
An Old Kung Fu Master

An Old Kung Fu Master

A movie starring Simon Yuen Siu-Tin as a Kung Fu master.

Nataly Fish

Cool It, Carol!

Cool It, Carol!

A naive couple leave their small town for success in London's adult entertainment culture.

Nataly Fish

Les léopards de Churchill

Les léopards de Churchill

La mission: Les Britanniques doivent réaliser un plan ourdi par Churchill lui-même de faire sauter un barrage français, en apportant des commandos dirigés par le frère jumeau du commandant allemand.

Nataly Fish

Sukeban mafia: Chijoku

Sukeban mafia: Chijoku

Two tough young street hustlers, Keiko and Kaori, challenge a large organization called the Sukeban Mafia that is involved in drug dealing and prostitution...

Nataly Fish

Currency and Peace

Currency and Peace

Martin is an innocent lad from small-town Mlada Boleslav who comes to big-city Prague, hoping to exchange his krona for deutschemarks so that he can visit Germany. A local spiv named Robert obliges Martin, but at an unfair exchange rate. When Martin finds out he was rooked, he plans revenge on Robert ... but then decides to join Robert's gang inste..

Nataly Fish

Django porte sa croix

Django porte sa croix

A son retour de la guerre civile, Johnny Hamilton est visité dans son sommeil par le fantôme de son père qui lui permet de savoir qu'il a été assassiné et qui lui demande de le venger. Retour dans le ranch familial, Johnny découvre que non seulement son père tué, mais que Gertrude, sa mère, a épousé le frère de son défunt mari Claude...

Nataly Fish

Mad Mad Kung Fu

Mad Mad Kung Fu

This old school martial arts comedy involves the search for the elusive “Bamboo Stick,” an aged kung fu master played by Simon Yuen, who kills a local crime boss’s son after taking the place of the son’s forced bride on the wedding night.

Nataly Fish

Cuba Crossing

Cuba Crossing

Hud est un Américain qui a survécu à l' invasion de la Baie des Cochons et a juré de se venger de Fidel Castro . Plusieurs années plus tard, il obtient sa chance lorsqu'il est engagé par M. Rossellini, qui blâme Castro pour ses pertes lorsque ses entreprises de jeu et il a dû quitter Cuba, et le mystérieux M. Bell, qui finance Hud pour une..

Nataly Fish

Trinity and Sartana Are Coming

Trinity and Sartana Are Coming

Sartana and Trinity set out on a grudging relationship hell bent for gold and comic brawls.

Nataly Fish

Legal Tender

Legal Tender

A beautiful bar owner becomes victimized by a lethal bank fraud plot.

Nataly Fish

Merchants of Venus

Merchants of Venus

A Russian immigrant finds himself in bed with the mob after buying a sexual novelties shop.

Nataly Fish

Sudden Fury

Sudden Fury

Fred is a psychotic entrepreneur who hopes to convince his wife Janet to invest in a shady land deal. The wife refuses, and the couple continue their heated argument while driving through the Ontario backwoods. When their car crashes, Janet is seriously injured, but Fred leaves the scene, hoping that his wife won't last the night.

Nataly Fish

Drunken Master Strikes Back

Drunken Master Strikes Back

Two fools learn kung fu from an old master of iron back style. But after getting a beating from the town's hardman they seek out the service of the drunken master to help improve their kung fu skills.

Nataly Fish

Les minettes en folies

Les minettes en folies

Guests at a clubhouse talk about their erotic experiences.

Nataly Fish

The Rule of Violence

The Rule of Violence

A highschool boy commits suicide after being bullied. 3 years passes, and a girl among the assailants becomes a celebrity. The victim’s elder brother happens to read a internet comment about her, which says she killed his brother. His revenge begins and it’s irreversible. Now you’ll see how a domino of violences ends unpredictably.

Nataly Fish



Jessica Hamilton goes to Venice for a piano competition, but she's running a little late. On arrival in Venice, she finds that she has no room reservation and that she has been taken out of the competition. She is befriended first by Luca Renosto a same-age Venetian boy and secondly, Alvise Contrarini, the director of the competition. The two compe..

Nataly Fish

Privacy Lewdness

Privacy Lewdness

Min-gyu, Soo-yeon, Young-suk, Wisdom, and Cho-hye go to a three-room pension. Solo Cho Hye-man sleeps in the attic room of Fumijin, and the rest of the friends are couples, so they are assigned a good room. Cho-hye, who is full of heartache, suddenly falls asleep in the attic and has a strangely vivid dream. In a dream, she has a hot sex with frien..

Nataly Fish

The Cooking Show

The Cooking Show

The cooking show is as old as television itself. But why do we like watching the making of a meal that most of us will never cook, let alone eat? Dirty Furniture’s jam-packed video essay is a rollercoaster ride through the history of the genre, at once a staple of television viewing and a hotpot of shifting perspectives and sociocultural values.

Nataly Fish

Hard Copy

Hard Copy

Charlotte, a young reporter eager for promotion, is commissioned to write a newspaper article about a wild sex club in London. Overcoming her inhibitions, she joins the scene and finds herself falling for Simon, a charming but manipulative man who seduces her with an ulterior motive.

Nataly Fish

Porn Without Sex

Porn Without Sex

Three not-quite-pornographic vignettes from 1991: Dirty Secrets, Motions to Satisfy, and Invasive Treatments.

Nataly Fish

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