Noite em Nós

A Noite em Nós

Nataly Fish

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