
Line of Vision

Line of Vision

In the steppe on the territory of the Orenburgsky State Nature Reserve, a small population of wild Przhevalsky horses lives in their natural habitat. Researchers are reintroducing the species to one day release the animals into the wild. So far, this is impossible, because without a person the species is threatened with extinction. How does a wild ..

Nataly Fish



“Linear” is a dance film that conveys misunderstandings and crossing paths between people. Seemingly linear paths can intertwine with others, and anything can emerge from a sudden meeting. Random collisions show that we do not live alone but in parallel with others. How many soul mates could there be whom we live linearly and never meet? In our..

Nataly Fish

Evening Calm Battle Line: August Edition

Evening Calm Battle Line: August Edition

One summer evening, a boy playing baseball goes after a ball lost in the bush. There, in the thicket, he meets a middle aged man reading a magazine called Evening Calm Battle Line. The boy returns ti the ballgame but he can't stop thinking about the man in the bush.

Nataly Fish

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei!: Magical Girl in Hot Springs Inn

Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei!: Magical Girl in Hot Springs Inn

An OVA released between Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2Wei! and Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2Wei Herz!

Nataly Fish



Line between making cinema and making a film.

Nataly Fish

Parallel Lines: Impossible Artifice

Parallel Lines: Impossible Artifice

Parallel Lines is a conceptual work composed and directed by Charly García, based on discovering what are formed when the two paralell lines come together.

Nataly Fish

Draw a Circle, Walk Its Line

Draw a Circle, Walk Its Line

A man falls into routine and needs to break free.

Nataly Fish

Sky Line

Sky Line

Sky Line is a virtual world presented as an interactive simulation and as a looping video. Modelled on London Underground’s Circle Line, the work is set on a railway that connects twenty independent art galleries located within inaccessible areas across the capital. The physical pavilion where the videos are viewed from is also present in the int..

Nataly Fish

Scenes of Yan'An

Scenes of Yan'An

Filmed around March 1938, under the auspices of the China Wartime Film Research Association, but not publicly screened until 1941. Photographs of the Long March are very rare, as are those of its endpoint in Yan'An, the communist base of Northwest China in Shanxi province. Mao ZeDong may be seen along with other Chinese Communist leaders, including..

Nataly Fish

Za posledney chertoy

Za posledney chertoy

An ex-convict Viktor Dremov, who is also an ex-boxer, tries to mend his ways and start a new life but his former girlfriend is marrying another man (some old antiquarian), while local thugs rob him of his car and press him constantly trying to make him work for them. Being framed and hunted he should kill them all before he becomes a broken or a de..

Nataly Fish

XV L’esprit du rugby

XV L’esprit du rugby

L'Esprit du Rugby vous emmène dans les coulisses du rugby pour vous faire comprendre ce que ce sport représente pour toutes les parties impliquées. Avec pour toile de fond et point d'accès la Coupe du Monde de rugby, le film offre un regard unique sur ce noble sport bâti autour d'une grande famille de personnages : joueurs, coachs, arbitres, s..

Nataly Fish

The Passionate Demons

The Passionate Demons

A youthful drama about a young guy and his struggles with his hatred of his father. Not even a relationship with a good-looking girl seems to cool his emotions.

Nataly Fish

Les Stagiaires

Les Stagiaires

Billy et Nick, deux quarantenaires dont les carrières ont été pulvérisées par Internet, repartent à zéro en obtenant un stage chez Google, qui peut-être, débouchera sur un job. En compétition avec des petits génies de l’informatique tout droit sortis de l’école, ils vont devoir prouver qu’ils ne sont pas des dinosaures…

Nataly Fish

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