
Alien Nation - Saga

Alien Nation - Saga

A few years from now, Earth will have the first contact with an alien civilization. These aliens, known as Newcomers, slowly begin to be integrated into human society after years of quarantine but are victims of a new type of discrimination. When the first Newcomer police officer, Sam Francisco is assigned his new partner, he is given Matthew Sykes..

Nataly Fish

Death Press II

Death Press II

Second film in the Death Press series by Real Video

Nataly Fish

Death Press

Death Press

First film in the Death Press series

Nataly Fish

TsOKS in Alma-Ata

TsOKS in Alma-Ata

In August 1941, two largest Soviet film studios Mosfilm and Lenfilm were evacuated to Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan. There, together with the newly founded Alma-Ata Film Studio, they were merged into TsOKS (Central United Film Studio), which became the main center of film production in the country until 1944. Now Kazakh film industry veterans who worked at ..

Nataly Fish

The End of the Sting: a Movie Against Aedes Aegypti
Petit Raisin

Petit Raisin

«Un jeune homme qui est tombé amoureux d'une fille au lycée 3 ans plus tôt sans lui dire tente dans une dernière tentative de conclure et de lui avouer ses sentiments lors d'une dernière soirée d'été avant l'université.»

Nataly Fish

Volker Schlöndorff : tambour battant

Volker Schlöndorff : tambour battant

La vie et l'œuvre du brillant cinéaste allemand Volker Schlöndorff, un artiste transfrontalier qui, en quittant l'Allemagne et en faisant du monde entier son lieu de travail, a acquis la perspective objective nécessaire pour dépeindre la société de son pays mieux que quiconque tout en offrant un point de vue unique et original sur l'histoire..

Nataly Fish

376 Days (Nick Cave: Keep it Movin')

376 Days (Nick Cave: Keep it Movin')

Artist Nick Cave prepares for a career-spanning exhibition and a groundbreaking fashion performance celebrating gender identity.

Nataly Fish

The city of tomorrow

The city of tomorrow

Educational film about urban planning.

Nataly Fish

Why Hitler Lost WWII

Why Hitler Lost WWII

Explores the fascinating reasons behing Hitler's demise and delves into several explanations for the failed 1,000-year Reich.

Nataly Fish

Massacre à la Tronçonneuse - Saga

Massacre à la Tronçonneuse - Saga

La saga Massacre à la tronçonneuse est une série de films d'horreur américain composé d'un total de sept films. Le film original, Massacre à la tronçonneuse , réalisé par Tobe Hooper, écrit et produit par Hooper et Kim Henkel , a été diffusé en 1974. Hooper a également dirigé la première suite du film original. Toutefois, les autres..

Nataly Fish

The Donut

The Donut

A donut causes chaos.

Nataly Fish

Studdy's War Cartoons

Studdy's War Cartoons

Animated WWI-era comic highlights from the innovative cartoonist George Studdy, creator of Bonzo the dog.

Nataly Fish

Lolita malgré moi - Saga

Lolita malgré moi - Saga

Raised in African bush country by her zoologist parents, Cady Heron thinks she knows about survival of the fittest. But the law of the jungle takes on a whole new meaning when the home-schooled 15-year-old enters public high school for the first time and encounters psychological warfare and unwritten social rules that teenage girls face today.

Nataly Fish

O Último Cineclube de São Paulo

O Último Cineclube de São Paulo

In the near future, cinema is prohibited and all forms of image circulation must necessarily pass through digital media. Then, a group of young people subvert this system by organizing a film club using old films, but they are soon captured by the police and interrogation begins.

Nataly Fish

Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes

Twenty-eight people offer their motivations for and methods of resisting the war machine with their tax money. This tightly-paced 28-minute film introduces viewers to war tax refusal and redirecting tax dollars to peace, with music by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, Antibalas, Rude Mechanical Orchestra, and First Strike Theatre’s version of “Do..

Nataly Fish



A contemporary review of key moments in the biggest women’s sporting event in the World, both on and off the pitch.

Nataly Fish

Maternity Care - Labor and Delivery

Maternity Care - Labor and Delivery

This film is intended to explain to pregnant women whose babies are soon to be born what to expect from the labor and delivery experience. It addresses how to distinguish false labor from true labor, when to pack a bag for the hospital, what procedures will be carried out to prep the woman for delivery, the types of anesthetic a doctor might order,..

Nataly Fish

Uhri - elokuva metsästä

Uhri - elokuva metsästä

Nataly Fish

Smile, Man!

Smile, Man!

When his mother is widowed, Ole is sent to boarding school. There he soon discovers that other boys have their problems too.

Nataly Fish

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