
Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth

Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth

In a South Yorkshire city, Ryan Sinclair, Yasmin Khan and Graham O'Brien are about to have their lives changed forever, as a mysterious woman, unable to remember her own name, falls from the night sky. Can they believe a word she says? And can she help solve the strange events taking place across the city?

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who and the Silurians

Doctor Who and the Silurians

Investigating mysterious power failures and a death at an underground research centre, The Doctor discovers a colony of Silurians - prehistoric, intelligent reptiles who went into hibernation before man evolved. But now they have woken up, and they are prepared to wipe out mankind with a killer plague to get their planet back.

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Claws of Axos

Doctor Who: The Claws of Axos

A group of gold-skinned aliens known as the Axons land on Earth and offer wondrous technology in exchange for fuel. The Doctor, however, isn't fooled, uncovering the Axons' true nature and once again facing his archenemy the Master...

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Green Death

Doctor Who: The Green Death

The Doctor and UNIT investigate a deadly infection lurking underneath the Welsh mining town of Llanfairfach. It's an adventure that will change Jo Grant's life forever...

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks

Doctor Who: Resurrection of the Daleks

Captured in a time corridor, the Doctor and his companions are forced to land on 20th century Earth, diverted by the Doctor's oldest enemy - the Daleks. It is here the true purpose of the time corridor becomes apparent: after ninety years of imprisonment, Davros, the ruthless creator of the Daleks, is to be liberated to assist in the resurrection o..

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon

Doctor Who: The Monster of Peladon

The Doctor returns to Peladon fifty years after his last visit, to find Queen Thalira, daughter of the late King Peladon, on the throne. A tense labour dispute between Pel nobility and miners is worsened when apparitions of their deity Aggedor attack and kill several miners. The Galactic Federation desperately needs trisilicate for its war against ..

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The King's Demons

Doctor Who: The King's Demons

The Doctor and his companions arrive at a medieval joust and are surprised to be greeted warmly by King John, who calls them his demons. But when a young nobleman returns, having just left King John in London, the Doctor realises that this king must be an impostor! Then the Master makes an appearance and the Doctor's worst fears are confirmed...

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who - Night and the Doctor: Bad Night

Doctor Who - Night and the Doctor: Bad Night

When Amy is woken in the middle of the night by the TARDIS telephone, she learns the Doctor carries on a very active social and adventuring life while his companions sleep.

Nataly Fish

L'affaire Kate Willis

L'affaire Kate Willis

Le Dr Willis découvre que la victime grièvement blessée sur sa table d'opération est le même homme qui l'a violée lorsqu'elle a commencé à travailler dans cet hôpital du comté. Elle a le pouvoir de le sauver ou de se venger. Que décidera-t-elle ?

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Foe

Doctor Who: The Ultimate Foe

Charged with genocide by the treacherous Valeyard at his trial, the Doctor receives help from an unlikely source to turn the tide of the High Council's rulings in his favour and reveal the Valeyard as a wrongdoer: the Master. For the Valeyard's own crimes are so atrocious, even the Doctor's archenemy will help him to ensure that the villain won't s..

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber

Doctor Who: The Mind Robber

To escape from the volcanic eruption on Dulkis, the Second Doctor uses an emergency unit. It moves the TARDIS out of normal time and space. The travellers find themselves in an endless void where they are menaced by white robots. Having regained the safety of the TARDIS, they believe they have escaped — until the ship explodes. They find themsel..

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Myth Makers

Doctor Who: The Myth Makers

When the TARDIS arrives on the plains of Asia Minor not far from the besieged city of Troy, the Doctor is hailed by Achilles as the mighty god Zeus and taken to the Greek camp. He meets Agamemnon and Odysseus. Forced to admit he is a mere mortal — albeit a traveller in space and time — he is given two days to devise a scheme to capture Troy. S..

Nataly Fish

The Doctor's Daughter or The Secret and the Lie

The Doctor's Daughter or The Secret and the Lie

Weaving back and forth between two different times, locations and stages of a relationship, The Doctor's Daughter tells a fresh and unconventional love story that avoids clichés or preconceptions. In Trinidad in 1991, friends Nikki and Regan act on a passionate impulse that is both reckless - Regan is engaged to Howard at the time - and meaningful..

Nataly Fish

The Horrible Doctor Bones

The Horrible Doctor Bones

In this hip-hop slanted horror opus, a group of stuggling rap musicians think they've gotten their big break when they're tapped to record with star-making producer Dr. Bones. But the rappers soon learn that Dr. Bones has more than music on his mind; he's using their music to turn listeners into zombies -- and then force his willing slaves to join ..

Nataly Fish

The Crime Doctor's Courage

The Crime Doctor's Courage

A criminal psychiatrist investigates the murder of a two-time widower.

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Curse of Peladon

Doctor Who: The Curse of Peladon

The planet Peladon has applied to join the Galactic Federation, and The Doctor is mistaken for the chairman of the committee sent to assess its application, while Jo is taken for an Earth princess, with the mythical curse of Aggedor apparently striking chancellor Torbis dead, The Doctor must discover who is desperate to stop Peladon joining, but so..

Nataly Fish

Doctor Who: The Great Detective

Doctor Who: The Great Detective

Vastra, Jenny, and Strax try to persuade the grumpy Doctor to engage again.

Nataly Fish

The Doctor and the Woman

The Doctor and the Woman

The mysterious "K" takes a humble job and falls in love with his landlady's daughter, Sidney Page. Sidney discourages her boyish admirer, Joe Drummond, and seeks training as a nurse. Infatuated with the head surgeon, Dr. Max Wilson, she accepts his proposal, which infuriates nurse Carlotta, who also loves Max. Carlotta lures Max to a roadhouse, whe..

Nataly Fish

The Doctors: The Tom Baker Years

The Doctors: The Tom Baker Years

This is the definitive set of interviews with the team of actors who brought the TOM BAKER era of DOCTOR WHO to life! This documentary includes the best in-depth interviews with TOM BAKER (the Fourth Doctor), ELISABETH SLADEN (Sarah Jane), IAN MARTER (Harry), LOUISE JAMESON (Leela), MARY TAMM (Romana) and JOHN LEESON (Voice of K9)!

Nataly Fish

The Doctors: The Sylvester McCoy Years

The Doctors: The Sylvester McCoy Years

This documentary contains the best in-depth interviews with Sylvester McCoy (the Seventh Doctor), Sophie Aldred (Ace), Angela Bruce (Brigadier Bambera), Jessica Martin (Mags), Lisa Bowerman (Bernice Summerfield) and Script Editor Andrew Cartmel ever undertaken! Presented by Robert Dick, “voice of the Daleks” Nicholas Briggs and “Ace” Sophi..

Nataly Fish

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