
Forest of Death

Forest of Death

In a mysterious forest in Thailand, many suicidal youths disappear and rescue teams can not find the way out even with compass. The ambitious reporter May is making sensationalist journalism exploring the deaths in the forest. Her boyfriend and botanist Shun Shu-hoi is developing a means of communication with plants. Meanwhile, Detective C. C. Ha i..

Nataly Fish

Show Me What You Got

Show Me What You Got

Follows three young millennials as they form a wholehearted ménage à trois, each of them going through a moment of transition: Fun-loving Marcello from under the thumb of his Italian soap star father, soulful French-Iranian actor Nassim toward a more fulfilling career, and artist Christine through the grief following the death of her grandfather...

Nataly Fish

Le réveil des dinosaures géants

Le réveil des dinosaures géants

Début 2014, un immense fragment de fémur est retrouvé sur un site argentin. À la suite de cette découverte, les fouilles s’intensifient et les paléontologues mettent au jour deux cents ossements vieux de plus de cent millions d’années. S’ensuit un méticuleux travail de reconstitution de deux ans qui aboutira à l’assemblage du squel..

Nataly Fish



Backpacking alone on the Appalachian trail, a married woman meets a younger hiker and the two strangers become inexplicably drawn to one another.

Nataly Fish

Crocodiles Revealed

Crocodiles Revealed

There’s much more to a crocodile than terrifying jaws and spectacular ambush attacks. As one of the stealthiest predators in the natural world, more than half its life is spent hidden, underwater. We join a dive expedition in the Okavango Delta to discover its true – and unexpected nature.

Nataly Fish

Blaze Starr Goes Nudist

Blaze Starr Goes Nudist

Blaze Starr, playing herself, is tired of performing the duties of a star. At a movie theater, she watches an advertisement for the Sunny Palms Lodge, only 30 miles from where she lives. She joins the place and finally can relax and enjoy nature as a newborn nudist. She drives her agent - who is also her fiancé - to distraction by ignoring schedul..

Nataly Fish

The Finishing Touch

The Finishing Touch

Sam Stone is a cop with personal as well as professional problems. Stone investigates a series of killings in the night club scene. His ex-wife, also a cop, goes undercover to find the killer and Stone is faced with a double problem: keeping her alive and catching the killer before another woman is killed.

Nataly Fish

Killers Within

Killers Within

With her son being held captive by a criminal gang, police-officer Amanda Doyle, together with her ex-husband and three unlikely allies, takes part in a desperate plot to hold a wealthy banker and his family to ransom. But this is no ordinary family.

Nataly Fish

The Gathering Swarms

The Gathering Swarms

A look at some of the planet's great gatherings, creatures that come together in inconceivable numbers - sometimes in millions, billions, and even trillions. Included are bats and bees, locust and ants, monarch butterflies in Mexico, 17-year cicada hatches, grunion in the Sea of Cortez and carp in the Mississippi River, sardine runs off the coast o..

Nataly Fish

This Naked Age

This Naked Age

"This Nude World" is a groundbreaking 1932 "documentary" celebrating the age-old tradition of playing volleyball in you socks... and nothing else. The film purports to pose probing questions about the morality of nudist colonies o cover its actual aim of getting naked people on screen... primarily in long shots. A highlight of the film is the peeks..

Nataly Fish

Turn of the Blade

Turn of the Blade

The niece of a wealthy land developer stalks a married man and may also be trying to kill his actress wife.

Nataly Fish

The Oder-Delta - A Wilderness without Borders

The Oder-Delta - A Wilderness without Borders

A boundless wilderness, a mere flapping of wings away from the white sandy beaches of the famous Baltic bathing resorts on Usedom and Wollin. In this dream-like aquatic world between Germany and Poland, sea eagles breed so close to one another that one could be excused for considering it a colony. The first wolf pack in Mecklenburg Western Pomeran..

Nataly Fish

Nudist Paradise

Nudist Paradise

An American art student in England falls in love with a beautiful Englishwoman. It turns out that she's a nudist, and in spite of his misgivings, he decides to join her at her nudist camp.

Nataly Fish

The Scorpion's Tale

The Scorpion's Tale

The Scorpions belong to the oldest land-based arachnides with over 1800 different species known to exist. Usually, they do not surpass the size of 10cm in length, but exceptions are know, such as the Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator) which can grow up to become over 20cm in size. Scorpions are mostly active at night and hide away during the day..

Nataly Fish

The Beauty of Ugly

The Beauty of Ugly

In the animal world, as in our own, looks aren’t everything. In fact, some of the most aesthetically challenged creatures — from warthogs and proboscis monkeys to bull elephant seals — are also the most fascinating. A stunning variety of these ghastly yet glorious forms are explored in NATURE’s The Beauty of Ugly.

Nataly Fish

Arctique - Une odyssée sous les glaces

Arctique - Une odyssée sous les glaces

Dans le sillage des plongeurs en eau glacée Mario Cyr et Jill Heinerth, ce documentaire nous offre une vue imprenable sur les splendeurs de la banquise et de sa faune. Les deux explorateurs décryptent également les changements à l'œuvre, et la manière dont ils affectent non seulement l'environnement polaire, mais aussi l'ensemble de la planè..

Nataly Fish



This installment of the series produced by the acclaimed Nature team showcases the grandeur of the Emerald Isle. Going beyond the usual travelogue, the film takes viewers to places they've never been before so they can truly appreciate the natural treasures of the country: the lush plant life; the animal families that call the country home, includi..

Nataly Fish

The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth

The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth

Follow the path of the sun on its annual cycle, from the Equator, across the northern hemisphere and into the South. Witness a world bursting with life, as spring and summer follow the passage of the sun. Revealed in all their glory are the natural rhythms of life - the urge to breed, to feed and to raise young - all driven by the sun, the moon and..

Nataly Fish

En Attendant Les Hirondelles

En Attendant Les Hirondelles

Aujourd’hui, en Algérie. Passé et présent s’entrechoquent dans les vies d’un riche promoteur immobilier, d’un neurologue ambitieux rattrapé par son passé, et d’une jeune femme tiraillée entre la voie de la raison et ses sentiments. Trois histoires qui nous plongent dans l'âme humaine de la société arabe contemporaine.

Nataly Fish

Great Natural Wonders of the World

Great Natural Wonders of the World

David Attenborough sets out on a journey across the seven continents in search of the most impressive and inspiring natural wonders of our planet.

Nataly Fish

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