
A Musical Journey with CMG: Celebration 100-Day Countdown Beijing 2022
The Jitters

The Jitters

In Chinatown, merciless gang goes on nightly rampages of theft and destruction. Merchant Frank Lee has no way of fighting back - until he's undead, murdered by the gangsters...but he returns to life transformed into a "Kyonshi" - Chinese version of a vampire - and ready to avenge his unjust death in a way that's sure going to give you the Jitters.

Nataly Fish

Le Train mongol

Le Train mongol

En Chine, dans les années 1920, l'Express bleu (le titre original du film) s'apprête à partir avec, à son bord, répartis en trois classes, des voyageurs d'origines sociales diverses et aux intérêts opposés. Retardé à cause d'un diplomate anglais, qui a promis à un général chinois de l'aider dans sa lutte contre les révoltes populaires..

Nataly Fish

The Road to Fame

The Road to Fame

China's top drama academy stages the American musical "Fame," China's first official collaboration with Broadway, as the graduation showcase for its senior class. During the eight-month rehearsal, five students compete for roles, struggle with pressure from family and authority, and prepare to graduate into China's corrupt entertainment industry.

Nataly Fish

Forbidden City: The Great Within

Forbidden City: The Great Within

Amidst the grand walls of the Forbidden City, the film takes us on a deep journey through the ceremonial life of the Chinese emperor, unveiling the secrets and intrigues of concubines, eunuchs, and palace maids. As the West begins to influence China in the late 19th century, the dynamics within the city shift dramatically. The film highlights the p..

Nataly Fish

宋祖英 - 2009魅力·中国鸟巢夏季音乐会


Nataly Fish

La frénésie des collectionneurs chinois

La frénésie des collectionneurs chinois

Ils sont prêts à débourser n'importe quelles sommes pour acquérir un Picasso, un Modigliani, un Van Gogh ou un Monet : les collectionneurs chinois sont omniprésents sur le marché international de l'art et dépensent des fortunes vertigineuses. Si elles laissent une place importante aux oeuvres des grands maîtres occidentaux, les réserves de..

Nataly Fish

The Chinese Are Coming to Town

The Chinese Are Coming to Town

The Chinese global machine has been invited to revitalise the ailing Swedish town of Kalmar. The town's mayor has invited a Chinese company to build a trade centre and 300 homes, but all does not go to plan. An amusing and deeply relevant film, which shows the fault lines that emerge when the tigers of the developing world try to expand into Europe..

Nataly Fish

The Old Man and the Sea

The Old Man and the Sea

Nataly Fish

Chinese Kung Fu Against Godfather

Chinese Kung Fu Against Godfather

Obeying the wishes of his mother, a young sojourner heads out to Amsterdam to work for his cousin. Against his better judgment, he joins his cousin in the drug-trade.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



The soldier's written words breathe life into the desolate and shell-covered Tong-Sha Island, transforming it into a vivid landscape. It's a place where many men seem symbolically bound, unvisited yet too precious to forsake.

Nataly Fish

Qiu Jin, the Revolutionary Heroine
刘德华 Unforgettable 中国巡迴演唱会2011
Top Danger

Top Danger

A truck carried a large amount of gas tanks is being turnover in an accident. The power of 26 tons gas in the truck equals to a small size of atomic bomb, and will be exposed at any time. Lam and Wai are lovers, they are allocated to Government Safety Bureau and Gas Company respectively after graduated from university. When the accident happens, th..

Nataly Fish

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