
La vie secrète d'un nid de tortues marines

La vie secrète d'un nid de tortues marines

Ce documentaire dévoile, pour la première fois, les coulisses d'un nid de tortues marines au moment de la ponte, événement extraordinaire baptisé «arribada» au Costa Rica. Dans le sillage d'une équipe internationale de chercheurs, la réalisatrice Hayley Smith capte les communications des petites tortues à travers leurs coquilles et analys..

Nataly Fish

Bug Bites: An Ant's Life

Bug Bites: An Ant's Life

Thang, Rose and Didi help the young Queen Jo build a new ant hill while avoiding the sinister geckos and keeping Sal Caterpillar out of trouble.

Nataly Fish

Hidden India: Land of Change

Hidden India: Land of Change

Nataly Fish

Erlebnis Erde: Die Elche von Matsalu – Estlands wilde Riesen
Efter levande modell

Efter levande modell

Three young women and four young men are gathered in a hunting lodge on a small island. Two of the men, Paul and Bilbo, write a police drama for a big newspaper. Imprudently, they initially imagined a perfect crime, so perfect that they can not find the solution. And yet they worked "from nature": their novel takes place in a pavilion similar to th..

Nataly Fish

The Animal House

The Animal House

Why do some animals build structures and others don't? And how do animals decide where to build? Animal homes need to be safe and secure, protection from predators and the weather. Going above ground and under, we will investigate just what goes into making a home when you re wild and cost is not a factor.

Nataly Fish

Broken Tail: A Tiger's Last Journey

Broken Tail: A Tiger's Last Journey

One day, Broken Tail, the tiger, simply disappeared. A year later, there's news that Broken Tail was killed by a train, 100 miles away from Ranthambhore. This raised a question, how did Broken Tail travel so far and why did he leave?

Nataly Fish

A Dog's Life

A Dog's Life

A Dog's Life examines how our canine companions perceive the world - from the moment they take their first morning walk to the time they curl up at our feet to go to sleep. We accompany Daisy, a Jack Russell Terrier, through an average day and on the way discover that, while dogs are not miniature humans, they are amazingly well adapted to life wit..

Nataly Fish

South Korea: Earth's Hidden Wilderness

South Korea: Earth's Hidden Wilderness

Once a mountain kingdom of ancient palaces and emperors, Korea in the 21st century is largely known for its modern cities and decades of conflict. Tensions between North and South may be what defines it to outsiders but beyond the battle scars there is another side to Korea. In the south are large pockets of untouched wilderness where extraordinary..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Clever Monkeys

Clever Monkeys

David Attenborough's entertaining romp through the world of monkeys has a serious side: for when we look at monkeys we can see ourselves. From memory to morality, from 'crying wolf' to politics, monkeys are our basic blueprint. Pygmy marmosets 'farm' tree sap; bearded capuchins in Brazil develop a production line for extracting palm nuts; white-fac..

Nataly Fish

Die Doppelnatur

Die Doppelnatur

"Dual Nature" - About a painting that foretells a crime.

Nataly Fish

The Grizzlies of Siberia

The Grizzlies of Siberia

Naturalists Charlie Russell and Maureen Enns film recently discovered grizzlies on Siberia's Kamchatka peninsula.

Nataly Fish

Bears of the Last Frontier

Bears of the Last Frontier

Nature joins adventurer and bear biologist Chris Morgan on a year-long motorcycle odyssey deep into Alaska's bear country to explore the amazing resiliency and adaptability of these majestic animals as they struggle to make a living in five dramatically diverse Alaskan ecosystems: coastal, urban, mountain, tundra, and pack ice.

Nataly Fish

Fabulous Frogs

Fabulous Frogs

Sir David Attenborough takes us on a journey through the weird and wonderful world of frogs, shedding new light on these charismatic, colorful and frequently bizarre little animals through first-hand stories, the latest science, and cutting-edge technology. Frogs from around the world are used to demonstrate the wide variety of frog anatomy, appear..

Nataly Fish

Bare with Me

Bare with Me

A dude peeps at women. The women don't seem to mind.

Nataly Fish

Echo: An Elephant to Remember

Echo: An Elephant to Remember

Echo, the remarkable matriarch of a family of elephants in Kenya's Amboseli National Park, was most studied elephant in the world, the subject of several books and documentaries, including two NATURE films. For nearly four decades, elephant expert Cynthia Moss, and award-winning filmmaker Martyn Colbeck were on hand to record the trials and triumph..

Nataly Fish

Eine Frage des Gewissens: Ingenhoven und grüne Architektur
제주도 풍토기

제주도 풍토기

Nataly Fish

The Himalayas

The Himalayas

The highest mountain range in the world, the Himalayan range is far reaching, spanning thousands of miles, and holds within it an exceptionally diverse ecology. Coniferous and subtropical forests, wetlands, and montane grasslands are as much a part of this world as the inhospitable, frozen mountaintops that tower above. The word Himalaya is Sanskr..

Nataly Fish

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